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APCTP Focus Program: Frontiers of Black Hole Physics
(2010.12.09, APCTP, Korea)
Shinji Mukohyama "Status of Horava-Lifshitz gravity"
PFS science workshop
(2010.12.09 - 2010.12.10, NAOJ)
Masahiro Takada "Cosmology with SuMIRe HSC/PFS surveys"
PFS science workshop
(2010.12.09, NAOJ)
Masayuki Tanaka "Galaxy evolution studies at 0<z<2 with PFS"
Astrophysics lunch seminar
(2010.12.09, Princeton University)
Naoki Yoshida "Formation of primordial stars and blackholes"
2010 Topical Program at NCTS in Taiwan
(2010.12.08 - 2010.12.10, NCTS, Taiwan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Comprehensive Analysis on the Light Higgs Scenario in NUHM"
APCTP Focus Program: Frontiers of Black Hole Physics
(2010.12.07, APCTP, Korea)
Shinji Mukohyama "Cosmology and black holes in ghost condensate"
Theory Seminar at Columbia University
(2010.12.06, Columbia University)
Tsz Yan Lam "Primoridal non-Gaussianity and large-scale structure"
Seminar at Tor Vergata
(2010.12.00, Roma)
Domenico Orlando "Squashed group manifolds in String Theory"
(2010.11.30 - 2010.12.03, INFN -Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Dark Matter wants the Linear Collider"
lecture series at Komaba
(2010.11.30 - 2010.12.01, Komaba campus)
Shigeki Sugimoto "QCD and string theory"
Seminar at the University of Michigan
(2010.11.29, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Cosimo Bambi "Testing Astrophysical Black Holes"
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Special Invited Seminar
(2010.11.29, Livermore, CA, USA)
Mark Vagins "Selective Gadolinium Filtration: History, Status, and Plans"
Seminar at academia sinica
(2010.11.26, Academia Sinica, taiwan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Fate of False Vacuum Revisited"
Tokyo Metropolitan University seminar
(2010.11.26, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Todor Milanov "Simple singularities and representations of affine Lie algebras"
Seminar at SIT
(2010.11.26, Saitama Institute of Technology)
Emir Gumrukcuoglu "Inflation, reheating and fate of flat directions"
IoA Colloquium
(2010.11.25, Mitaka)
Charles Steinhardt "New Puzzles in Supermassive Black Hole Evolution"
ASH: Astronomy of Supernovae and Hypernovae
(2010.11.23 - 2010.11.25, University of Iceland)
Keiichi Maeda "Asymmetry in supernova explosions and their observational diversities"
Seminar at Hongo campus
(2010.11.22, Tokyo)
Shigeki Sugimoto "Mesons as Open Strings"
Workshop on Beyond Standard Models and the Dark Sides of Our Universe
(2010.11.18 - 2010.11.20, Shanghai, China)
Chuan-Ren Chen "Cosmic-ray from decaying dark matte"
Seminar at NCTS
(2010.11.17, NCTS, Taiwan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Fate of False Vacuum Revisited"
Seminar at LSU
(2010.11.15, LSU, Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Cosimo Bambi "Constraining the quadrupole moment of astrophysical black hole candidates through the continuum fitting method"
The 4th Joint ICRR-IPMU Public Lecture
(2010.11.14, University of Tokyo)
Shinji Mukohyama "Universe beyond four dimensions"
Seminar in Relativity at UT Austin
(2010.11.12, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas)
Cosimo Bambi "Constraining the quadrupole moment of black hole candidates through the continuum fitting method"
Cosmology seminar at SFU
(2010.11.09, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
Cosimo Bambi "Accretion process in Kerr space-time with arbitrary value of the spin parameter"
(2010.11.09, KEK)
Shinji Mukohyama "Viability of Horava-Lifshitz theory"
Theory Seminar at UBC
(2010.11.08, UBC, Vancouver, Canada)
Cosimo Bambi "Measuring the spin parameter of astrophysical black hole candidates"
International Workshop on Dark Matter, Dar k Energy and Matter-antimatter Asymmetry
(2010.11.05 - 2010.11.06, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Chuan-Ren Chen "Model Independent Studies of Dark Matter"
The 4th KIAS Workshop "Cosmology and Structure Formation"
(2010.11.03 - 2010.11.06, KIAS, Seoul, Korea)
Masahiro Takada "Subaru Weak Lensing Studies of X-ray Luminous Clusters"
AdS/CM duality and other approaches
(2010.11.01 - 2010.11.05, KITPC, Beijing, China)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Entanglement Entropy and Quantum Quenches in AdS/CFT "
Seminar at TUM
(2010.10.29, TUM)
Fuminobu Takahashi "A theory of extra radiaion in the Universe"
Seminar at Max Planck Institute
(2010.10.28, MPP)
Fuminobu Takahashi "A theory of extra radiation in the Universe"
Lecture series
(2010.10.27 - 2010.10.28, YITP, Kyoto University)
Tadashi Takayanagi "AdS/CFT from condensed matter viewpoints"
New Development of Numerical Simulations in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems:
(2010.10.27 - 2010.10.29, YITP in Kyoto University)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Geometric Calculation of Entanglement Entropy via AdS/CFT"
BOSS Evolution of Massive Galaxies and AGN Workshop
(2010.10.27, IPMU)
Masayuki Tanaka "A new method to identify AGNs"
BOSS Evolution of Massive Galaxies and AGN Workshop
(2010.10.26, IPMU)
Masayuki Tanaka "BOSS spectrophotometry"
Seminar at KITPC
(2010.10.24, Beijing, China)
Kai Wang "Inverse see-saw in supersymmetry"
Seminar at Peking University
(2010.10.23, Beijing, China)
Kai Wang "Inverse see-saw in supersymmetry"
3d mirror symmetry and integrable hierarchies
(2010.10.21 - 2010.10.25, Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics, Hangzhou, China)
Todor Milanov "Fano orbifold lines of type D and integrable hierarchies"
Seminar at KEK
(2010.10.19, KEK)
Johanna Knapp "Global SO(10) F-theory GUTs"
IPMU/Komaba seminar
(2010.10.18, University of Tokyo)
Todor Milanov "Quasi-modular forms and GW theory of elliptic orbifold P^1"
Seminar at Hokkaido U.
(2010.10.15, Sapporo)
Johanna Knapp "Global SO(10) F-theory GUTs"
Autumn Symposium on String/M Theory
(2010.10.14 - 2010.10.17, KIAS Seoul)
Domenico Orlando "What is the next number in the sequence? (or, Sublattice counting and orbifolds)"
Autumn Symposium on String/M Theory
(2010.10.14 - 2010.10.17, KIAS Korea)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Black Holes and Holographic Quantum Quench"
The Observational Pursuit of Dark Energy after Astro2010
(2010.10.07 - 2010.10.08, Caltech)
Masahiro Takada "Cosmology with SuMIRe HSC/PFS"
The Observational Pursuit of Dark Energy after Astro2010
(2010.10.07 - 2010.10.08, Caltech)
Masahiro Takada "panel discussion: Astro2010 and ground-based issues (as a panelist)"
TMT workshop
(2010.10.04 - 2010.10.05, NAOJ)
Keiichi Maeda "Supernova observations with TMT"
TMT workshop
(2010.10.04 - 2010.10.05, NAOJ)
Masaomi Tanaka "Spectropolarimetry of Supernovae: Prospects for TMT"
ALMA-Subaru Workshop 2010
(2010.10.01, NAOJ)
Masayuki Tanaka "Galaxy formation in forming clusters"
Autumn Symposium on String/M Theory
(2010.10.00, KIAS)
Domenico Orlando "What is the next number in the sequence?"
lecture series at Hongo
(2010.10.00 - 2010.11.00, Hongo)
Domenico Orlando "Lectures on the Bethe Ansatz"
COSMO/CosPA 2010
(2010.09.30, University of Tokyo)
Naoki Yoshida "New insights on the nature of dark matter"
COSMO/CosPA 2010
(2010.09.27 - 2010.10.01, Tokyo)
Chuan-Ren Chen "The variant axion models at the LHC"
International Conference Japan-Mexico on Topology and its Applications
(2010.09.27 - 2010.10.01, Colima University, Mexico)
Toshitake Kohno "Quantum representations of mapping class groups"
COSMO/CosPA 2010
(2010.09.27 - 2010.10.01, Tokyo U)
Fuminobu Takahashi "Higgs inflation with a running kinetic term"
(2010.09.27 - 2010.10.01, Tokyo)
Shinji Mukohyama "Cosmological implications of gravity at a Lifshitz point
COSMO/CosPA 2010
(2010.09.27 - 2010.10.01, The University of Tokyo, Hongo)
Emir Gumrukcuoglu "Phenomenological Signature from Anisotropic Inflation"
Workshop on Topologies for Early LHC Searches
(2010.09.22 - 2010.09.25, SLAC )
Mihoko M. Nojiri "Class of Models with Jets+MET, Kinematics, Branches and Interactions "
Seminar at Brookhaven National Lab
(2010.09.20, Brookhaven, NY, USA)
Kai Wang "Explorations of the Top quark forward-backward asymmetry at Tevatron"
SDSS-III collaboration meeting
(2010.09.18, Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Paris)
Masayuki Tanaka "BOSS spectrophotometry"
Seminar at Yale University
(2010.09.16, New Haven, CT, USA)
Kai Wang "Explorations of the Top quark forward-backward asymmetry at Tevatron"
Seminar at Cornell University
(2010.09.15, Ithaca, New York, USA)
Kai Wang "Inverse see-saw in supersymmetry"
Simposium "Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry" at JPS autumn meeting
(2010.09.12, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Shigeki Sugimoto "Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry from String Theory (¸?ÍýÏÀ¤?¤é¤ß¤¿"
JPS fall meeting
(2010.09.11 - 2010.09.14, Kyushu kogyo University)
Fuminobu Takahashi "Dark Matter from Split Seesaw"
Subaru future instrumentation workshop
(2010.09.10, IPMU)
Masayuki Tanaka "From SDSS to PFS &#8211; a statistical study of galaxy evolution"
Subaru Future Instrumentation Workshop
(2010.09.09 - 2010.09.10, IPMU)
Keiichi Maeda "Supernova explosion mechanism probed by late-time NIR spectroscopy with AO"
Aspects of multiple zeta values
(2010.09.06 - 2010.09.10, RIMS, Kyoto University)
Toshitake Kohno "Gauss-Manin connections for the space of conformal blocks"
DENET Dark Energy Summer School
(2010.08.30 - 2010.09.01, Kochi University of Technology)
Masahiro Takada "The impact of massive neutrino on spherical collapse model"
Mirror symmetry and differential equations
(2010.08.24, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Sergey Galkin "(Mirror) modularity of Fano threefolds"
SUSY 2010
(2010.08.23 - 2010.08.28, University of Bonn, Germany)
Won Sang Cho "New Particle Mass Spectrometry at the LHC : M_CT2 for boosted decay systems"
APCTP Focus Program Aspects of Holography and Gauge/string duality
(2010.08.18, APCTP, Pohang, Korea)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Topological Insulators and Superconductors from String Theory"
ESI Programme on AdS Holography and the Quark-Gluon Plasma
(2010.08.17, Erwin Schr??Ódinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics)
Shigeki Sugimoto "Mesons as open strings in holographic QCD"
APCTP Focus Program Aspects of Holography and Gauge/string duality
(2010.08.17, APCTP, Pohang, Korea)
Tadashi Takayanagi " Emergent Horizons on D-branes and Quantum Quench from AdS/CFT "
Internation conference and summer school on LHC physics
(2010.08.16 - 2010.08.25, Tsinghua university)
Jing Shu "New Physics from the 3rd generation?"
Internation conference and summer school on LHC physics
(2010.08.16 - 2010.08.25, Tsinghua university)
Jing Shu "New Physics from the 3rd generation?"
Summer Institute 2010
(2010.08.14, Fuji Yoshida)
Fuminobu Takahashi "Running Kinetic Inflation"
SLAC Summer Institute Invited Lecture
(2010.08.13, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, USA)
Mark Vagins "Atmospheric Neutrinos Part 2:1990 - Present (and Beyond)"
SLAC Summer Institute Invited Lecture
(2010.08.12, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA, USA)
Mark Vagins "Atmospheric Neutrinos Part 1:1930 - 1990"
Seminar at Hirosaki University
(2010.08.10, Hirosaki University)
Masahiro Takada "Subaru Weak Lensing Study of Galaxy Clusters"
Summer Institute 2010 (SI2010)
(2010.08.09 - 2010.08.14, Fuji Yoshida, Japan)
Seong Chan Park "Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter"
2010 Summer Institute
(2010.08.09, Juji-Yoshida ()
Domenico Orlando "Relating Gauge Theories via Gauge/Bethe Correspondence"
Summer Institute 2010
(2010.08.08, Fujiyoshida, Japan)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Introduction to AdS/CMT"
Wakate Summer School
(2010.08.06 - 2010.08.07, Kishimadaira, Nagano-Ken, Japan)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Lectures on AdS/CFT"
ESI Programme on AdS Holography and the Quark-Gluon Plasma
(2010.08.05, Erwin Schr??Ódinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics)
Shigeki Sugimoto "Hadrons in Holographic QCD"
Summer Institute 2010 (Cosmology & Strings)
(2010.08.04 - 2010.08.14, Fuji-Yoshida, Yamanashi)
Cosimo Bambi "Probing the space-time around astrophysical black hole candidates with future VBLI experiments"
Summer School on Astronomy & Astrophysics 2010
(2010.08.03, Toyohashi)
Shinji Mukohyama "String theory and brane inflation"
(2010.08.02 - 2010.08.07)
Satoshi Kondo ""
Summer institute 2010
(2010.08.00, Fuji-Yoshida)
Domenico Orlando "Relating Gauge Theories via Gauge/Bethe Correspondence"
Seminar at Hokkaido University
(2010.07.30, Sapporo)
Daniel Krefl "Instanton counting in Omega background"
Bonji seminar at KMI, Nagoya Univ.
(2010.07.29, Kobayashi Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University)
Shigeki Sugimoto "Mesons as Open Strings"
KMI Seminar at KMI, Nagoya U.
Tadashi Takayanagi ""
High Energy Strong Interactions 2010
(2010.07.27, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Shigeki Sugimoto "Hadrons in Holographic QCD"
Physics of Accreating Compact Binaries
(2010.07.26 - 2010.07.30, Kyoto U.)
Keiichi Maeda "A new insight into type Ia supernova explosions and implications for the progenitor evolution"
Physics of Accreating Compact Binaries
(2010.07.26 - 2010.07.30, Kyoto U. )
Masaomi Tanaka "Super-Chandrasekhar Mass White Dwarf as an Origin of Extremely Luminous Type Ia Supernovae"
What Drives the Growth of Black Holes?
(2010.07.26 - 2010.07.29, Durham, UK)
John Silverman "Co-evolving AGN activity and star formation within the zCOSMOS density field"
YITP seminar
(2010.07.22, YITP, Kyoto University)
Keiichi Maeda "Toward a unified picture of type Ia supernovae"
NAOJ, Theoretical Astrophysics Colloquium
(2010.07.21, NAOJ)
Keiichi Maeda "The explosion mechanism of type Ia supernovae and the origin of their observational diversity"
38th COSPAR Probing the High Redshift Universe
(2010.07.20, Bremen, Germany)
Naoki Yoshida "Star formation in the early universe"
Frontier of Field Theory and Superstring Theory
(2010.07.20 - 2010.07.24, Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Ryoichi Nishio "Transverse Structure of Hadrons in Holographic QCD"
IDEAS2010 Invited Talk
(2010.07.13, Kashiwa, Chiba, JAPAN)
Mark Vagins "GADZOOKS! Supernova Neutrinos Without the Annoying Wait"
Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity
(2010.07.12 - 2010.07.16, Stockholm, Sweden)
Cosimo Bambi "Searching for quantum gravity effects in astrophysical black hole candidates"
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