APEC Seminar (Astronomy - Particle Physics - Experimental Physics - Cosmology)

Speaker: Surhud More (IUCAA)
Title: The galaxy-dark matter connection with HSC survey: centrals, satellites and galaxy assembly bias
Date (JST): Tue, Aug 27, 2024, 11:00 - 12:00
Place: Seminar Room A
Abstract: Galaxies form and evolve within the gravitational potential of dark matter called halos. The stellar mass halo mass relation (SHMR) of galaxies represents the integrated outcome of the star formation and feedback processes that result in the formation and evolution of galaxies, and is therefore one of the key observables that various galaxy formation theories attempt to reproduce. We present the SHMR of central and satellite galaxies with their baryonic properties using imaging data from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey, and how it compares with the existing galaxy formation models. We also present a framework to understand how photometric redshifts for galaxies can systematically affect the weak lensing signal and bias the inference of the SHMR. Finally, we present measurements of the weak lensing signals of galaxies from the DESI one-percent survey and tests models of galaxy assembly bias deduced from the use of galaxy clustering, counts-in-cylinders and the abundance of galaxies.