MS Seminar (Mathematics - String Theory)

Speaker: Yudai Yamamoto (Osaka Univ.)
Title: The space of twisted arc for the group scheme αp
Date (JST): Thu, Nov 07, 2024, 15:30 - 17:00
Place: Balcony A
Abstract: Motivic integration is the useful tool for obtaining invariants of algebraic varieties
by collecting infinitesimal curves called arcs, and This is known to have various ap-
plications. For example, the classes of singularities of an algebraic variety are related
to the convergence of a certain integral. The McKay correspondence via the motivic
integration is the correspondence that a certain motivic integral on a quotient variety
is represented by an integral consisting of information about the group. The McKay
correspondence for the case where the group is a wild finite group was proved by Ya-
suda, and the essential idea of the proof is to consider a variant of arcs called twisted
arcs. In this talk, I will explain an explicit representation of the space of twisted arcs
for the finite group scheme αp. And I will also explain the progress toward the McKay
correspondence for αp by using the explicit representation, especially an attempt to
change twisted arcs to ”ordinary” arcs.