MS Seminar (Mathematics - String Theory)

Speaker: Yutaro Kaijima (Osaka Univ.)
Title: Special resolution appearing in the relation between F-blowups and essential divisors
Date (JST): Thu, Nov 07, 2024, 13:30 - 15:00
Place: Balcony A
Abstract: The F-blowup is a canonical birational transform of a singular variety in positive
characteristic. The essential divisor is a prime divisor which appears on
every resolution. There are several questions regarding the F-blowups. When
does the F-blowup become a (crepant) resolution? If not, do all essential divisors
appear on F-blowup? Recently, several results were obtained on relation
between F-blowups and essential divisor for normal toric varieties. In this talk,
I will talk about a special resolution (moderate toric resolution) which appear
in connection with F-blowups and essential divisors for normal toric varieties
and present conditions for the (non) existence of such resolutions. This talk is
based on joint work with Yudai Yamamoto.