Abstract: |
I will present a modification of twistor string theory which
gives the spectrum of super Yang-Mills theory coupled to Einstein
supergravity instead of the higher derivative conformal supergravity
arising in the original twistor string models of Witten and of
Berkovits. After reviewing elements of twistor theory and of the
world-sheet formulation of the Berkovits model, I will describe the
symmetries of the so-called beta-gamma systems and their gauging. I will
then explain how the analysis can be applied to the construction of a
family of new gauged Berkovits twistor strings which are free from
world-sheet anomalies. The new theories include one with the spectrum
of N=8 supergravity, two theories with the spectrum of N=4 supergravity
coupled to N=4 Yang-Mills, a family of N>0 models with the spectra of
self-dual supergravity coupled to self-dual super-Yang-Mills, and a
non-supersymmetric string with the spectrum of self-dual gravity coupled
to self-dual Yang-Mills and a scalar. Time permitting, I will discuss
what is known about the interactions in the new theories.