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Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the UniverseWPI

Higgs boson mass bounds in the Standard Model with seesaw-induced neutrino masses

Date: May 29, 2008, from 13:30
Place: Seminar Room at Prefab. B, Kashiwa Campus, the University of Tokyo
Speaker: Nobuchika Okada (KEK)
Title: Higgs boson mass bounds in the Standard Model with seesaw-induced neutrino masses
Abstract: In type I and type II seesaw scenarios utilized to explain the observed neutrino masses and mixings, one extends the Standard Model by introducing new fields. New couplings involving the Higgs doublet then appear and, as we show, these have important implications for the Higgs boson mass bounds obtained using vacuum stability and perturbativity arguments.

ref: ``Higgs Mass Bounds, Type II SeeSaw and LHC''
I. Gogoladze, N. Okada and Q. Shafi
e-Print: arXiv:0802.3257 [hep-ph]