IPMU21-0073 |
Vsevolod Ivanov, Sergey Ketov, Ekaterina Pozdeeva, Sergey Vernov, "Analytic extensions of Starobinsky model of inflation", JCAP, |
IPMU21-0072 |
Hiroki Matsui, Shinji Mukohyama, Atsushi Naruko, "DeWitt boundary condition is consistent in Horava-Lifshitz quantum gravity", arXiv:2111.00665 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0071 |
Yuichi Enoki and Taizan Watari, "Direct Computation of Monodromy Matrices and Classification of 4d N=2 Heterotic--IIA Dual Vacua", JHEP TBA, date of acceptance 2022.02.15, arXiv:2111.01575 [hep-th] |
IPMU21-0070 |
Yotaro Sato et.al., "TBA", |
IPMU21-0069 |
H. Miyatake, S. Sugiyama, M. Takada, et al. (HSC collaboration) , "Cosmological inference from emulator based halo model II: Cosmological constraints from galaxy-galaxy weak lensing and galaxy clustering with HSC-Y1 and SDSS data", Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:2111.02419 [astro-ph], https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.02419 |
IPMU21-0068 |
Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, Masroor C. Pookkillath, "Static, spherically symmetric objects in Type-II minimally modified gravity", arXiv:2110.14496 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0067 |
M. M. Ivanov, O. Philcox. , T. Nishimichi, M. Simonovic, M. Takada, M. Zaldarriaga, "Precision analysis of the redshift-space galaxy bispectrum", JCAP, arXiv:2110.10161 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0066 |
Mohammad Ali Gorji, Hayato Motohashi, Shinji Mukohyama, "Inflation with 0 \leq c_s \leq 1", arXiv:2110.10731 [hep-th] |
IPMU21-0065 |
Hassan Firouzjahi, Mohammad Ali Gorji, Shinji Mukohyama, Alireza Talebian, "Dark Matter from Entropy Perturbations in Curved Field Space", arXiv:2110.09538 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0064 |
Misao Sasaki, Volodymyr Takhistov, Valeri Vardanyan, Ying-li Zhang, "Establishing the Non-Primordial Origin of Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers", |
IPMU21-0063 |
Katsuki Aoki, Yusuke Manita, Shinji Mukohyama, "Shift-Symmetric SO(N) Multi-Galileon", arXiv:2110.05510 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0062 |
Mikhail M. Ivanov, Oliver H. E. Philcox, Marko Simonović, Matias Zaldarriaga, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masahiro Takada, "Cosmological constraints without fingers of God", JCAP, arXiv:2110.00006 [astro-ph], https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00006 |
IPMU21-0061 |
Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, Kazufumi Takahashi, "Nonlinear definition of the shadowy mode in higher-order scalar-tensor theories", arXiv:2110.03194 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0060 |
Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, Masroor C. Pookkillath, , "Minimal theory of massive gravity and constraints on the graviton mass", arXiv:2110.01237 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0059 |
Yasuaki Hikida, Tatsuma Nishioka, Tadashi Takayanagi, Yusuke Taki, , "Holography in de Sitter Space via Chern-Simons Gauge Theory", |
IPMU21-0058 |
Yosuke Kobayashi, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masahiro Takada, et al., "Full-shape cosmological analysis of SDSS-III BOSS galaxy power spectrum using emulator-based halo model", Phys. Rev. D, |
IPMU21-0057 |
Motoi Endo, Syuhei Iguro, Satoshi Mishima, "Revisiting rescattering contributions to B_(s)→D^(*)_(s)M decays", |
IPMU21-0056 |
Thomas Siegert, Roland Crocker, Oscar Macias, Fiona Panther, Francesca Calore, Deheng Song, Shunsaku Horiuchi, "Measuring the smearing of the Galactic 511 keV signal: positron propagation or supernova kicks?", MNRAS, arXiv:2109.03691 [astro-ph], //arxiv.org/pdf/2109.03691.pdf |
IPMU21-0055 |
Daniel Harlow and Hirosi Ooguri, "A Euclidean perspective on completeness and weak gravity", PASJ |
IPMU21-0054 |
Kenta Suzuki, Tadashi Takayanagi, "JT Gravity Limit of Liouville CFT and Matrix Model", |
IPMU21-0053 |
Marcos M. Flores, Alexander Kusenko, "Primordial black holes as a dark matter candidate in theories with supersymmetry and inflation", |
IPMU21-0052 |
Cedric Deffayet, Shinji Mukohyama, Alexander Vikman, "Ghosts without runaway", arXiv:2108.06294 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0051 |
T. Otsuka, S. Adachi, M. Hattori, Y. Sakurai, O. Tajima, "Material survey for millimeter-wave absorber using 3-D printed mold", Appl. Opt., arXiv:2105.14237 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0050 |
Sunao Sugiyama, Masahiro Takada, Alexander Kusenko, "Possible evidence of QCD axion stars in HSC and OGLE microlensing events", Phys. Rev. Lett., |
IPMU21-0049 |
Luca Buoninfante, Francesco Di Filippo, Shinji Mukohyama, "On the assumptions leading to the information loss paradox ", arXiv:2107.05662 [hep-th] |
IPMU21-0048 |
Oscar Macias, "CTA Sensitivity to the high-energy tail of the Fermi GeV excess", , //doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0562 |
IPMU21-0047 |
Tomohiro Abe, Motoko Fujiwara, Junji Hisano and Kohei Matsushita, "Gamma-ray line from electroweakly interacting non-abelian spin-1 dark matter", JHEP, |
IPMU21-0046 |
Jibril Ben Achour, Antonio De Felice, Mohammad Ali Gorji, Shinji Mukohyama, Masroor C. Pookkillath, "Disformal map and Petrov classification in modified gravity", arXiv:2107.02386 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0045 |
Katsuki Aoki, Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Namba, "Positivity vs. Lorentz-violation: an explicit example", arXiv:2107.01755 [hep-th] |
IPMU21-0044 |
Granelly A., Moffat K., Petcov S.T., "Aspects of High Scale Leptogenesis with Low-Energy Leptonic CP Violation", |
IPMU21-0043 |
Tatsuma Nishioka, Tadashi Takayanagi, Yusuke Taki, "Topological Pseudo Entropy", |
IPMU21-0042 |
Joshua Eby, Satoshi Shirai, Yevgeny V. Stadnik, Volodymyr Takhistov, "Probing Relativistic Axions from Transient Astrophysical Sources", |
IPMU21-0041 |
Yi-Fu Cai, Jie Jiang, Misao Sasaki, Valeri Vardanyan, Zihan Zhou (alphabetical), "Beating the Lyth bound by parametric resonance during inflation", Phys. Rev. Lett., arXiv:2105.12554 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0040 |
Guadalupe Canas-Herrera, Omar Contigiani, Valeri Vardanyan (alphabetical), "Learning how to surf: Reconstructing the propagation and origin of gravitational waves with Gaussian Processes", Astrophys. J. ApJ 918, 20 (2021), date of acceptance 2021.06.08, arXiv:2105.04262 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0039 |
Daisuke Toyouchi, Kenta Hotokezaka, Masahiro Takada, "Hunting isolated neutron stars with proper motions from wide-area optical surveys", MNRAS, arXiv:2106.04846 [astro-ph], https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.04846.pdf |
IPMU21-0038 |
Marcos Flores, Alexander Kusenko, "Spins of primordial black holes formed in different cosmological scenarios", Phys. Rev. Lett., |
IPMU21-0037 |
Anuj Gautam, Roland Crocker, Lilia Ferrario, Ashley J. Ruiter, Harrison Ploeg, Chris Gordon, Oscar Macias, "Millisecond Pulsars from Accretion Induced Collapse naturally explain the Galactic Center Gamma-ray Excess", Phys. Rev. Lett., arXiv:2106.00222 [astro-ph], //arxiv.org/abs/2106.00222 |
IPMU21-0036 |
Jacob Oost, Shinji Mukohyama, Anzhong Wang, "Spherically symmetric exact vacuum solutions in Einstein-aether theory", arXiv:2106.09044 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0035 |
Ibrahim Akal, Yuya Kusuki, Noburo Shiba, Tadashi Takayanagi, Zixia Wei, "Holographic moving mirrors", |
IPMU21-0034 |
Ryotaro Ishikawa, Sergei V. Ketov, "Exploring the parameter space of modified supergravity for double inflation and primordial black holes", |
IPMU21-0033 |
Ali Mollabashi, Noburo Shiba, Tadashi Takayanagi, Kotaro Tamaoka, Zixia Wei, "Aspects of Pseudo Entropy in Field Theories", |
IPMU21-0032 |
Motoko Fujiwara, , Junji Hisano, , Takashi Toma, "vanishing or non-vanishing raibow? Reduction formulas of electric dipole moment", JHEP, arXiv:2106.03384 [hep-ph] |
IPMU21-0031 |
Masahiro Ibe , Shin Kobayashi, Keiichi Watanabe, "Chiral Composite Asymmetric Dark Matter", |
IPMU21-0030 |
Muping Chen, Graciela B. Gelmini, Volodymyr Takhistov, "Halo-independent analysis in direct dark matter detection through electron scattering", |
IPMU21-0029 |
Volodymyr Takhistov, Philip Lu, Graciela B. Gelmini, Kohei Hayashi, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Alexander Kusenko, "Interstellar Gas Heating by Primordial Black Holes", |
IPMU21-0028 |
Guillem Domenech, Volodymyr Takhistov, Misao Sasaki, "Exploring Evaporating Primordial Black Holes with Gravitational Waves", |
IPMU21-0027 |
Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Teppei Kitahara, "Supersymmetric Interpretation of the Muon g-2 Anomaly", arXiv:2104.03217 [hep-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/2104.03217 |
IPMU21-0026 |
Manimala Chakraborti, , Dipankar Das, , Miguel Levy, , Samadrita Mukherjee, , Ipsita Saha, "Prospects of light charged scalars in a three Higgs doublet model with Z3 symmetry", Phys. Rev. D, |
IPMU21-0025 |
Masahiro Ibe,, Shin Kobayashi, , Yuhei Nakayama,, Satoshi Shirai, "Muon g-2 in Gauge Mediation without SUSY CP Problem", |
IPMU21-0024 |
Sergei V. Ketov, "Multi-field versus single-field in the supergravity models of inflation and primordial black holes", |
IPMU21-0023 |
Yukari Ito, "The McKay correspondence", |
IPMU21-0022 |
Jan Boruch, Pawel Caputa, Dongsheng Ge, Tadashi Takayanagi, "Holographic Path-Integral Optimization", |
IPMU21-0021 |
Katsuki Aoki, Francesco Di Filippo, Shinji Mukohyama, "Non-uniqueness of massless transverse-traceless graviton", arXiv:2103.15044 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0020 |
Manimala Chakraborti, Sven Heinemeyer, Ipsita Saha, "Improved (g-2)_\mu Measurements and Wino/Higgsino Dark Matter", |
IPMU21-0019 |
Satoshi Toki, Masahiro Takada, "Finding gravitational-wave black holes with parallax microlensing", Astrophys. J., |
IPMU21-0018 |
Shota Nakagawa, Fuminobu Takahashi, Masaki Yamada, "TBA", |
IPMU21-0017 |
Masamichi Miyaji, Tadashi Takayanagi, Tomonori Ugajin, "Spectrum of End of the World Branes in Holographic BCFTs", |
IPMU21-0016 |
F. Foster, Y. Kahn, O. Macias, Z. Sun , R. Eatough, V. Kondratiev, W. Peters, C. Weniger, B. Safdi, "Radio Probes of Resonantly Converted Axion Dark Matter", , //baas.aas.org/pub/2021n1i425p01/release/1 |
IPMU21-0015 |
A.Braverman, M.Finkelberg and H.Nakajima, "Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces", arXiv:2007.09799 [math], //arxiv.org/abs/2007.09799 |
IPMU21-0014 |
Sergei Gukov, Po-Shen Hsin, Hiraku Nakajima, Sunghyuk Park, Du Pei and Nikita Sopenko, "Rozansky-Witten geometry of Coulomb branches and logarithmic knot invariants", J. Geom. Phys., arXiv:2005.05347 [hep-th] |
IPMU21-0013 |
Shun-ichi Horigome, Taisuke Katayose, Shigeki Matsumoto and Ipsita Saha, "Leptophilic fermion WIMP ~Role of future lepton colliders~", Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:2102.08645 [hep-ph] |
IPMU21-0012 |
So Chigusa, Koichi Hamaguchi, Takeo Moroi, Atsuya Niki, Kosaku Ono, "Studying squark mass spectrum through gluino decay at 100 TeV future hadron colliders", |
IPMU21-0011 |
Jared Fier, Xiongjun Fang, Bowen Li, Shinji Mukohyama, Anzhong Wang, Tao Zhu, "Gravitational wave cosmology I: high frequency approximation", arXiv:2102.08968 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0010 |
Oscar Macias, Harm van Leijen, Deheng Song, Shin'ichiro Ando, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Roland M. Crocker, "Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to the putative millisecond pulsar population responsible for the Galactic center excess", MNRAS 1450, 27, 2021, date of acceptance 2021.05.21, arXiv:2102.05648 [astro-ph], //arxiv.org/abs/2102.05648 |
IPMU21-0009 |
Novichkov P.P., Penedo J.T, Petcov S.T. , "Fermion Mass Hierarchies, Large Lepton Mixing and Residual Symmetries", |
IPMU21-0008 |
Masahiro Ibe, Shin Kobayashi, Yuhei Nakayama and Satoshi Shirai, "On Stability of Superconducting Current in Cosmic String", |
IPMU21-0007 |
Deheng Song, Oscar Macias, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Roland M. Crocker, David M. Nataf, "Evidence for inverse Compton emission from globular clusters", MNRAS, arXiv:/2102.00061 [astro-ph], //arxiv.org/pdf/2102.00061.pdf |
IPMU21-0006 |
Naritaka Oshita, Niayesh Afshordi, Shinji Mukohyama, , "Lifshitz scaling, ringing black holes, and superradiance", arXiv:2102.01741 [gr-qc] |
IPMU21-0005 |
Victor Munoz, Volodymyr Takhistov, Samuel J. Witte, George M. Fuller, "Exploring the Origin of Supermassive Black Holes with Coherent Neutrino Scattering", |
IPMU21-0004 |
Ranjan Laha, Philip Lu, Volodymyr Takhistov, "Gas Heating from Spinning and Non-Spinning Evaporating Primordial Black Holes", Phys. Lett. B, arXiv:2009.11837 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0003 |
Yutaka Yoshida, "TBD", |
IPMU21-0002 |
Hironao Miyatake, Yosuke Kobayashi, Masahiro Takada, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masato Shirasaki, Sunao Sugiyama, Ryuichi Takahashi, Ken Osato, Surhud More, Youngsoo Park, "Cosmological inference from emulator based halo model I: Validation tests with HSC and SDSS mock catalogs", Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:2101.00113 [astro-ph] |
IPMU21-0001 |
Gregory Gold, David A. McGady, Subodh P. Patil, Valeri Vardanyan (alphabetical), "Backreaction of Schwinger pair creation in massive QED_2", JHEP, arXiv:2012.15824 [hep-th], https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.15824 |
IPMU20-0133 |
Yasunori Lee, Yuji Tachikawa, "Some comments on 6d global gauge anomalies", Prog. Theo. Phys., arXiv:2012.11622 [hep-th] |
IPMU20-0132 |
Shota Nakagawa, Fuminobu Takahashi, Masaki Yamada, "TBA", |
IPMU20-0131 |
Motoko Fujiwara, Junji Hisano, Chihiro Kanai, amd Takashi Toma, "Electric dipole moments in the extended scotogenic models", JHEP, |
IPMU20-0130 |
Fuminobu Takahashi, Wen Yin, "Kilobyte Cosmic Birefringence from ALP Domain Walls", arXiv:2012.11576 [hep-ph] |
IPMU20-0129 |
Volodymyr Takhistov, "Review of Atmospheric Neutrino Results from Super-Kamiokande", |
IPMU20-0128 |
Alina Kochocki, Volodymyr Takhistov, Alexander Kusenko, Nathan Whitehorn, , "Contribution of Secondary Neutrinos from Line-of-sight Cosmic Ray Interactions to the IceCube Diffuse Astrophysical Flux", Astrophys. J., |
IPMU20-0127 |
Keita Kanno and Taizan Watari, "W=0 Complex Structure Moduli Stabilization on CM-type K3 x K3 Orbifolds:--- Arithmetic, Geometry and Particle Physics ---", |
IPMU20-0126 |
Antonio De Felice, Francois Larrouturou, Shinji Mukohyama, Michele Oliosi, "Minimal Theory of Bigravity: construction and cosmology ", arXiv:2012.01073 [gr-qc] |
IPMU20-0125 |
Taisuke Katayose, Shigeki Matsumoto and Satoshi Shirai, "Non-perturbative Effects on Electroweakly Interacting Massive Particles at Hadron Collider", |
IPMU20-0124 |
Robert Hagala, Antonio De Felice, David F. Mota, Shinji Mukohyama, "Nonlinear Dynamics of the Minimal Theory of Massive Gravity ", arXiv:2011.14697 [astro-ph] |
IPMU20-0123 |
Yashar Akrami, Santiago Casas, Senwen Deng, Valeri Vardanyan (alphabetical), "Quintessential alpha-attractor inflation: forecasts for Stage IV galaxy surveys", JCAP JCAP04, 006(2021), date of acceptance 2021.02.19, arXiv:2010.15822 [astro-ph], https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.15822 |
IPMU20-0122 |
Justin C. Feng, Shinji Mukohyama, Sante Carloni, "MEMe model in the Post-Newtonian limit", arXiv:2011.12305 [gr-qc] |
IPMU20-0121 |
Ibrahim Akal, Yuya Kusuki, Noburo Shiba, Tadashi Takayanagi, Zixia Wei, "Entanglement Entropy in Holographic Moving Mirror and Page Curve", |
IPMU20-0120 |
Ali Mollabashi, Noburo Shiba, Tadashi Takayanagi , Kotaro Tamaoka, Zixia Wei, "Pseudo Entropy in Free Quantum Field Theories", |
IPMU20-0119 |
Jan Boruch, Pawel Caputa, Tadashi Takayanagi, "Path-Integral Optimization from Hartle-Hawking Wave Function", |
IPMU20-0118 |
Anirudh Gundhi, Sergei V. Ketov, Christian F. Steinwachs, , "Primordial black hole dark matter in dilaton-extended two-filed Starobinsky inflation", Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:2011.05999 [hep-th] |
IPMU20-0117 |
Nathan Benjamin, Christoph Keller, Hirosi Ooguri, Ida Zadeh, , "On Rational Points in CFT Moduli Spaces", |
IPMU20-0116 |
Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, "Weakening gravity for dark matter in a type-II minimally modified gravity", arXiv:2011.04188 [astro-ph] |
IPMU20-0115 |
Hassan Firouzjahi, Mohammad Ali Gorji, Shinji Mukohyama, Borna Salehian, "Dark photon dark matter from charged inflaton", arXiv:2011.06324 [hep-ph] |
IPMU20-0114 |
Yashar Akrami, Misao Sasaki, Adam Solomon, Valeri Vardanyan (alphabetical), "Multi-field dark energy: cosmic acceleration on a steep potential", Phys. Rev. Lett. 819, 136427 (2021), date of acceptance 2021.06.02, arXiv:2008.13660 [astro-ph], https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269321003671?via%3Dihub |
IPMU20-0113 |
Tadashi Takayanagi, Takahiro Uetoko, "Chern-Simons Gravity Dual of BCFT", |
IPMU20-0112 |
Zhi-Bang Yao, Michele Oliosi, Xian Gao, Shinji Mukohyama, "Minimally modified gravity with an auxiliary constraint: a Hamiltonian construction", arXiv:2011.00805 [gr-qc] |
IPMU20-0111 |
Antonio De Felice, Andreas Doll, Francois Larrouturou, Shinji Mukohyama, "Black holes in a type-II minimally modified gravity ", arXiv:2010.13067 [gr-qc] |
IPMU20-0110 |
Hirotaka Hayashi, Takuya Okuda, Yutaka Yoshida, "ABCD of 't Hooft operators", |
IPMU20-0109 |
Matthew Dodelson, Hirosi Ooguri, "Singularities of thermal correlators at strong coupling", |
IPMU20-0108 |
Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Namba, "Partial UV Completion of P(X) from a Curved Field Space", arXiv:2010.09184 [hep-th] |
IPMU20-0107 |
Simeon Hellerman, Ian Swanson, "Droplet-Edge Operators in Nonrelativistic CFT", |