APEC Seminar (Astronomy - Particle Physics - Experimental Physics - Cosmology)

Speaker: Jie Sheng (TDL Institute)
Title: Quantum Mechanical Test of Small-Scale Gravity via Superconducting Josephson Junctions
Date (JST): Wed, May 29, 2024, 13:30 - 15:00
Place: Seminar Room A
Related File: 3162.pptx
Abstract: Gravity is the weakest of all known fundamental forces and poses some of the most important open questions to modern physics. Firstly, despite the extensive validation of Newton's laws at large scales, measurements of gravity at small scales are still lacking. Additionally, quantum mechanical tests of gravity maight be a crucial step towards the quantization of gravity. In this talk, I will introduce our new mechanism - the use of Josephson junction currents induced by phase differences to test gravity at small scales. This mechanism can also provide the strongest constraints on the fifth force mediated by B-L gauge boson at scales below a millimeter and explore well-motivated dark matter candidate (Feeton) within this range.