MS Seminar (Mathematics - String Theory)

Speaker: Johanna Knapp (Melbourne)
Title: A non-abelian GLSM for cubics
Date (JST): Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 13:30 - 15:00
Place: Seminar Room A
Abstract: Non-abelian GLSMs have proven to be a powerful tool to analyse Calabi-Yaus and their moduli spaces beyond the framework of toric geometry. The physics of these models has interesting connections to mathematics, including non-commutative algebraic geometry, categorical equivalences, homological projective duality etc. In this talk we analyse a particular non-abelian one-parameter GLSM and the associated phases. One phase is a fairly simple complete intersection of cubics in a Z_3-quotient of a toric variety, while the other phase appears to be non-geometric and has some peculiar features like a Coulomb branch at infinite FI-parameter. Using techniques from topological string theory we collect evidence that this phase should be a non-commutative resolution of a singular Calabi-Yau geometry as recently discussed by Katz-Klemm-Schimannek-Sharpe. This is work in progress in collaboration with Joseph McGovern.