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Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Toshio Oshima,
"Finite multiplicity theorems for induction and restriction",
Adv. Math. 248, 921-944 ( 2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.31,
arXiv:1108.03477 [math] IPMU13-0151,
Maeda, K., Nozawa, T., Sahu, D.K., Minowa, Y., Motohara, K., Ueno, I., Folatelli, G., Pyo, T.-S., Kitagawa, Y. Kawabata, K.S., Anupama, G.C., Kozasa, T., Moriya, T.J., Yamanaka, M., Nomoto, K., Bersten, M., Quimby, R., Iye, M.,
"Properties of Newly Formed Dust Grains in Luminous Type IIn Supernova 2010jl",
Astrophys. J. 776, 5 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.30,
arXiv:1308.0406 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0150
Takashi J. Moriya, Keiichi Maeda, Francesco Taddia, Jesper Sollerman, Sergei I. Blinnikov, Elena I. Sorokina,
"An Analytic Bolometric Light Curve Model of Interaction-Powered Supernovae and its Application to Type IIn Supernovae",
MNRAS 435, 1520 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.24,
arXiv:1307.2644 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0141
Liu, Z-W., Pakmor, R., Seitenzahl, I.R., Hillebrandt, W., Kromer, M., Roepke, F.K., Edelmann, P., Taubenberger, S., Maeda, K., Wang, B., Han, Z.W.,
"The Impact of Type Ia Supernova Explosions on Helium Companions in The Chandrasekhar-Mass Explosion Scenario",
Astrophys. J. 774, 37 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.22,
arXiv:1307.5579 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0149
C.M. Carollo et al. incl. J. Silverman,
"The Zurich Environmental Study of Galaxies in Groups along the Cosmic Web. I. Which Environment Affects Galaxy Evolution?",
Astrophys. J. 776, 71(2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.18,
arXiv:1206.5807 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0195,
Toki, H., Suzuki, T., Nomoto, K., Jones, S., Hirschi, R.,
"Detailed beta;-transition rates for URCA nuclear pairs in 8 - 10 solar-mass stars",
PRC 88, 015806(2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.15,
Mulroy, Sarah L., Smith, Graham P., Haines, Chris P., Marrone, Daniel P., Okabe, Nobuhiro, Pereira, Maria J., Egami, Eiichi, Babul, Arif, Finoguenov, Alexis & Martino, Rossella,
"LoCuSS: The Near-Infrared Luminosity and Weak-Lensing Mass Scaling Relation of Galaxy Clusters",
MNRAS 443,3309(2014), date of acceptance 2013.07.07,
Oleg E. Kalashev , Alexander Kusenko , Warren Essey,
"PeV neutrinos from intergalactic interactions of cosmic rays emitted by active galactic nuclei",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 041103 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.03,
arXiv:1303.0300 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0136,
K. Nomoto, C. Kobayashi, N. Tominaga,
"{Nucleosynthesis in Stars and the Chemical Enrichment of Galaxies",
ARAA 51, 457-509(2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.03,
Tsz Yan Lam, Fabian Schmidt, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masahiro Takada, ,
"Modeling the Phase-Space Distribution around Massive Halos",
Phys. Rev. D 88, 023012 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.02,
arXiv:1305.5548 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0105,
Ufuk Aydemir, Djordje Minic, Tatsu Takeuchi,
"The Higgs Mass and the Emergence of New Physics",
Phys. Lett. B 724, 301 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.21,
arXiv:1304.6092 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0052,
Takaki, K., Kawabata, K.S., Yamanaka, M., Maeda, K., Tanaka, M., Akitaya, H., Arai, A., Fukazawa, Y., Itoh, R., Kinugasa, K., Moritani, Y., Ohsugi, T., Sasada, M., Uemura, M., Ueno, I., Ui, T., Urano, T., Yoshida, M., Nomoto, K.,
"A Luminous and Fast-Expanding Type Ib Supernova SN 2012au",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 772, L17 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.21,
arXiv:1306.5490 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0130
Junji Hisano, , Daiki Kobayashi,, Takumi Kuwahara, and, Natsumi Nagata, ,
" Decoupling Can Revive the Minimal Supersymmetric SU(5) Grand Unification",
JHEP 1307, 038 (2013) , date of acceptance 2013.06.19,
arXiv:1304.3651 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0077
T. Abu-Zayyad a, R. Aida b, M. Allen a, R. Anderson a, R. Azuma c, E. Barcikowski a, J.W. Belz a, D.R. Bergman a,, S.A. Blake a, R. Cady a, B.G. Cheon d, J. Chiba e, M. Chikawa f, E.J. Cho d, W.R. Cho g, H. Fujii h, T. Fujii i,⇑,, T. Fukuda c, M. Fu,
"The energy spectrum of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays measured by the Telescope Array FADC fluorescence detectors in monocular mode",
Astropart. Phys. 48 (2013) 16–24, date of acceptance 2013.06.16,
arXiv:1404.5890 [astro-ph] IPMU14-0236,
Junji Hisano,, Daiki Kobayashi,, Yu Muramatsu,, and, Natsumi Nagata, ,
"Renormalization Factors of Dimension-six Proton Decay Operators at Two-loop in the Supersymmetric Standard Models",
Phys. Lett. B B724, 283-287 (2013) , date of acceptance 2013.06.14,
arXiv:1302.2194 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0026
H. Kuncarayakti, M. Doi, G. Aldering, N. Arimoto, K. Maeda, T. Morokuma, R. Pereira, T. Usuda, Y. Hashiba,
"Integral field spectroscopy of supernova explosion sites: constraining mass and metallicity of the progenitors -- II. Type II-P and II-L supernovae",
AJ 146, 31 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.09,
arXiv:1306.2106 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0119,
Andreas P. Braun and Taizan Watari,
"On Singular Fibres in F-theory",
JHEP 1307, 031 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.07,
arXiv:1301.5814 [hep-th] IPMU12-0235
Ito, Hiroko; Aoki, Wako; Beers, Timothy C.; Tominaga, Nozomu; Honda, Satoshi; Carollo, Daniela,
" Chemical Analysis of the Ninth Magnitude Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor Star BD+44°493",
Astrophys. J. 773, 33 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.07,
Shogo Masaki, Chiaki Hikage, Masahiro Takada, David N. Spergel, Naoshi Sugiyama,
"Understanding the nature of luminous red galaxies (LRGs): Connecting LRGs to central and satellite subhalos",
MNRAS 433, 3506 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.04,
arXiv:1211.7077 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0215,
S. Jones., R. Hirschi, K. Nomoto, Fischer, T., Timmes, F. X., Herwig, F.,, Paxton, B., Toki, H., Suzuki, T.,
"Advanced Burning Stages and Fate of 8-10 Msun Stars",
Astrophys. J. 772, 150(2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.04,
arXiv:1306.2030 [astro-ph] IPMU14-0235,
Lauren Pearce , Alexander Kusenko,
"Indirect Detection of Self-Interacting Asymmetric Dark Matter ",
Phys. Rev. D 87, 123531 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.29,
arXiv:1303.7294 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0137,
Y.Watanabe and J.Yokoyama,
"Gravitational modulated reheating and non-Gaussianity in supergravity $R^2$ inflation",
Phys. Rev. D 87, 103524 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.28,
arXiv:1303.5191 [hep-th] IPMU14-0213
Tominaga, Nozomu; Blinnikov, Sergei I.; Nomoto, Ken'ichi,
"Supernova Explosions of Super-asymptotic Giant Branch Stars: Multicolor Light Curves of Electron-capture Supernovae",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 771, L12 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.28,
arXiv:1305.6813 [astro-ph] IPMU14-0228
Masahiro Takada, Wayne Hu,
"Power Spectrum Sample Covariance",
Phys. Rev. D 87, 123504 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.21,
arXiv:1302.6994 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0048,
Antonio De Felice, Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Nonlinear stability of cosmological solutions in massive gravity",
JCAP 05, 035 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.13,
arXiv:1303.4154 [hep-th] IPMU13-0064
Toshiyuki Kobayashi and Yoshiki Oshima,
"Classification of symmetric pairs with discretely decomposable restrictions of (g,K)-modules ",
Crelles Journal in press, date of acceptance 2013.05.12,
arXiv:1202.05743 [math] IPMU13-0094
Louis Funar, Toshitake Kohno,
"On Burau representations at roots of unity",
Geom. Dedicata 2013, date of acceptance 2013.05.08,
arXiv:0907.00568 [math] IPMU10-0008
J. Hisano,, T.Kuwahara,, N.Nagata,
"Grand Unification in High-scale Supersymmetry ",
Phys. Lett. B B723, 324-329 (2013) , date of acceptance 2013.05.07,
arXiv:1304.0343 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0075
M. N. Ishigaki, W. Aoki, and M. Chiba,
"Chemical Abundances of the Milky Way Thick Disk and Stellar Halo. II. Sodium, Iron-peak, and Neutron-capture Elements ",
Astrophys. J. 771, 67(2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.02,
arXiv:1306.0954 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0138,
Toshitake Kohno and Andrei Pajitnov,
"Circle-valued Morse theory for complex hyperplane arrangements",
Forum Math. 2013, date of acceptance 2013.05.01,
arXiv:1101.0437 [math] IPMU11-0022,
Atsushi Nishizawa, Masamune Oguri, Masahiro Takada,
"Baryon acoustic oscillations with the cross-correlation of spectroscopic and photometric samples",
MNRAS 433, 730 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.01,
arXiv:1302.6015 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0050,
H. Kuncarayakti, M. Doi, G. Aldering, N. Arimoto, K. Maeda, T. Morokuma, R. Pereira, T. Usuda, Y. Hashiba,
"Integral field spectroscopy of supernova explosion sites: constraining mass and metallicity of the progenitors - I. Type Ib and Ic supernovae",
AJ 146, 30 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.01,
arXiv:1305.1105 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0085,
J. M. Silverman, P. E. Nugent, A. Gal-Yam, M. Sullivan, D. A. Howell, A. V. Filippenko, I. Arcavi, S. Ben-Ami, J. S. Bloom, S. B. Cenko, Y. Cao, R. Chornock, K. I. Clubb, A. L. Coil, R. J. Foley, M. L. Graham, C. V. Griffith, A. Horesh, M. M. Kasliwal, S.,
"Type Ia Supernovae Strongly Interacting with Their Circumstellar Medium",
ApJS 207, 3 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.26,
N. Okabe,, G. P. Smith, , K. Umetsu, , M. Takada,, T. Futamase,
"LoCuSS: The Mass Density Profile of Massive Galaxy Clusters at z=0.2",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 769, L35 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.25,
arXiv:1302.2728 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0028,
Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Masahiro Takada, Takahiro Nishimichi,
"Perturbation theory for nonlinear halo power spectrum: the renormalized bias and halo bias",
MNRAS 433, 209 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.24,
arXiv:1212.4025 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0229,
Takaya Nozawa & Masataka Fukugita,
"Properties of Dust Grains Probed with Extinction Curves",
Astrophys. J. 770, 27 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.23,
arXiv:1301.4024 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0020
Changzheng Li,, Leonardo C. Mihalcea,
"K-theoretic Gromov-Witten invariants of lines in homogeneous spaces",
Int. Math. Res. Not. in press, date of acceptance 2013.04.17,
arXiv:1206.3593 [math] IPMU12-0126
Kaoru Hagiwara , Satyanarayan , Mukhopadhyay,
"Azimuthal correlation among jets produced in association with a bottom or top quark pair at the LHC",
JHEP 1305, 019 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.16,
arXiv:1302.0960 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0025,
M. Fabbrichesi, S.T. Petcov ,
"Low-scale seesaw and dark matter",
EPJ 74,5(2014) , date of acceptance 2013.04.15,
arXiv:1304.4001 [hep-ex] IPMU14-0075
S. B. Cenko, S. R. Kulkarni, A. Horesh, A. Corsi, D. B. Fox, J. Carpenter, D. A. Frail, P. E. Nugent, D. A. Perley, D. Gruber, A. Gal-Yam, P. J. Groot, G. Hallinan, E. O. Ofek, A. Rau, C. L. MacLeod, A. A. Miller, J. S. Bloom, A. V. Filippenko, M. M. Kasl,
"Discovery of a Cosmological, Relativistic Outburst via its Rapidly Fading Optical Emission",
Astrophys. J. 769, 130 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.15,
Summa, A., Ulyanov, A., Kromer, M., Boyer, S., Roepke, F.K., Sim, S.A., Seitenzahl, I.R., Fink, M., Mannheim, K., Pakmor, R., Ciaraldi-Schoolmann, F., Diehl, R., Maeda, K., Hillebrandt, W. ,
"Gamma-ray diagnostics of Type Ia supernovae: Predictions of observables from three-dimensional modeling",
A&A in press, date of acceptance 2013.04.11,
arXiv:1304.2777 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0080
Kerzendorf, W. E., Yong, D., Schmidt, B. P., Simon, J. D., Jeffery, C. S., , Anderson, J., Podsiadlowski, P., Gal-Yam, A., Silverman, J. M., Filippenko, , A. V., Nomoto, K., Murphy, S. J., Bessell, M. S., Venn, K. A., and Foley, , R. J. 2013, "A High-res,
"A High-resolution Spectroscopic Search for the Remaining Donor for Tycho's Supernova",
Astrophys. J. 774, 99 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.09,
Yuan, F., Kobayashi, C., Schmidt, B. P., Podsiadlowski, P., Sim, S. A., & Scalzo, R. A. ,
"Locations of peculiar supernovae as a diagnostic of their origins",
MNRAS 432, 1680(2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.08,
arXiv:1304.2400 [astro-ph] IPMU14-0183
R. M. Quimby, M. C. Werner, M. Oguri, S. More, A. More, M. Tanaka, K. Nomoto, T. J. Moriya, G. Folatelli, K. Maeda, M. Bersten,
"Extraordinary Magnification of the Ordinary Type Ia Supernova PS1-10afx",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 768, L20, 2013, date of acceptance 2013.04.04,
C. Steinhardt & J. Silverman,
"Quasars with Anomalous Hβ Profiles. I. Demographics",
PASJ 65, 82(2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.03,
arXiv:1109.1554 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0194,
Tanmay Deshpande,
"Modular Categories associated to Unipotent Groups",
Selecta Math. 2013, date of acceptance 2013.03.29,
S.T. Petcov (INFN, Trieste & SISSA, Trieste & Tokyo U., IPMU),
"The Nature of Massive Neutrinos",
Advances in High Energy Physics 2013,35(2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.23,
arXiv:1303.5819 [hep-ex] IPMU14-0076
Kimihiko Nakajima, Masami Ouchi, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Takuya Hashimoto, Yoshiaki Ono, and Janice Lee,
"First Spectroscopic Evidence for High Ionization State and Low Oxygen Abundance in Lya Emitters",
Astrophys. J. 769, 3 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.21,
arXiv:1208.3260 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0166
Ryosuke, S. Asano, Tsutomu, T. Takeuchi, Hiroyuki Hirashita, Takaya Nozawa,
"What determines the grain size distribution in galaxies?",
MNRAS TBD (2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.19,
arXiv:1303.5528 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0066
Crnojevic, D.; Ferguson, A. M. N.; Irwin, M. J.; Bernard, E. J.; Arimoto, N.; Jablonka, P.; Kobayashi, C.,
"The outer halo of the nearest giant elliptical: a VLT/VIMOS survey of the resolved stellar populations in Centaurus A to 85 kpc",
MNRAS 432, 832(2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.19,
arXiv:1303.4736 [astro-ph] IPMU14-0184
K. Fuyuto, J. Hisano, and N. Nagata,
"Neutron Electric Dipole Moment induced by the strangeness revisited",
Phys. Rev. D D87 5, 054018 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.18,
arXiv:1211.5228 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0209
J.Hisano and K. Tsumura,
"The Higgs boson mixes with an SU(2) septet representation",
Phys. Rev. D D 87, 053004 (2013)), date of acceptance 2013.03.12,
arXiv:1301.6455 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0022
Felix Aharonian, Warren Essey, Alexander Kusenko, Anton Prosekin,
"TeV gamma rays from blazars beyond z=1?",
Phys. Rev. D 87, 063002 (2013) , date of acceptance 2013.03.05,
arXiv:1206.6715 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0059,
Gandhi, P., Yamanaka, M., Tanaka, M., Nozawa, T., Kawabata, K. S., Saviane, I., Maeda, K., Moriya, T. J., Hattori, T., Sasada, M., Itoh, R.,
"SN 2009js at the crossroads between normal and subluminous Type IIP supernovae: optical and mid-infrared evolution",
Astrophys. J. 767, 166 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.04,
arXiv:1303.1565 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0063
Shion Chen, Yuki Nakaguchi, Sachio Komamiya,
"Testing Bell's Inequality using Charmonium Decays",
Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 063A01(2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.04,
arXiv:1302.6438 [hep-ph] IPMU13-0074,
Johnson, C. I., Rich, M. R., Kobayashi, C., Kunder, A., Pilachowski, C. A., Koch, A., & de Propris, R. ,
"Metallicity Distribution Functions, Radial Velocities, and α Element Abundances in Three off-AXIS Bulge Fields",
Astrophys. J. 765, 157(2013), date of acceptance 2013.02.15,
arXiv:1302.3679 [astro-ph] IPMU14-0185
Alexander Kusenko , Michael Loewenstein , Tsutomu T. Yanagida ,
"Moduli dark matter and the search for its decay line using Suzaku X-ray telescope ",
Phys. Rev. D 87, 043508 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.02.04,
arXiv:1209.6403 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0180
David Marzocca , S.T. Petcov, Andrea Romanino, M.C. Sevilla,
"Nonzero |U_e3| from Charged Lepton Corrections and the Atmospheric Neutrino Mixing Angle",
JHEP 05,30(2013), date of acceptance 2013.02.01,
arXiv:1302.0423 [hep-ex] IPMU14-0077
Gen Chiaki, Takaya Nozawa, Naoki Yoshida,
"Growth of Dust Grains in a Low-Metallicity Gas and its Effect on the Cloud Fragmentation",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 765, L3(5pp) (2013), date of acceptance 2013.01.26,
arXiv:1301.5756 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0027
Toshiyuki Kobayashi,
" Special functions in minimal representations",
Comtemp. Math. 640, 253-266 (2014), date of acceptance 2013.01.21,
arXiv:1301.05505 [math] IPMU13-0097,
John Alexander Cruz Morales, Sergey Galkin,
"Upper bounds for mutations of potentials",
SIGMA SIGMA 9 (2013), 005, 13 pages, date of acceptance 2013.01.19,
arXiv:1301.4541 [math] IPMU12-0110,
Shinji Mukohyama,
"Nonlinear massive gravity and cosmology",
Int.J.Mod.Phys. D 22 (2013) 1330007, date of acceptance 2013.01.16,
H. Miyatake, A. Nishizawa, M. Takada, R. Mandelbaum, et al. ,
"Subaru weak-lensing measurement of a z = 0.81 cluster discovered by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Survey",
MNRAS 429, 3627 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.01.10,
arXiv:1209.4643 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0176,
A. Gando ,Y. Gando ,H. Hanakago ,H. Ikeda ,K. Inoue ,K. Ishidoshiro ,R. Kato ,M. Koga ,S. Matsuda ,T. Mitsui ,D. Motoki ,T. Nakada ,K. Nakamura ,A. Obata ,A. Oki ,Y. Ono ,M. Otani ,I. Shimizu ,J. Shirai ,A. Suzuki ,Y. Takemoto ,K. Tamae ,K. Ueshima ,H. Wa,
"Limit on Neutrinoless ¦Â¦Â Decay of 136Xe from the First Phase of KamLAND-Zen and Comparison with the Positive Claim in 76Ge",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 062502 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.01.09,
arXiv:1211.3863 [hep-ex] IPMU13-0018,
Janine Fohlmeister, Christopher S. Kochanek, Emilio E. Falco, Joachim Wambsganss, Masamune Oguri, Xinyu Dai,
"A Two-Year Time Delay for the Lensed Quasar SDSS J1029+2623",
Astrophys. J. 764, 186 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.01.07,
arXiv:1207.5776 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0144
Moriya, T. J., Blinnikov, S. I., Tominaga, N., Yoshida, N., Tanaka, M., Maeda, K., and Nomoto, K.,
"Light-curve modelling of superluminous supernova 2006gy: collision between supernova ejecta and a dense circumstellar medium",
MNRAS 428, 1020--1035(2013), date of acceptance 2013.01.01,


D.N. Dinh , S.T. Petcov , N. Sassao, M. Tanaka, M. Yoshimura,
"Observables in Neutrino Mass Spectroscopy Using Atoms",
Phys. Lett. B 719,154(2013), date of acceptance 2012.12.12,
arXiv:1209.4808 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0203
Toru Misawa, Naohisa Inada, Ken Ohsuga, Poshak Gandhi, Rohta Takahashi, Masamune Oguri,
"Spectroscopy along Multiple, Lensed Sight Lines through Outflowing Winds in the Quasar SDSS J1029+2623",
AJ 145, 48 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.12.11,
arXiv:1212.6689 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0003
Mohammad Akhtar, Tom Coates, Sergey Galkin, Alexander Kasprzyk,
"Minkowski Polynomials and Mutations",
SIGMA SIGMA 8 (2012), 094, 707 pages, date of acceptance 2012.12.08,
arXiv:1212.1785 [math] IPMU12-0120,
Malte Schramm and John D. Silverman,
"The Black Hole - Bulge Mass Relation of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Extended Chandra Deep Field - South Survey",
Astrophys. J. tbd, date of acceptance 2012.12.07,
arXiv:1212.2999 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0236,
Chieffi Alessandro, Limongi Marco,
"Pre-supernova Evolution of Rotating Solar Metallicity Stars in the Mass Range 13-120 M ⊙ and their Explosive Yields",
Astrophys. J. 764,21(2013), date of acceptance 2012.12.06,
Igor B. Frenkel, Ivan Chi-Ho Ip,
"Positive representations of split real quantum groups and future perspectives",
Internat. Math. Res. Notices in press, date of acceptance 2012.12.04,
arXiv:1111.1033 [math] IPMU12-0221
Aurora Meroni, S. T. Petcov , Martin Spinrath,
"`A SUSY SU(5)xT' Unified Model of Flavour with large $\theta_{13}$",
Phys. Rev. D D86(2012)113003, date of acceptance 2012.12.03,
arXiv:1205.5241 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0107
Ivan Chi-Ho Ip, Anton M. Zeitlin,
"Supersymmetry and the Modular Double",
Contem. Math. (2014), date of acceptance 2012.12.03,
arXiv:1304.6787 [math] IPMU13-0087,
A. Meroni, S.T. Petcov , F. Simkovic ,
"Multiple CP Non-conserving Mechanisms of \betabeta-Decay and Nuclei with Largely Different Nuclear Matrix Elements",
JHEP 02,27(2013), date of acceptance 2012.12.01,
arXiv:1212.1331 [hep-ex] IPMU14-0078
Shoji Asai, Yuya Azuma, Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto,
"Stau Kinks at the LHC",
JHEP 12 (2011) 041, date of acceptance 2012.11.27,
arXiv:1103.1881 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0033,
Keiichi Maeda,
"Young Supernovae as Experimental Sites to Study Electron Acceleration Mechanism",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 762, L24 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.11.18,
G. W. Gibbons, M. C. Werner,
"On de-Sitter geometry in crater statistics",
MNRAS 429, 1045 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.11.09,
arXiv:1209.0525 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0167,
C. Garcia Cely, A. Ibarra, E. Molinaro, S.T. Petcov,
"Higgs Decays in the Low Scale Type I See-Saw Model",
Phys. Lett. B 718,957(2013), date of acceptance 2012.11.09,
arXiv:1208.3654 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0202
John M. Cornwall , Alexander Kusenko, Lauren Pearce, R. D. Peccei,
"Can supersymmetry breaking lead to electroweak symmetry breaking via formation of scalar bound states?",
Phys. Lett. B 718 (2013) 951, date of acceptance 2012.11.08,
arXiv:1210.6433 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0191,
Toshiyuki Kobayashi,
" F-method for constructing equivariant differential operators",
Comtemp. Math. vol 598, page 141-148, (2013=, date of acceptance 2012.11.06,
arXiv:1212.06862 [math] IPMU13-0092,
Arman Esmaili, Francis Halzen, O. L. G. Peres,
"Constraining Sterile Neutrinos with AMANDA and IceCube Atmospheric Neutrino Data",
JCAP 1211,041(2012), date of acceptance 2012.11.05,
arXiv:1206.6903 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0137,
Ryuichi Takahashi, Masanori Sato, Takahiro Nishimichi, Atsushi Taruya, Masamune Oguri,
"Revising the Halofit Model for the Nonlinear Matter Power Spectrum",
Astrophys. J. 761, 152 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.11.02,
arXiv:1208.2701 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0162
Masamune Oguri, Tim Schrabback, Eric Jullo, Naomi Ota, Christopher S. Kochanek, Xinyu Dai, Eran O. Ofek, Gordon T. Richards, Roger D. Blandford, Emilio E. Falco, Janine Fohlmeister,
"The Hidden Fortress: Structure and substructure of the complex strong lensing cluster SDSS J1029+2623",
MNRAS 429, 482 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.11.02,
arXiv:1209.0458 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0168
Issha Kayo, Masahiro Takada, Bhuvnesh Jain,
"Information content of weak lensing bispectrum: including the non-Gaussian error covariance matrix",
MNRAS 429, 344 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.11.01,
arXiv:1207.6322 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0136,
Keiichi Maeda,
"Probing Shock Breakout and Progenitors of Stripped-Envelope Supernovae through Their Early Radio Emissions",
Astrophys. J. 762, 14 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.10.30,
arXiv:1209.1904 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0173
Nobuta, K. Akiyama, M., Ueda, Y., Watson, M. G., Silverman, J. et al.,
"Black Hole Mass and Eddington Ratio Distribution Functions of X-Ray-selected Broad-line AGNs at z ~ 1.4 in the Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Field",
Astrophys. J. 761, 143, 2012, date of acceptance 2012.10.29,
arXiv:1211.0069 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0005,
Benvenuto, Omar G.; Bersten, Melina C.; Nomoto, Ken'ichi,
"A Binary Progenitor for the Type IIb Supernova 2011dh in M51",
Astrophys. J. 762, 74 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.10.27,
arXiv:1207.5807 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0039
Ivan Chi-Ho Ip,
"Representation of the Quantum Plane, its Quantum Double and Harmonic Analysis on $GL_q^+(2,\R)$",
Selecta Math. in press, date of acceptance 2012.10.25,
arXiv:1108.5365 [math] IPMU12-0192,
Alexander Kusenko,
"Cosmic Connections: from Cosmic Rays to Gamma Rays, Cosmic Backgrounds and Magnetic Fields",
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 28, 1340001 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.10.22,
arXiv:1207.3579 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0060,
Kai Lin, Shinji Mukohyama, Anzhong Wang,
"Solar system tests and interpretation of gauge field and Newtonian prepotential in general covariant Horava-Lifshitz gravity",
Phys. Rev. D 86, 104024 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.10.16,
arXiv:1206.1338 [hep-th] IPMU12-0115
A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama, Norihiro Tanahashi,
"Gravitational wave signal from massive gravity",
CQG 29, 235026 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.10.14,
arXiv:1208.05975 [hep-th] IPMU12-0164
K. Maeda, Y. Terada, D. Kasen, F.K. Roepke, A. Bamba, R. Diehl, K. Nomoto, M. Kromer, I.R. Seitenzahl, H. Yamaguchi, T. Tamagawa, W. Hillebrandt ,
"Prospect of Studying Hard X- and Gamma-Rays from Type Ia Supernovae",
Astrophys. J. 760, 54 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.10.10,
arXiv:1208.2094 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0154
Masato Shirasaki, Naoki Yoshida, Takashi Hamana and Takahiro Nishimichi,
"Probing Primordial Non-Gaussianity with Weak-lensing Minkowski Functionals",
Astrophys. J. 760, 45 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.10.02,
arXiv:1204.4981 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0197
A. Melandri et al. (incl. K. Maeda, K. Nomoto),
"The Optical SN 2012bz Associated with the Long GRB 120422A",
A&A 547, 82 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.09.28,
arXiv:1206.5532 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0157
Perez-Montero, E., Contini, T., Lamareille,...,Silverman, J. et al.,
"The cosmic evolution of oxygen and nitrogen abundances in star-forming galaxies over the past 10 Gyrß",
A&A 549, 25, 2012, date of acceptance 2012.09.28,
arXiv:1210.0334 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0004,
A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Anisotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe from nonlinear massive gravity",
Phys. Lett. B 717, 295 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.09.21,
arXiv:1206.2723 [hep-th] IPMU12-0123
Sharon Rapoport, Stuart A. Sim, Keiichi Maeda, Masaomi Tanaka, Markus Kromer, Brian P. Schmidt, Kenichi Nomoto,
"A theoretical color-velocity correlation for supernovae associated with gamma-ray bursts ",
Astrophys. J. 759, 38 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.09.20,
arXiv:1209.4682 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0177
Antonio de Felice, A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Massive gravity: nonlinear instability of the homogeneous and isotropic universe",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 171101 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.09.19,
arXiv:1206.2080 [hep-th] IPMU12-0118
Joachim Hilgert, Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Jan Moellers,
"Minimal representations via Bessel operators",
JMSJ 66, 349-414, (2014), date of acceptance 2012.09.15,
arXiv:1106.3621 [math] IPMU12-0073,
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