MS Seminar (Mathematics - String Theory)

Speaker: Dongsheng Ge (Osaka Univ.)
Title: Localized RG flows on composite defects and C-theorem
Date (JST): Tue, Oct 08, 2024, 13:30 - 15:00
Place: Seminar Room A
Related File: 3247.pdf
Abstract: We consider a composite defect system where a lower-dimensional defect (sub-defect) is embedded to a higher-dimensional one, and examine renormalization group (RG) flows localized on the defect. A composite defect is constructed in the (3 − ϵ)-dimensional free O(N ) vector model with line and surface interactions by triggering localized RG flows to non-trivial IR fixed points. Focusing on the case where the symmetry group O(N ) is broken to a subgroup O(m) × O(N − m) on the line defect, there is an O(N ) symmetric fixed point for all N , while two additional O(N ) symmetry breaking ones appear for N ≥ 23. We also examine a C-theorem for localized RG flows along the sub-defect and show that the C-theorem holds in our model by perturbative calculations.