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Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the UniverseWPI

IPMU Seminar

Date: August 21, 2008, 13:30 - 15:00
Place: Room 633, 6th floor, Research Centers Building, Kashiwa Campus of the University of Tokyo
Speaker: David M. Goldberg (Drexel University)
Title: Where is the Information in Cluster Lenses? [PDF]
Abstract: Clusters of galaxies are the largest collapsed structures in the universe. Accurate measurement of their masses provide constraints on the total mass in the universe and accurate measurement of their shapes and substructure constrain the growth of structure in the CDM paradigm. Clusters are also unique amongst gravitational lenses in that they produce both weak arclets, as well as multiply imaged dramatic arcs. In the last few years, there have been a number of new techniques synthesizing various components of cluster lensing signals in an attempt to get the most accurate reconstructions possible. In this talk, I will discuss 1) Some of the major observational results over the last few years, including the "direct identification" of dark matter clumps in 1E 0657-56, the bullet cluster, 2) Some of the methods that researchers have used to try to incorporate new signals in lensing analysis (e.g. "Flexion" and "HOLICs") as well as "Strong+Weak" methods to try to synthesize different lensing signals, including a new technique called "Particle- Based Lensing" by my own group, and 3) The title of this talk. I will describe our current work to identify the Fisher Information in various parts of the cluster. I will also discuss how an infor