IPMU14-0211 |
Miho N. Ishigaki, Nozomu Tominaga, Chiaki Kobayashi and Ken'ichi Nomoto, , "Faint Population III supernovae as the origin of the most iron-poor stars", Astrophys. J. Lett., arXiv:1404.04817 [astro-ph], http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014arXiv1404.4817I |
IPMU14-0210 |
Kalliopi Petraki , Lauren Pearce , Alexander Kusenko , "Self-interacting asymmetric dark matter coupled to a light massive dark photon", JCAP 07, 039 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.06.25, arXiv:1403.1077 [hep-ph], http://inspirehep.net/record/1283718?ln=en |
IPMU14-0209 |
R. Itoh, T. Higuchi et al., "Data Flow and High Level Trigger of Belle II DAQ System", IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. |
IPMU14-0208 |
B. R. Ko et al. (Belle Collaboration), "Observation of D0-D0bar mixing in e+e- collisions", Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 111801 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.17, |
IPMU14-0207 |
J. Dalseno et al. (Belle Collaboration), "Measurement of the CP violation parameters in B0 -> pi+pi- decays", Phys. Rev. D PRD 88, 092003 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.11.13, |
IPMU14-0206 |
Bersten, Melina C.; Benvenuto, Omar; Nomoto, Ken'ichi, " Early Emission of Core-Collapse Supernovae", |
IPMU14-0205 |
Bersten, Melina C.; Benvenuto, Omar G.; Folatelli, Gaston; Nomoto, Ken'ichi; Kuncarayakti, Hanindyo; Srivastav, Shubham; Anupama, G. C.; Quimby, Robert; Sahu, Devendra K., " iPTF 13bvn: The First Evidence of a Binary Progenitor for a Type Ib Supernova", AJ 2014, date of acceptance 2014.07.26, arXiv:1403.07288 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0204 |
Ergon, M.; Sollerman, J.; Fraser, M.; Pastorello, A.; Taubenberger, S.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Bersten, M.; Jerkstrand, A.; Benetti, S.; Botticella, M. T.; and 19 coauthors, " Optical and near-infrared observations of SN 2011dh - The first 100 days", A&A 562, A17 (2014), date of acceptance 2013.10.13, |
IPMU14-0203 |
Bufano, F.; Pignata, G.; Bersten, M.; Mazzali, P. A.; Ryder, S. D.; Margutti, R.; Milisavljevic, D.; Morelli, L.; Benetti, S.; Cappellaro, E.; and 26 coauthors, "SN 2011hs: a fast and faint Type IIb supernova from a supergiant progenitor", MNRAS 439, 1807 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.02.06, |
IPMU14-0202 |
Iair Arcavi, Avishay Gal-Yam, Mark Sullivan, Yen-Chen Pan, S. Bradley Cenko, Eran O. Ofek, Annalisa De Cia, Lin Yan, Chen-Wei Yang, D. A. Howell, David Tal, Shrinivas R. Kulkarni, Shriharsh P. Tendulkar, Sumin Tang, Dong Xu, Assaf Sternberg, Judith G. Coh, "A Continuum of H- to He-Rich Tidal Disruption Candidates With a Preference for E+A Galaxies", Astrophys. J., arXiv:1405.1415 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0201 |
E. O. Ofek, I. Arcavi, D. Tal, M. Sullivan, A. Gal-Yam, S. R. Kulkarni, P. E. Nugent, S. Ben-Ami, D. Bersier, Y. Cao, S. B. Cenko, A. De Cia, A. V. Filippenko, C. Fransson, M. M. Kasliwal, R. Laher, J. Surace, R. Quimby, O. Yaron, "Interaction-powered Supernovae: Rise-time versus Peak-luminosity Correlation and the Shock-breakout Velocity", Astrophys. J. 788, 154 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.04.15, |
IPMU14-0200 |
R. M. Quimby, M. Oguri, A. More, S. More, T. J. Moriya, M. C. Werner, M. Tanaka, G. Folatelli, M. C. Bersten, K. Maeda, K. Nomoto, "Detection of the Gravitational Lens Magnifying a Type Ia Supernova", Science 344, 396 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.04.02, |
IPMU14-0199 |
S. Ben-Ami, A. Gal-P. A. Mazzali, O. Gnat, M. Modjaz, I. Rabinak, M. Sullivan, L. Bildsten, D. Poznanski, O. Yaron, I. Arcavi, J. S. Bloom, A. Horesh, M. M. Kasliwal, S. R. Kulkarni, P. E. Nugent, E. O. Ofek, D. Perley, R. Quimby, D. Xu, "SN 2010mb: Direct Evidence for a Supernova Interacting with a Large Amount of Hydrogen-free Circumstellar Material", Astrophys. J. 785, 37 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.02.16, |
IPMU14-0198 |
A. Horesh, C. Stockdale, D. B. Fox, D. A. Frail, J. S. R. E. O. Ofek, A. Gal-Yam, M. M. Kasliwal, I. Arcavi, R. Quimby, S. Bradley Cenko, P. E. Nugent, J. S. Bloom, N. M. Law, D. Poznanski, E. Gorbikov, D. Polishook, O. Yaron, S. Ryder, K. W. Weiler, F. B, "An early and comprehensive millimetre and centimetre wave and X-ray study of SN 2011dh: a non-equipartition blast wave expanding into a massive stellar wind", MNRAS 436, 1258 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.08.30, |
IPMU14-0197 |
J. M. Silverman, P. E. Nugent, A. Gal-Yam, M. Sullivan, D. A. Howell, A. V. Filippenko, I. Arcavi, S. Ben-Ami, J. S. Bloom, S. B. Cenko, Y. Cao, R. Chornock, K. I. Clubb, A. L. Coil, R. J. Foley, M. L. Graham, C. V. Griffith, A. Horesh, M. M. Kasliwal, S., "Type Ia Supernovae Strongly Interacting with Their Circumstellar Medium", ApJS 207, 3 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.26, |
IPMU14-0196 |
S. B. Cenko, S. R. Kulkarni, A. Horesh, A. Corsi, D. B. Fox, J. Carpenter, D. A. Frail, P. E. Nugent, D. A. Perley, D. Gruber, A. Gal-Yam, P. J. Groot, G. Hallinan, E. O. Ofek, A. Rau, C. L. MacLeod, A. A. Miller, J. S. Bloom, A. V. Filippenko, M. M. Kasl, "Discovery of a Cosmological, Relativistic Outburst via its Rapidly Fading Optical Emission", Astrophys. J. 769, 130 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.15, |
IPMU14-0195 |
R. M. Quimby, M. C. Werner, M. Oguri, S. More, A. More, M. Tanaka, K. Nomoto, T. J. Moriya, G. Folatelli, K. Maeda, M. Bersten, "Extraordinary Magnification of the Ordinary Type Ia Supernova PS1-10afx", Astrophys. J. Lett. 768, L20, 2013, date of acceptance 2013.04.04, |
IPMU14-0194 |
Anderson et al. (incl. Folatelli), "Characterizing the V-band Light-curves of Hydrogen-rich Type II Supernovae", Astrophys. J. 786, 67(2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.25, |
IPMU14-0193 |
Gutierrez et al. (incl. Folatelli), "Hα Spectral Diversity of Type II Supernovae: Correlations with Photometric Properties", Astrophys. J. Lett. 786, L15(2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.24, |
IPMU14-0192 |
Dessart et al. (incl. Folatelli), "Type II Plateau supernovae as metallicity probes of the Universe", MNRAS 440, 1856(2014), date of acceptance 2014.02.27, |
IPMU14-0191 |
Anderson et al. (incl. Folatelli), "Analysis of blueshifted emission peaks in Type II supernovae", MNRAS 441, 671(2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.26, |
IPMU14-0190 |
Burns et al. (incl. Folatelli), "The Carnegie Supernova Project: Intrinsic Colors of Type Ia Supernovae", Astrophys. J. 789, 32(2014), date of acceptance 2014.05.13, |
IPMU14-0189 |
Cartier et al. (incl. Folatelli), "Persistent C II Absorption in the Normal Type Ia Supernova 2002fk", Astrophys. J. 789, 89(2014), date of acceptance 2014.05.20, arXiv:1312.3342 [astro-ph], |
IPMU14-0188 |
Folatelli et al. (incl. Bersten, Nomoto), "Supernova 2010as: the Lowest-Velocity Member of a Family of Flat-Velocity Type IIb Supernovae", Astrophys. J. 791, ??(2014), date of acceptance 2014.07.04, |
IPMU14-0187 |
Yu Nakayama and Tomoki Ohtsuki, "Bootstrapping phase transitions in QCD and frustrated spin systems", |
IPMU14-0186 |
Sho Iwamoto, Tsutomu Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki, "CP-safe Gravity Mediation and Muon g-2", |
IPMU14-0185 |
Johnson, C. I., Rich, M. R., Kobayashi, C., Kunder, A., Pilachowski, C. A., Koch, A., & de Propris, R. , "Metallicity Distribution Functions, Radial Velocities, and α Element Abundances in Three off-AXIS Bulge Fields", Astrophys. J. 765, 157(2013), date of acceptance 2013.02.15, arXiv:1302.3679 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0184 |
Crnojevic, D.; Ferguson, A. M. N.; Irwin, M. J.; Bernard, E. J.; Arimoto, N.; Jablonka, P.; Kobayashi, C., "The outer halo of the nearest giant elliptical: a VLT/VIMOS survey of the resolved stellar populations in Centaurus A to 85 kpc", MNRAS 432, 832(2013), date of acceptance 2013.03.19, arXiv:1303.4736 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0183 |
Yuan, F., Kobayashi, C., Schmidt, B. P., Podsiadlowski, P., Sim, S. A., & Scalzo, R. A. , "Locations of peculiar supernovae as a diagnostic of their origins", MNRAS 432, 1680(2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.08, arXiv:1304.2400 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0182 |
Chiaki Kobayashi, Miho N. Ishigaki, Nozomu Tominaga, Ken'ichi Nomoto, "The origin of low [alpha/Fe] ratios in extremely metal-poor stars", Astrophys. J. Lett. 5, L5(2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.07, arXiv:1403.1796 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0181 |
Jonsson, H., Ryde, N., Harper, G. M., Cunha, K., Schultheis, M., Eriksson, K., Kobayashi, C., Smith, V. V., & Zoccali, M., "The Chemical Evolution of Fluorine in the Bulge - High-resolution K-band spectra of giants in three fields", A & A 564, 122(2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.11, |
IPMU14-0180 |
Philip Taylor, Chiaki Kobayashi, "Seeding Black Holes in Cosmological Simulations", MNRAS 442, 2751(2014), date of acceptance 2014.05.16, arXiv:1404.4817 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0179 |
Christian I. Johnson, R. Michael Rich, Chiaki Kobayashi, Andrea Kunder, Andreas Koch, "Light, Alpha, and Fe-Peak Element Abundances in the Galactic Bulge", Astrophys. J. in press(2014), date of acceptance 2014.07.09, arXiv:1407.2282 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0178 |
Yuji Tachikawa, "2d triality from 4d duality", |
IPMU14-0177 |
Masahiro Takada, "Statistical challenges in weak lensing cosmology ", , http://arxiv.org/abs/1407.3330 |
IPMU14-0176 |
Roland Diehl, Thomas Siegert, Wolfgang Hillebrandt, Sergei A. Grebenev, Jochen Greiner, Martin Krause, Markus Kromer, Keiichi Maeda, Friedrich Roepke, and Stefan Taubenberger, , "Early 56Ni decay gamma-rays from SN2014J suggest an unusual explosion", |
IPMU14-0175 |
Couch, Sean M.; Ott, Christian D., " Revival of the Stalled Core-collapse Supernova Shock Triggered by Precollapse Asphericity in the Progenitor Star", Astrophys. J. Lett. 778, L17 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.10.16, arXiv:1309.2632 [astro-ph], http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2041-8205/778/1/L7 |
IPMU14-0174 |
Abdikamalov, Ernazar; Gossan, Sarah; DeMaio, Alexandra M.; Ott, Christian D., "Measuring the Angular Momentum Distribution in Core-Collapse Supernova Progenitors with Gravitational Waves", Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:1311.3678 [astro-ph], http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013arXiv1311.3678A |
IPMU14-0173 |
Mösta, Philipp; Richers, Sherwood; Ott, Christian D.; Haas, Roland; Piro, Anthony L.; Boydstun, Kristen; Abdikamalov, Ernazar; Reisswig, Christian; Schnetter, Erik, "Magnetorotational Core-collapse Supernovae in Three Dimensions", Astrophys. J. Lett. 785, L29 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.24, arXiv:1403.1230 [astro-ph], http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/2041-8205/785/2/L29 |
IPMU14-0172 |
Engels, William J.; Frey, Raymond; Ott, Christian D., "Multivariate Regression Analysis of Gravitational Waves from Rotating Core Collapse", Phys. Rev. D., arXiv:1406.1164 [gr-qc], http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014arXiv1406.1164E |
IPMU14-0171 |
Clausen, Drew; Piro, Anthony L.; Ott, Christian D., "The Black Hole Formation Probability", Astrophys. J., arXiv:1406.4869 [astro-ph], http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014arXiv1406.4869C |
IPMU14-0170 |
Kaplan, J. D.; Ott, C. D.; O'Connor, E. P.; Kiuchi, K.; Roberts, L.; Duez, M., " The Influence of Thermal Pressure on Equilibrium Models of Hypermassive Neutron Star Merger Remnants", Astrophys. J. 790, 19 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.06.01, arXiv:1306.4034 [astro-ph], http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/790/1/19 |
IPMU14-0169 |
Anatoly Konechny,, Cornelius Schmidt-Colinet, "Entropy of conformal perturbation defects", |
IPMU14-0168 |
Stritzinger, M.D., et al. (incl. K. Maeda, G. Folatelli), "Optical and Near-IR Observations of the Faint and Fast 2008ha-like Supernova 2010ae", A&A 561, A146 (2014), date of acceptance 2013.11.18, arXiv:1311.4525 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0167 |
Cano, Z., Maeda, K., Schulze, S., "Type Ib SN 1999dn as an example of the thoroughly mixed ejecta of Ib supernovae", MNRAS 438, 2924 (2014), date of acceptance 2013.12.07, arXiv:1312.2911 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0166 |
Milisavljevic, D., et al. (incl. K. Maeda), "Interaction between the Broad-Lined Type Ic Supernova 2012ap And Carriers of Diffuse Interstellar Bands", Astrophys. J. Lett. 782, L5 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.01.03, arXiv:1401.2991 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0165 |
Moriya, T.J., Maeda, K., Taddia, F., Sollerman, J., Blinnikov, S.I., Sorokina, E.I., "Mass-loss Histories of Type IIn Supernova Progenitors within Decades before Their Explosion", MNRAS 439, 2917 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.01.17, arXiv:1401.4893 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0164 |
Nozawa, T., Yoon, S.-C., Maeda, K., Kozasa, T., Nomoto, K., Langer, N., "Dust Production Factories in The Early Universe: Formation of Carbon Grains in Red-Supergiant Winds of Very Massive Population III Stars", Astrophys. J. Lett. 787, L17 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.04.19, arXiv:1404.5391 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0163 |
Takashi Moriya, Keiichi Maeda, "Constraining Physical Properties of Type IIn Supernovae through Rise Times and Peak Luminosities", Astrophys. J. Lett. in press., date of acceptance 2014.06.29, arXiv:1406.7783 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0162 |
Maeda, K., Katsuda, S., Bambda, A., Terada, Y, Fukazawa, Y., "Long-Lasting X-Ray Emission from Type IIb Supernova 2011dh and Mass-Loss History of The Yellow Supergiant Progenitor", Astrophys. J. 785, 95 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.02.28, arXiv:1403.2455 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0161 |
Surhud More, Hironao Miyatake, Rachel Mandelbaum, Masahiro Takada, David Spergel, Joel Brownstein, Donald P. Schneider, "The Weak Lensing Signal and the Clustering of BOSS Galaxies. II. Astrophysical and Cosmological Constraints", Astrophys. J. 806, 2 (2015), date of acceptance 2015.03.17, arXiv:1407.1856 [astro-ph], http://arxiv.org/pdf/1407.1856 |
IPMU14-0160 |
Masahiro Ibe, Kunio Kaneta, "Neutrino absorption line by the cosmic neutrino background at IceCube", |
IPMU14-0159 |
Mulroy, Sarah L., Smith, Graham P., Haines, Chris P., Marrone, Daniel P., Okabe, Nobuhiro, Pereira, Maria J., Egami, Eiichi, Babul, Arif, Finoguenov, Alexis & Martino, Rossella, "LoCuSS: The Near-Infrared Luminosity and Weak-Lensing Mass Scaling Relation of Galaxy Clusters", MNRAS 443,3309(2014), date of acceptance 2013.07.07, , http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?arXiv:1407.1767 |
IPMU14-0158 |
Ayuki Kamada , Masaki Yamada, "Gravitational waves as a probe of SUSY scale", |
IPMU14-0157 |
Till Bargheer, Yu-tin Huang, Florian Loebbert, Masahito Yamazaki, "Integrable Amplitude Deformations for N = 4 Super Yang–Mills and ABJM Theory", |
IPMU14-0156 |
Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Ibe, Kai Schmitz, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "The Dynamical Origin of the Inflaton Potential in Chaotic Inflation", |
IPMU14-0155 |
Shigeki Matsumoto, Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay, Yue-Lin Sming Tsai, "Singlet Majorana fermion dark matter: a comprehensive analysis in effective field theory", JHEP 10(2014)155, date of acceptance 2014.10.02, arXiv:1407.1859 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0154 |
Keisuke Harigaya,, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Pure Gravity Mediation and Chaotic Inflation in Supergravity", |
IPMU14-0153 |
T. I. Banks, et al, "A compact ultra-clean system for deploying radioactive sources inside the KamLAND detector", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, arXiv:1407.0413 [nucl-ex], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1407.0413 |
IPMU14-0152 |
Yin Li, Wayne Hu, Masahiro Takada, "Super-Sample Signal", Phys. Rev. D 90, 103530 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.11.08, arXiv:1408.1081 [astro-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/1408.1081 |
IPMU14-0151 |
Tomohiro Fujita, "Probing Beyond Standard Model via Hawking Radiated Gravitational Waves", |
IPMU14-0150 |
W. Buchmuller, V. Domcke, K. Schmitz, "Chaotic Inflation during False Vacuum Decay", |
IPMU14-0149 |
Gokce Basar, Aleksey Cherman, David A. McGady, Masahito Yamazaki, "T-reflection", TBA, arXiv:1406.6329 [hep-th] |
IPMU14-0148 |
Toshiyuki Kobayashi, "Shintani functions, real spherical manifolds, and symmetry breaking operators", Progr. Math. in press, date of acceptance 2014.04.02, arXiv:1401.0117. [math], http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~toshi/pub/tk2013q.html |
IPMU14-0147 |
Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Toshihisa Kubo, Michael Pevzner, " Vector-valued covariant differential operators for the Mobius transformation", Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 111, 67-86 (2015), date of acceptance 2014.09.14, arXiv:1406.0674 [math], PDF, http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~toshi/pub/tk2014c.html |
IPMU14-0146 |
Toshiyuki Kobayashi, "From “ Local ” to “ Global ” ̶ Beyond the Riemannian Geometry ̶", , PDF, http://www.ipmu.jp/webfm_send/956 |
IPMU14-0145 |
Toshiyuki Kobayashi, " Analysis on real spherical manifolds and their applications to Shintani functions and symmetry breaking operators", , http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~toshi/pub/tk2014a.html |
IPMU14-0144 |
Anatol N. Kirillov and Reiho Sakamoto, "Some Remarks On Nepomechie-Wang Eigenstates For Spin 1/2 XXX Model", MMJ, arXiv:1406.1958 [math-ph], |
IPMU14-0143 |
Harvey S. Reall, Norihiro Tanahashi, Benson Way, "Causality and Hyperbolicity of Lovelock Theories", Class. Quant. Phys., arXiv:1406.3379 [hep-th] |
IPMU14-0142 |
Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Kinetic Term Anarchy for Polynomial Chaotic Inflation", |
IPMU14-0141 |
Nobuhiro Okabe,K. Umetsu, T. Tamura, Y. Fujita,M. Takizawa, Y. -Y. Zhang, K. Matsushita, T. Hamana, Y. Fukazawa, T. Futamase, M. Kawaharada, S., Miyazaki, Y. Mochizuki, K. Nakazawa, T. Ohashi, N. Ota, T. Sasaki, K., Sato, and S. I. Tam 1, "Universal Proles of the Intracluster Medium from Suzaku X-Ray and Subaru Weak Lensing Obesrvations", PASJ xxx, date of acceptance 2014.07.27, |
IPMU14-0140 |
Yukiko Mochizuki, Kyoko Matsushita, Kosuke Sato, Kazuya Ichikawa,, Nobuhiro Okabe, Toru Sasaki, Andy C. Fabian, Stephen Walker,, Yutaka Fujita, Yasushi Fukazawa, Madoka Kawaharada, Yuichi Kato,, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, Takaya Ohashi, Naomi Ota, Thomas H. Reipr, "Entropy and pressure proles of Abell 478 cluster out to the virial radius with Suzaku", Astrophys. J., |
IPMU14-0139 |
P. Merluzzi, G. Busarello, C. P. Haines, A. Mercurio, N. Okabe, K. J. Pimbblet,, M. A. Dopita, A. Grado1, L. Limatola, H. Bourdin, P. Mazzotta ,, M. Capaccioli, N. R. Napolitano, P. Schipani, "Shapley Supercluster Survey (ShaSS): Galaxy Evolution from Filaments to Cluster Cores", MNRAS, arXiv:1407.4628 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0138 |
Rawle, T. D., Altieri, B., Egami, E., Perez-Gonzalez, P. G., Richard, J., Santos, J. S., Valtchanov, I., Walth, G., Bouy, H., Haines, C. P.,& Okabe, N., "Star formation in the massive cluster merger Abell 2744", MNRAS 442,196, date of acceptance 2014.04.29, arXiv:1405.1046 [astro-ph], http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014MNRAS.442..196R |
IPMU14-0137 |
Shamik Banerjee, "Note On The Dilaton Effective Action And Entanglement Entropy", |
IPMU14-0136 |
Mayumi Aoki, Jisuke Kubo, Hiroshi Takano, "Multicomponent Dark Matter in Radiative Seesaw Model and Monochromatic Neutrino Flux", |
IPMU14-0135 |
Akikazu Hashimoto, Peter Ouyang, Masahito Yamazaki, "Boundaries and Defects of N=4 SYM with 4 Supercharges, Part II: Brane Constructions and 3d N=2 Field Theories ", TBA, arXiv:1406.05501 [hep-th] |
IPMU14-0134 |
Emmanuel Schaan, Masahiro Takada, David N. Spergel, "Joint likelihood function of cluster counts and n-point correlation functions: Improving their power through including halo sample variance", Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:1406.3330 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0133 |
Claire Lackner, John Silverman, "Late-stage galaxy mergers in COSMOS to z~1", AJ tbd, date of acceptance 2014.08.24, arXiv:1406.2327 [astro-ph], |
IPMU14-0132 |
Chunshan Lin, "Large Hierarchies from Non-minimal Coupling", |
IPMU14-0131 |
K. Ohmori, Y. Tachikawa, "Physics at the entangling surface", |
IPMU14-0130 |
A. Gando, Y. Gando, H. Hanakago, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue, K. Ishidoshiro, H. Ishikawa, Y. Kishimoto, M. Koga, R. Matsuda, S. Matsuda, T. Mitsui, D. Motoki, K. Nakajima, K. Nakamura, A. Obata, A. Oki, Y. Oki, M. Otani, I. Shimizu, J. Shirai, A. Suzuki, K. Tamae, " 7Be Solar Neutrino Measurement with KamLAND", Phys. Rev. C, arXiv:1405.6190 [hep-ex], http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.6190 |
IPMU14-0129 |
Masahiro Kawasaki Naoya Kitajima Fuminobu Takahashi, "Relaxing Isocurvature Bounds on String Axion Dark Matter", Phys. Lett. B, |
IPMU14-0128 |
S.V. Ketov and T. Terada, "Inflation in supergravity with a single chiral superfield", Phys. Lett. B B736 (2014) 272, date of acceptance 2014.07.12, arXiv:1406.0252 [hep-th] |
IPMU14-0127 |
Ayuki Kamada, Masahiro Kawasaki, Masaki Yamada, "A solution to the baryon-DM coincidence problem in the CMSSM with a 126-GeV Higgs boson", |
IPMU14-0126 |
Changzheng Li, Si Li, Kyoji Saito , Yefeng Shen, "Mirror Symmetry for Exceptional Unimodular Singularities", arXiv:1405.4530 [math], http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.4530 |
IPMU14-0125 |
Simeon Hellerman, Shunsuke Maeda, Jonathan Maltz, Ian Swanson, "Effective String Theory Simplified", JHEP 09(2014)183, date of acceptance 2014.09.30, arXiv:1405.6197 [hep-th] |
IPMU14-0124 |
Ivan Chi-Ho Ip, "On tensor products of positive representations of split real quantum Borel subalgebra $U_{q\tilde{q}}(b_R)$", arXiv:1405.4786 [math], http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.4786 |
IPMU14-0123 |
Pawel Caputa, Masahiro Nozaki, Tadashi Takayanagi, "Entanglement of Local Operators in large N CFTs", |
IPMU14-0122 |
Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Extra light fermions in the $E_6$-inspired models and the 3.5 keV X-ray line signal", |
IPMU14-0121 |
Biplob Bhattacherjee, Masahiro Ibe, Koji Ichikawa, Shigeki Matsumoto, Kohei Nishiyama, , "Wino Dark Matter and Future dSph Observations", |
IPMU14-0120 |
Shinta Kasuya, Fuminobu Takahashi, "Flat direction inflation with running kinetic term and baryogenesis", arXiv:1405.4125 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0119 |
Shamik Banerjee, Apratim Kaviraj, Aninda Sinha, "Non-Linear constraints on gravity from entanglement ", |
IPMU14-0118 |
Shamik Banerjee, "Trace Anomaly Matching and Exact Results For Entanglement Entropy", |
IPMU14-0117 |
Ryuichi Takahashi, Shunji Soma, Masahiro Takada, Issha Kayo, "An optimal survey geometry of weak lensing survey: minimizing super-sample covariance", MNRAS 444, 3473 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.08.18, arXiv:1405.2666 [astro-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.2666 |
IPMU14-0116 |
Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Kazuya Ishikawa, Martin Stoll, "Reconstruction of Vector-like Top Partner from Fully Hadronic Final States", |
IPMU14-0115 |
M. Asano, K. Sakurai, T.T. Yanagida, "Multi-hadron final states in RPV supersymmetric models with extra matters", |
IPMU14-0114 |
K. Abe, J. Adam, H. Aihara, T. Akiri, C. Andreopoulos, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, S. Assylbekov, D. Autiero, M. Barbi, G. J. Barker, G. Barr, M. Bass, M. Batkiewicz, F. Bay, S. W. Bentham, V. Berardi, B. E. Berger, S. Berkman, I. Bertram, S. Bhadra, F. , "Observation of Electron Neutrino Appearance in a Muon Neutrino Beam", Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 061802 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.12.18, arXiv:1311.04750 [hep-ex], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1311.4750 |
IPMU14-0113 |
Tomohiro Fujita Masahiro Kawasaki Yuichiro Tada, "Non-perturbative approach for curvature perturbations in stochastic-$\delta N$ formalism", JCAP, |
IPMU14-0112 |
Warren Essey , Alexander Kusenko, "Understanding the spectrum of a distant blazar PKS1424+240 and its implications", Astropart. Phys. vol 57, 30 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.24, arXiv:1310.3440 [astro-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1310.3440 |