MS Seminar (Mathematics - String Theory)

Speaker: Kiyoshi Takeuchi (U Tsukuba)
Title: Confluent A-hypergeometric functionsand rapid decay homology cycles
Date (JST): Tue, Dec 13, 2011, 13:15 - 14:45
Place: Seminar Room A
Related File: 567.pdf
Abstract: In 1990, Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinskyproved that their A-hypergeometric functionsadmit integral representations. In this talk,we introduce a generalization of this resultto Adolphson's confluent A-hypergeometricfunctions. Hien's rapid decay homologycycles will be used to prove our main theorem.Moreover we obtain a formula for the asymptotic expansions at infinityof confluent $A$-hypergeometric functions.This is a joint work with A. Esterov(arXiv:1107.0402v2 [math.AG]).