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IPMU17-0083 Brian Henning, Xiaochuan Lu, Tom Melia, Hitoshi Murayama,
"Operator bases, S-matrices, and their partition functions",
IPMU17-0082 Hiroyuki Shimizu and Kazuya Yonekura,
"Anomaly constraints on deconfinement and chiral phase transition",
IPMU17-0081 Simeon Hellerman, Nozomu Kobayashi, Shunsuke Maeda, Masataka Watanabe,
"A Note on Inhomogeneous Ground States at Large Global Charge",
IPMU17-0080 Keita Kanno, Taizan Watari,
"Revisiting arithmetic solutions to the W=0 condition",
Phys. Rev. D 96, 106001 (2017), date of acceptance 2017.09.27,
arXiv:1705.05110 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0079 Koichi Hamaguchi, Kazunori Nakayama, Yong Tang,
"Gravitino/Axino as Decaying Dark Matter and Cosmological Tensions",
IPMU17-0078 Dulip Piyaratne,
"Stability conditions, Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities and Fano 3-folds",
arXiv:1705.04011 [math],
IPMU17-0077 Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
IPMU17-0076 Koji Ichikawa, Shun-ichi Horigome, Miho N. Ishigaki, Shigeki Matsumoto, Masahiro Ibe, Hajime Sugai, Kohei Hayashi,
"Foreground effect on the J-factor estimation of ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies",
arXiv:1706.05481 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0075 Rodrigo Alonso, Peter Cox, Chengcheng Han, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Flavoured B-L Local Symmetry and Anomalous Rare B Decays",
Phys. Lett. B 774, 643-648 (2017) , date of acceptance 2017.10.13,
arXiv:1705.03858 [hep-ph]
IPMU17-0074 Chen Jiang,
"Boundedness of $\mathbb{Q}$-Fano varieties with degrees and alpha-invariants bounded from below",
Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Super. to appear, date of acceptance 2018.12.18,
arXiv:1705.02740 [math],
IPMU17-0073 Tomohiro Fujita, Ryo Namba, Yuichiro Tada,
"Does the detection of primordial gravitational waves exclude low energy inflation?",
IPMU17-0072 Kento Asai, Koichi Hamaguchi, Natsumi Nagata, ,
"Predictions for the neutrino parameters in the minimal gauged U(1)$_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ model",
IPMU17-0071 Ning Bao and Hirosi Ooguri,
"On Distinguishablity of Black Hole Microstates",
IPMU17-0070 Michihisa Takeuchi, Yuichi Uesaka, Masato Yamanaka,
"Higgs mediated CLFV processes via gluonic operators ",
IPMU17-0069 Kyohei Mukaida, Masaki Yamada,
"On False Vacuum Decay Catalyzed by Black Holes",
IPMU17-0068 Rodrigo Alonso, Peter Cox, Chengcheng Han, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Anomaly-free local horizontal symmetry and anomaly-full rare B-decays",
Phys. Rev. D 96 no.7, 071701 (2017), date of acceptance 2017.09.15,
arXiv:1704.08158 [hep-ph]
IPMU17-0067 H. Aihara et al. (HSC Collaboration),
"First Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program",
PASJ 70 (SP1), S8 (2018), date of acceptance 2017.07.22,
arXiv:1702.08449 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0066 Y. Matsuoka et al.,
"Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). II. Discovery of 32 Quasars and Luminous Galaxies at 5.7 < z < 6.8",
PASJ 70 (SP1), S35 (2018), date of acceptance 2017.05.15,
arXiv:1704.05854 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0065 H. Aihara et al. (HSC Collaboration),
"The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design",
PASJ 70 (SP1), S4 (2018), date of acceptance 2017.06.27,
arXiv:1704.05858 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0064 H.-Y. Jian et al. ,
"First results on the cluster galaxy population from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey. I. The role of group or cluster environment in star formation quenching from z = 0.2 to 1.1",
arXiv:1704.06219 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0063 Kallol Sen, Masahito Yamazaki,
"Pole-ology of Superconformal Blocks",
IPMU17-0062 Kingman Cheung, Wai-Yee Keung, Chih-Ting Lu, Po-Yan Tseng,
"Interpreting the 3 TeV $WH$ Resonance as a $W'$ boson",
IPMU17-0061 Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Keisuke Yanagi,
"Probing minimal SUSY scenarios in the light of muon g-2 and dark matter",
IPMU17-0060 Patricio Gallardo and Evangelos Routis,
"Wonderful compactifications of the moduli space of points in affine and projective space",
IPMU17-0059 Masahito Yamazaki, Kazuya Yonekura,
"From 4d Yang-Mills to 2d CP^{N-1} model: IR problem and confinement at weak coupling",
arXiv:1704.05852 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0058 Alexander Jahn, Tadashi Takayanagi,
"Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Local Quenches in AdS4/CFT3: A Finite-Element Approach",
IPMU17-0057 J. T. Penedo, S. T. Petcov, A. V. Titov,
"Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation from S_4 Flavour and Generalised CP Symmetries ",
JHEP 12,022(2017), date of acceptance 2017.11.22,
arXiv:1705. [hep-ph]
IPMU17-0056 Kai Lin, Shinji Mukohyama, Anzhong Wang, Tao Zhu, ,
"No static black hole hairs in gravitational theories of gravity with broken Lorentz invariance: the case c_{\phi} = \infty",
arXiv:1704.02990 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0055 Maxime Gabella, Pietro Longhi, Chan Y. Park, Masahito Yamazaki,
"BPS Graphs: From Spectral Networks to BPS Quivers",
IPMU17-0054 Andrew P. Kels, Masahito Yamazaki,
"Elliptic hypergeometric sum/integral transformations and supersymmetric lens index",
IPMU17-0053 Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki,
"Muon g-2 in MSSM Gauge Mediation Revisited",
IPMU17-0052 Cedric Deffayet, Sebastian Garcia-Saenz, Shinji Mukohyama, Vishagan Sivanesan,
"Classifying Galileon p-form theories",
arXiv:1704.02980 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0051 Dongmin Gang, Mauricio Romo, Masahito Yamazaki,
"All-order volume conjecture for closed 3-manifolds",
Commun. Math. Phys.,
arXiv:1704.00918 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0050 Hajime Fukuda, Natsumi Nagata, Hidetoshi Otono, Satoshi Shirai,
"Higgsino Dark Matter or Not: Role of Disappearing Track Searches at the LHC and Future Colliders",
IPMU17-0049 Lakshya Bhardwaj,, Yuji Tachikawa,
"On finite symmetries and their gauging in two dimensions",
IPMU17-0048 G.M. Fuller, A. Kusenko, V. Takhistov,
"Primordial black holes and r-process nucleosynthesis",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 061101 (2017), date of acceptance 2017.06.11,
arXiv:1704.01129 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0047 Kanato Goto, Tadashi Takayanagi,
"Bulk local states on the black holes in AdS/CFT",
IPMU17-0046 Pawel Caputa, Yuya Kusuki, Tadashi Takayanagi, Kento Watanabea,
"Out-of-Time Ordered correlators in (T^2)^n/Z_n",
IPMU17-0045 W. Donovan,
"Perverse schobers and wall crossing",
arXiv:1703.00592 [math]
IPMU17-0044 Will Donovan, Michael Wemyss,
"Contractions and deformations",
arXiv:1511.00406 [math]
IPMU17-0043 Junji Hisano, Takumi Kuwahara, Yuji Omura, and Takeki Sato, ,
"Two-loop Anomalous Dimensions for Four-Fermi Operators in Supersymmetric Theories",
Nucl. Phys. B,
IPMU17-0042 Ryuji Daido, Fuminobu Takahashi,
"The sign of the dipole-dipole potential by axion exchange",
Phys. Lett. B,
arXiv:1704.00155 [astro-ph]
IPMU17-0041 Hirosi Ooguri and Lev Spodyneiko,
"Ne Kaluza-Klein Instantons and Decay of Non-Supersymmetric AdS Vacua",
IPMU17-0040 Hajime Fukuda, Masahiro Ibe, Motoo Suzuki, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"A Gauged U(1) Peccei-Quinn Symmetry",
IPMU17-0039 Pawel Caputa, Nilay Kundu, Masamichi Miyaji, Tadashi Takayanagi, Kento Watanabe,
"AdS from Optimization of Path-Integrals in CFTs",
IPMU17-0038 Yuya Kusuki, Tadashi Takayanagi, Koji Umemoto,
"Holographic Entanglement Entropy on Generic Time Slices",
IPMU17-0037 The four- and five-dimensional effective actions of Calabi-Yau threefold compactifications are derived with a focus on terms involving up to four space-time derivatives. The starting points for these , reductions are the ten- and , eleven-dimensional supe,
"Higher derivatives in Type II and M-theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds",
IPMU17-0036 David V. Stark, Kevin A. Bundy, Matthew E. Orr, Philip F. Hopkins, Kyle Westfall, Matthew Bershady, Cheng Li, Dmitry Bizyaev, Karen L. Masters, Anne-Marie Weijmans, Daniel Thomas, Renbin Yan, Kai Zhang, Niv Drory,
"SDSS-IV MaNGA: Constraints on the Conditions for Star Formation in Galaxy Disks",
MNRAS 2017, date of acceptance 2017.10.30,
arXiv:1711.00178 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0035 Stark, David V., Kannappan, Sheila J., Eckert, Kathleen D., Florez, Jonathan; Hall, Kirsten R., Watson, Linda C., Hoversten, Erik A., Burchett, Joseph N., Guynn, David T., Baker, Ashley D., Moffett, Amanda J., Berlind, Andreas A., Norris, Mark A., Haynes,,
"The RESOLVE Survey Atomic Gas Census and Environmental Influences on Galaxy Gas Reservoirs",
Astrophys. J. 832,126 (2016), date of acceptance 2016.09.09,
IPMU17-0034 Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, Jean-Philippe Uzan,
"Extending bimetric models of massive gravity to avoid to rely on the Vainshtein mechanism on local scales and the Higuchi bound on cosmological scales",
arXiv:1702.04490 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0033 Charles Mazuet, Shinji Mukohyama, Mikhail S. Volkov,
"Anisotropic deformations of spatially open cosmology in massive gravity theory",
arXiv:1702.04205 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0032 Hiroyuki Shimizu, Yuji Tachikawa, Gabi Zafrir,
"Anomaly Matching on the Higgs branch",
IPMU17-0031 Ryuji Daido, Fuminobu Takahashi, Wen Yin,
"The ALP miracle: unified inflaton and dark matter",
arXiv:1702.03284 [hep-ph]
IPMU17-0030 Mikhail Kapranov and Evangelos Routis,
"Complete complexes and spectral sequences",
IPMU17-0029 Yuki Wakimoto, Sergei V. Ketov,
"Slow-roll inflation in type IIA strings on rigid CY spaces",
IPMU17-0028 Cheng-Wei Chiang and Po-Yan Tseng,
"Probing a dark photon using rare leptonic kaon and pion decays",
IPMU17-0027 Hiroyuki Fujita, Yuya O. Nakagawa, Sho Sugiura, Masataka Watanabe ,
"Universality of entanglement volume-laws in pure quantum states",
IPMU17-0026 Jeong-Pyong Hong and Masahiro Kawasaki ,
"New-Type Charged Q-ball Dark Matter in Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking Models",
IPMU17-0025 Masahiro Kawasaki, Alexander Kusenko, Lauren Pearce, Louis Yang,
"Relaxation leptogenesis, isocurvature perturbations, and the cosmic infrared background",
Phys. Rev. D 95, 103006 (2017), date of acceptance 2017.05.08,
arXiv:1701.02175 [hep-ph]
IPMU17-0024 Amin Gholampour and , Artan Sheshmani and , Shing-Tung Yau,
"Nested Hilbert schemes on surfaces: Virtual fundamental class",
IPMU17-0023 Amin Gholampour and, Artan Sheshmani and, Shing-Tung Yau,
"Localized Donaldson-Thomas theory of surfaces",
IPMU17-0022 Amin Gholampour and Artan Sheshmani and Yukinobu Toda,
"Stable pairs on nodal K3 fibrations",
IMRN NA, date of acceptance 2017.01.23,
arXiv:1308.04722 [math],
IPMU17-0021 Hajime Fukuda, Masahiro Ibe, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Dark Matter Candidates in a Visible Heavy QCD Axion Model",
IPMU17-0020 Chen Jiang,
"K-semistable Fano manifolds with the smallest alpha invariant",
Internat. J. Math. 28, 1750044 (2017) [9 pages] , date of acceptance 2017.04.09,
arXiv:1701.09085 [math],
IPMU17-0019 Yuya Kaneta, Morimitsu Tanimoto, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Dirac CP phase in the neutrino mixing matrix and the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism with ${\rm \bf det} \bf [M_\nu]=0$",
IPMU17-0018 Giovanni Faonte, Benjamin Hennion, Mikhail Kapranov,
"Higher Kac-Moody algebras and moduli spaces of G-bundles",
arXiv:1701.01368 [math],
IPMU17-0017 Noriaki Watanabe,
"Schur indices with class S line operators from networks and further skein relations",
arXiv:1701.04090 [hep-th]
IPMU17-0016 Natsumi Nagata, Hidetoshi Otono, Satoshi Shirai,
"Cornering Compressed Gluino at the LHC",
IPMU17-0015 Simeon Hellerman, Shunsuke Maeda, Masataka Watanabe,
"Operator Dimensions from Moduli",
IPMU17-0014 S.M. Bilenky, F. Capozzi , S.T. Petcov,
"An Alternative Method of Determining the Neutrino Mass Ordering in Reactor Neutrino Experiments",
Phys. Lett. B 772,179(2017), date of acceptance 2017.06.11,
arXiv:1701.06328 [hep-ph]
IPMU17-0013 Ibrahima Bah, Amihay Hanany, Kazunobu Maruyoshi, Shlomo S. Razamat, Yuji Tachikawa, Gabi Zafrir,
"4d N=1 from 6d N=(1,0) on a torus with fluxes",
IPMU17-0012 Simeon Hellerman, Shunsuke Maeda,
"On Vertex Operators in Effective String Theory",
IPMU17-0011 Guillem Domenech, Takashi Hiramatsu, Chunshan Lin, Misao Sasaki, Maresuke Shiraishi, Yi Wang,
"CMB Scale Dependent Non-Gaussianity from Massive Gravity during Inflation",
JCAP 05(2017)034, date of acceptance 2017.05.04,
arXiv:1701.05554 [astro-ph]
IPMU17-0010 Yoshiki Toba, Tohru Nagao, Masaru Kajisawa, Taira Oogi, Masayuki Akiyama, Hiroyuki Ikeda, Jean Coupon, Michael A. Strauss, Wei-Hao Wang, Masayuki Tanaka, Mana Niida, Masatoshi Imanishi, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Hideo Matsuhara, Yoshiki Matsuoka, Masafusa Onoue, Yu,
"Clustering of infrared-bright dust-obscured galaxies revealed by the Hyper Suprime-Cam and WISE",
Astrophys. J. 2016, date of acceptance 2016.12.01,
arXiv:1612.01088 [astro-ph]
IPMU17-0009 Keisuke Inomata, Masahiro Kawasaki, Kyohei Mukaida, Yuichiro Tada, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Inflationary Primordial Black Holes as All Dark Matter",
IPMU17-0008 Fuminori Hasegawa, Kyohei Mukaida, Kazunori Nakayama, Takahiro Terada, Yusuke Yamada,
"Gravitino Problem in Minimal Supergravity Inflation",
IPMU17-0007 Yermek Aldabergenov, Sergei V. Ketov,
"Higgs mechanism and cosmological constant in N=1 supergravity with a vector multiplet",
Phys. Lett. B,
IPMU17-0006 Sergei V. Ketov, Hiroshi Nakada,
"Inflation from (R+gamma R^n -2 Lambda) gravity in higher dimensions",
Phys. Rev. D,
IPMU17-0005 Andrea Addazi, Sergei V. Ketov,
"Energy Conditions in Starobinsky supergravity",
IPMU17-0004 Volnova A. A., Pruzhinskaya M. V., Pozanenko A. S., Blinnikov S. I. et al, ;, Minaev, P. Yu.; Burkhonov, O. A.; Chernenko, A. M.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Inasaridze, R.; Jelinek, M.; Khorunzhev, G. A.; Klunko, E. V.; Krugly, Yu. N.; Mazaeva, E. D.; Rumyan,
"Multicolour modelling of SN 2013dx associated with GRB 130702A",
MNRAS 467, 3500-3512 (2017), date of acceptance 2016.12.15,
arXiv:1612.07626 [astro-ph],
IPMU17-0003 Pawel Caputa, Yuya Kusuki, Tadashi Takayanagi, Kento Watanabe,
"Evolution of Entanglement Entropy in Orbifold CFTs",
IPMU17-0002 Hiroko Niikura, Masahiro Takada, Naoki Yasuda, Robert H. Lupton, et al. ,
"Microlensing constraints on 10^{-10}Msun-scale primordial black holes from high-cadence observation of M31 with Hyper Suprime-Cam",
Astrophys. J.,
IPMU17-0001 Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Toshihisa Kubo, Michael Pevzner, ,
"Conformal symmetry breaking operators for anti-de Sitter spaces",
Trends Math. to appear, date of acceptance 2017.06.08,
arXiv:1610.09475 [math],


IPMU16-0215 Toshiyuki Kobayashi,
"Global analysis by hidden symmetry",
Progr. Math. to appear, date of acceptance 2016.09.01,
arXiv:1608.08356 [math],
IPMU16-0214 Thomas Rink, Kai Schmitz, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Minimal Seesaw Model with a Discrete Heavy-Neutrino Exchange Symmetry",
IPMU16-0213 Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Norimi Yokozaki,
IPMU16-0212 Kozyreva Alexandra , Gilmer Matthew , Hirschi Raphael, Froehlich Carla, Blinnikov Sergei , Wollaeger Ryan , Noebauer Ulrich, van Rossum D. R. , Heger A. , Even W.P., Waldman R., Tolstov Alexey, Chatzopoulos Emmanouil, Sorokina Elena,
"Fast evolving pair-instability supernova models: evolution, explosion, light curves",
MNRAS 464 (3): 2854-2865(2017), date of acceptance 2016.10.05,
arXiv:1610.01086 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0211 Moriya T. , Mazzali P., Tominaga N., Hachinger S. , Blinnikov S., Tauris T. , Takahashi K., Tanaka M., Langer N. , Podsiadlowski P.,
"Light-curve and spectral properties of ultra-stripped core-collapse supernovae leading to binary neutron stars",
MNRAS 466, 2085(2017), date of acceptance 2016.12.08,
arXiv:1612.02882 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0210 Moriya Takashi J., Metzger Brian D., Blinnikov Sergei I.,
"Supernovae Powered by Magnetars that Transform into Black Holes",
Astrophys. J. 833, Iss.1, id. 64, 7 pp. (2016), date of acceptance 2016.09.15,
arXiv:1606.09316 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0209 Kozyreva Alexandra , Hirschi Raphael , Blinnikov Sergei, den Hartogh Jacqueline,
"How much radioactive nickel does ASASSN-15lh require?",
MNRAS 459, Iss. 1, p.L21-L25(2016), date of acceptance 2016.03.02,
arXiv:1603.00335 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0208 Panov I. V., Korneev I. Y., Blinnikov S. I., Roepke F.,
"Neutron excess number and nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in a type Ia supernova explosion",
JETPL 103, 431-434 (2016) , date of acceptance 2016.02.19,
IPMU16-0207 Badjin D. A., Glazyrin S. I., Manukovskiy K. V., Blinnikov S. I.,
"On physical and numerical instabilities arising in simulations of non-stationary radiatively cooling shocks",
MNRAS 459, Issue 2, p.2188-2211(2016), date of acceptance 2016.04.04,
arXiv:1512.02037 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0206 Razieh Emami, Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Namba, Ying-li Zhang,
"Stable solutions of inflation driven by vector fields",
arXiv:1612.09581 [hep-th]
IPMU16-0205 Peter Cox, Alexander Kusenko, Olcyr Sumensari, Tsutomu Yanagida,
"SU(5) Unification with TeV-scale Leptoquarks",
JHEP 03, 035(2017), date of acceptance 2017.02.16,
arXiv:1612.03923 [hep-ph],
IPMU16-0204 Antonio De Felice, Shinji Mukohyama, Michele Oliosi,
"Minimal Quasidilaton",
arXiv:1701.01581 [hep-th]
IPMU16-0203 Shlomo S. Razamat, Cumrun Vafa, Gabi Zafrir,
"4d N=1 from 6d (1,0)",
IPMU16-0202 Tolstov Alexey, Nomoto Ken'ichi, Tominaga Nozomu, Ishigaki Miho N., Blinnikov Sergei, Suzuki Tomoharu,
"Multicolor Light Curve Simulations of Population III Core-Collapse Supernovae: From Shock Breakout to 56Co Decay",
Astrophys. J. 821, 2, id. 124, 14 pp. (2016), date of acceptance 2016.02.26,
arXiv:1512.08330 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0201 Tanaka Masaomi, Tominaga Nozomu, Morokuma Tomoki, Yasuda Naoki , Furusawa Hisanori, Baklanov P.V., Blinnikov S.I., Moriya T.J., Doi Mamoru, Jiang Ji-an, Kato T., Kikuchi Yuki, Kuncarayakti H. , Nagao Tohru, Nomoto Ken'ichi, Taniguchi Yuki,
"Rapidly Rising Transients from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Transient Survey",
Astrophys. J. 819:5 (15pp), 2016 , date of acceptance 2016.01.08,
arXiv:1601.03261 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0200 Moriya Takashi J., Pruzhinskaya Maria V., Ergon Mattias , Blinnikov Sergei I.,
"On the nature of rapidly fading Type II supernovae",
MNRAS 455, 423 (2016) , date of acceptance 2015.10.06,
arXiv:1510.01656 [astro-ph],
IPMU16-0199 Morokuma Tomoki, Tominaga Nozomu, Tanaka Masaomi, Yasuda Naoki , Furusawa Hisanori, Taniguchi Yuki, Kato Takahiro, Jiang Ji-an, Nagao Tohru, Kuncarayakti Hanindyo, Morokuma-Matsui Kana, Ikeda Hiroyuki, Blinnikov S., Nomoto K., Kokubo M., Doi Mamoru,
" An effective selection method for low-mass active black holes and first spectroscopic identification",
PASJ 68 (3), 40 (1&#8211;10) (2016) , date of acceptance 2016.03.04,
arXiv:1603.02302 [astro-ph],
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