All Years
workshop on QCD phase structure
(2008.12.25 - 2008.12.26, Kyushu University)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"AdS/CFT and its application"
Cosmic-ray electron/positron workshop
(2008.12.24, Waseda University)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Decaying hidden gauge boson and the PAMELA and ATIC/PPB-BETS anomaly"
Seminar at Academia Sinica
(2008.12.24, Taipei, Taiwan)
Chuan-Ren Chen
"Cosmic-ray positron from a decaying dark matter"
Shikoku Seminar
(2008.12.20 - 2008.12.21, Ehime University)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"String Theory and QCD"
21st Rironkon Symposium
(2008.12.15 - 2008.12.17, NAOJ)
Keiichi Maeda
"Review on Stellar Evolution and Supernova Nucleosynthesis"
ICRR Theory Workshop
(2008.12.08 - 2008.12.09, ICRR)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Cosmic rays from dark matter"
Indian Strings Meeting 2008
(2008.12.06 - 2008.12.13, Pondicherry, India)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"Properties of Baryons in holographic QCD"
Colloquium at Carnegie Observatory
(2008.12.02, Carnegie Observatory, Pasadena, CA, USA)
Masahiro Takada
"Subaru Weak Lensing Study of Galaxy Clusters"
Seminar at KEK
(2008.12.02, KEK)
Chuan-Ren Chen
"Cosmic-ray positron from a decaying dark matter"
Excellence Cluster¡Çs Science Week
(2008.12.01 - 2008.12.04, Max-Planck Institute, Garching)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Cosmic-ray positrons from decaying dark matter"
Seminar at Technische Universit??£t M??änchen
(2008.11.28, Technische Universit??£t M??änchen)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Non-Gaussianity from Adiabatic and Isocurvature Perturbations"
Seminar at MPI
(2008.11.27, MPI, Munich)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Non-Gaussianity from Adiabatic and Isocurvature Perturbations"
GRB Conference 2008
(2008.11.27 - 2008.11.29, NAOJ)
Keiichi Maeda
"Supernova Variety and a Link to Gamma-Ray Bursts"
Colloquium at ASIAA
(2008.11.18, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Senica, Taiwan )
Masahiro Takada
"Neutrino Mass and Cosmology"
IPMU Focus Week: Messengers of Supernova Explosions
(2008.11.17 - 2008.11.21, IPMU)
Keiichi Maeda
"Asymmetry and Other Hints for the Supernovae Explosion Mechanism"
IPMU Focus Week on Messengers of Supernova Explosions
(2008.11.17 - 2008.11.21, Kashiwa, Tokyo)
Nozomu Tominaga
"Light curves of Type II Supernovae: Metallicity dependences"
Seminar at Shinshu University
Shigeki Sugimoto
"String theory and QCD"
RESCEU symposium 2008
(2008.11.11 - 2008.11.14, Hongo, Tokyo)
Nozomu Tominaga
"Aspherical supernovae in the early universe"
Seminar at Tokyo Metropolitan U
(2008.11.06, Tokyo Metropolitan U)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Cosmic-ray positrons from decaying dark matter"
Cosmology and Structure Formation
(2008.10.26 - 2008.10.28, Seoul, Korea)
Masahiro Takada
"The impact of finite-mass neutrinos on nonlinear matter power spectrum"
Von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory of Group Actions
(2008.10.26 - 2008.11.01, Oberwolfach (Germany))
Mikael Pichot
"Groups of intermediate rank"
Going Beyond the SM, Marching into the LHC era
(2008.10.20 - 2008.10.24, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics China, Beijing)
Kai Wang
"Testing Origin of Neutrino Mass at the LHC"
Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology 2008
(2008.10.08, Osaka City University)
Toshitake Kohno
"Braids, local system homology and KZ connection"
Seminar at Nagoya University
(2008.10.07, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"Properties of Baryons in Holographic QCD"
Recent Developments in String/M Theory
(2008.09.22 - 2008.09.26, KIAS Korea)
Tadashi Takayanagi
"Entanglement Entropy and Phase Transition in AdS/CFT Correspondence"
Focus Week on Quantum Black Holes
(2008.09.12 - 2009.09.16, IPMU)
Tadashi Takayanagi
"Fuzzy Ring from M2-brane Giant Torus"
International Workshop on Next Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN08)
(2008.09.11 - 2008.09.13, Paris, France)
Mark Vagins
NNN08 International Workshop on Next Nucleon decay and Neutrino detectors
(2008.09.11 - 2008.09.13, France)
Alexandre Kozlov
"KamLAND general talk"
Cosmic Dust - Near & Far
(2008.09.08 - 2008.09.12, Heidelberg, Germany)
Takaya Nozawa
"Origin and Nature of Dust in the Early Universe"
RESCEU/DENET summer school ``Dark Energy in the Universe¡É
(2008.09.01 - 2008.09.03, Asamushi-onsen)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Non-Gaussianity from Radiation and/or CDM "
Dark Energy in the Universe
(2008.08.30 - 2008.09.02, Aomori, Japan)
Damien Easson
"Cosmology of Moving Branes and Spinflation"
Summer Institute "Theories de jauge, gravite et theories de cordes"
(2008.08.25 - 2008.09.05, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"Baryons in Holographic QCD"
Conference in honour of Peter Orlik
(2008.08.21, Fields Institute, Toronto)
Toshitake Kohno
"Bar Complex of Orlik-Solomon algebra and rational universal holonomy maps"
Strings 2008
(2008.08.18 - 2008.08.23, CERN, Geneva)
Hirosi Ooguri
"Summary Talk"
Summer Institute 2008
(2008.08.06, Fuji-Yoshida, Japan)
Shinji Mukohyama
"Dynamical Black hole as a holographic dual of Bjorken Flow"
The 10th Asia-Pacific International Astronomical Union Reagional Meeting
(2008.08.03 - 2008.08.07, Kunming, China)
Masahiro Takada
"Gravitational Lensing and Observational Cosmology"
Cosmology with the CMB and LSS
(2008.07.21 - 2008.08.31, Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India)
Masahiro Takada
"Neutrino Mass and Cosmology"
Cosmology with the CMB and LSS
(2008.07.21 - 2008.08.31, Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India)
Masahiro Takada
"Neutrinos and Csomology (lecture)"
Scientific Computation Forum 2008
(2008.07.21 - 2008.07.22, Kyusyu U.)
Keiichi Maeda
"Radiation Transfer Simulations and Analysis of Supernova Light"
Seminar at Osaka City University
Shinji Mukohyama
"A Holographic Dual of Bjorken Flow"
Aspen Center for Physics, Center Colloquium
(2008.07.17, Aspen, Colorado)
Hirosi Ooguri
"Searching for the Language of Quantum Gravity: Black Holes, Molten Crystals and Topological Twist"
Seminar at Tohoku University
Fuminobu Takahashi
"A Possible Solution to the Strong CP problem"
Seminar at KEK Theory Group
(2008.07.08, KEK, Theory Group)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Inflaton decay processes and the new gravitino problem"
Seminar at Technical University of Munich
(2008.07.04, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"Properties of Baryons in Holographic QCD"
Seminar at U Tokyo (Komaba)
(2008.07.03, University of Tokyo, Komaba)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"New Gravitino Problem in moduli and inflaton decays"
Eurostrings 2008
(2008.06.30 - 2008.07.04, Amsterdam, Holland)
Hirosi Ooguri
"Current Correlators for General Gauge Mediation"
Seminar at Max Plank Institute
(2008.06.30, Max Plank Institute, Munich, Germany)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"String Theory and QCD"
Modified gravity on cosmological scales
(2008.06.23, ICG, Portsmouth University, UK)
Shinji Mukohyama
"Gravity in Higgs phase"
Takagi Lectures, Mathematical Society of Japan
(2008.06.21, Kyoto, Japan)
Hirosi Ooguri
"Geometry as seen by String Theory"
Seminar at Queen Mary, University of London
Shinji Mukohyama
"Brane inflation in string cosmology"
Seminar at Imperial College London
Shinji Mukohyama
"Brane inflation in string cosmology"
(2008.06.16 - 2008.06.21, Seoul, Korea || The COEX Center)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Non-Gaussianity from Symmetry"
IAU Symposium 255
(2008.06.16 - 2008.06.20, Rapallo, Italy)
Nozomu Tominaga
"Supernova nucleosynthesis in the early universe"
(2008.06.16 - 2008.06.21, Seoul, Korea, The COEX Center )
Mihoko M. Nojiri
"The Night before the LHC "
Braids, Knots and Applications
(2008.06.10, Univ. de Montpellier)
Toshitake Kohno
"Braids, Drinfel'd associator and rational homotopy"
Non-Perturbative Methods in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories
(2008.06.09 - 2008.06.27, The Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"Static Properties and Form Factors of Baryons in Holographic QCD"
Seminar at JINR
(2008.06.04, Dubna, Russia)
Shinji Mukohyama
"Brane inflation in string cosmology"
(2008.06.02 - 2008.06.06, Perimeter Institute)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"The Anthropic Solution to the Strong CP problem"
String Phenomenology 2008
(2008.05.29, U. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
Taizan Watari
"Heterotic--F Theory Duality Revisited"
32nd Johns Hopkins Workshop "Perspectives in String Theory"
(2008.05.28 - 2008.05.31, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"Perspectives in Holographic QCD"
Seminar at Dept. of Astron., U. Tokyo
(2008.05.27, U. Tokyo)
Keiichi Maeda
"Geometry of Supernova Explosions as Seen in Optical and NIR"
Seminar at Niigata U
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Reheating processes in supergravity and the new gravitino problem"
Quarks 2008
(2008.05.24, Sergiev Posad, Russia)
Shinji Mukohyama
"Brane inflation in string cosmology"
(2008.05.23 - 2008.05.29)
Alexandre Kozlov
" KamLAND results and prospects"
SNe & GRBs at low z & in the Era of Reionization
(2008.05.23 - 2008.05.29, Darjeeling, India)
Nozomu Tominaga
"Gamma-Ray Bursts & Extremely Metal-poor Stars: Supernovae with Relativistic Jets"
Seminar at U Tokyo (Hongo)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"A Solution to the Strong CP problem and the anthropic principle"
Seminar at Inst. Astron, U. Tokyo
(2008.05.22, Mitaka)
Keiichi Maeda
"Properties of Supernovae in Vidual Light"
Cosmology Near and Far: Science with WFMOS
(2008.05.19 - 2008.05.21, Kona, Hawaii, US)
Masahiro Takada
"Cosmological limits on neutrino mass"
Caltech Annual Seminar Day
(2008.05.17, Pasadena, California)
Hirosi Ooguri
"Black Holes and the Fate of Determinism"
Japan-France joint workshop on Cosmology of the Early Universe
(2008.05.16 - 2008.05.18, Nikko)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"The Anthropic Solution to the Strong CP problem"
Continuous Advances in QCD (CAQCD08)
(2008.05.15 - 2008.05.18, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
Shigeki Sugimoto
"Properties of Baryons from D-branes and Instantons"
Workshop for Novae and Supernovae
(2008.05.15, U. Tokyo (Komaba))
Keiichi Maeda
"Observational Aspects of Supernovae and Evidences for Asphericity"
Japan-France joint workshop on Cosmology of the Early Universe
Shinji Mukohyama
"Brane inflation in string cosmology"
Seminar at Chuo University
Shinji Mukohyama
"Brane inflation in string cosmology"
Seminar at Hokkaido University
(2008.04.25 - 2009.04.25)
Shinji Mukohyama
"Ghost condensation and cosmology"
Seminar at Hokkaido University
Shinji Mukohyama
"String theory and cosmology"
Seminar at IPMU
(2008.04.23, IPMU)
Chuan-Ren Chen
"Direct and indirect search for signals of the littlest Higgs model with T-parity at colliders"
Korean Physics Society Meeting
(2008.04.17, Daejeon, Korea)
Masahiro Takada
"Gravitational Lensing and Dark Matter and Dark Energy"
6th DECIGO Workshop
(2008.04.16, NAOJ)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Gravity waves as a probe of the gravitino mass"
Focus Week on Quantum Gravity and Holography
(2008.04.02 - 2008.04.06, IPMU)
Hirosi Ooguri
"Constraints on Quantum Gravity"
30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics
(2008.03.17 - 2008.03.19, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
Hirosi Ooguri
"New Anomalies in Topological String Theory"
KEK Cosmo Group Inaugural Conference ¡ÈAccelerators in the Universe¡É
(2008.03.12 - 2008.03.14, KEK)
Fuminobu Takahashi
"Gravitino and Inflation"
SNAP Science Meeting
(2008.02.08, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory )
Keiichi Maeda
"Late-Time Spectroscopy of Core-Collapse and Thermonuclear Supernovae"
Seminar at LBNL
(2008.02.05, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory )
Keiichi Maeda
"Explosion Natures of Type Ia Supernovae - A personal view of semi-theorists/observers "
Subaru Users Meeting 2007
(2008.01.30 - 2008.01.31, NAOJ)
Keiichi Maeda
"Supernovae are not spherical: The result from late-time spectroscopy by FOCAS"
GRB Conference 2007
(2008.01.21 - 2008.01.23, Tokyo Tech. U. )
Keiichi Maeda
"Properties of Supernovae and a Link to GRBs as Probed by Subaru/FOCAS"
All Records: 86 Page