All Years
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
(2017.03.10, Facultad de Matematicas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile)
Dulip Piyaratne
"Stability conditions on derived categories of varieties I, II "
Wolfgang Paul Lecture
(2017.03.09 - 2017.03.09, Bonn University, Germany)
Hitoshi Murayama
"The Quantum Universe"
Why does the Universe accelerate?-Exhaustive study and challenge for the future-
(2017.03.08 - 2017.03.10, KEK)
Masahiro Takada
"Updates in B03 group and PBH constraints with HSC observation of M31"
Cosmic acceleration conference
(2017.03.08 - 2017.03.10, KEK)
Naoyuki Tamura
"Updates on the PFS project"
Physics seminar
(2017.03.06, KIAS, Seoul)
Itamar Yaakov
"Supersymmetric Renyi Entropy and Defects"
Current Topics in Algebraic and Symplectic Geometry
(2017.03.06 - 2017.03.10, Kyoto University)
Yoshiki Oshima
"Tropical geometric compactification of moduli spaces of abelian varieties and K3 surfaces"
String Theory Seminar
(2017.03.06, Duke University)
Marco Bertolini
"B-model correlators in hybrid models"
Algebraic geometry seminar
(2017.03.06, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste)
Will Donovan
"Perverse sheaves of categories and birational geometry"
Superconformal Field Theories in Four or More Dimensions
(2017.03.05 - 2017.03.11, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, USA )
Gabi Zafrir
"Anomaly polynomials, 6d (1,0) SCFTs and 4d N=1 SCFTs"
2017 Fudan Young Mathematicians Forum
(2017.02.27 - 2017.03.02, Fudan University)
Chen Jiang
"Remarks on Kawamata's effective non-vanishing conjecture"
KITP program "The Mysteries and Inner Workings of Massive Stars"
(2017.02.27 - 2017.05.12, KITP/UCSB in Santa Barbara (USA))
Ken'ichi Nomoto
"Presupernova evolution of super-AGB stars"
Derived category and birational geometry
(2017.02.20 - 2017.02.23, Osaka University)
Will Donovan
"Perverse sheaves of categories and birational geometry"
Derived category and birational geometry
(2017.02.20 - 2017.02.23, Graduate School of Science Building, Osaka University, Japan)
Dulip Piyaratne
"Stability conditions, Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities and Fano 3-folds"
78th meeting of ICFA
(2017.02.16 - 2017.02.17, ICFA, Valencia, Spain)
Hitoshi Murayama
"ILC Progress in Japan"
New Ideas in Stringphenomenology 2017
(2017.02.14 - 2017.02.17, DESY, Hamburg, Germany)
Taizan Watari
"Revisiting Kronecker's Jugendtraum"
Echigo Yuzawa Symposium
(2017.02.13 - 2017.02.17, Echigo Yuzawa)
Chen Jiang
"Remarks on Kawamata's effective non-vanishing conjecture"
Hitchin systems in mathematics and physics
(2017.02.13 - 2017.02.17, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada)
Francesco Sala
"Higgs sheaves on a curve and Hall algebras"
Geometry, Analysis, and Mathematical Physics
(2017.02.13 - 2017.02.17, Kyoto University)
Todor Milanov
"Primitive forms and Frobenius structures on the Hurwitz spaces"
Seminaire de geometrie algebrique
(2017.02.09, IMJ-PRG and ENS, Paris, France)
Francesco Sala
"Faisceaux de Higgs sur une courbe et algebres de Hall"
Seminarie de geometrie et systemes dynamiques
(2017.02.07, Institut de Mathematiques de Bourgogne, Dijon, France)
Francesco Sala
"Faisceaux de Higgs sur une courbe et algebres de Hall"
Seminaire de geometrie et quantisations
(2017.02.06, Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France)
Francesco Sala
"Faisceaux de Higgs sur une courbe et algebres de Hall"
Holography, Quantum Entanglement and Higher Spin Gravity
(2017.02.06 - 2017.02.07, YITP, Kyoto)
Itamar Yaakov
"Supersymmetric Renyi Entropy and Defect Operators"
Seminaire de analyse, geometrie et algebre
(2017.02.02, Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Metz, France. )
Francesco Sala
"Faisceaux de Higgs sur une courbe et algebres de Hall"
Galaxy Group, Steward Observatory/National Optical Astronomy Observatory
(2017.01.30, University of Arizona, Tucson)
Wiphu Rujopakarn
"Probing the peak epoch of galaxy assembly with ultra-deep VLA and ALMA surveys"
Molecule 2017: "Transient Universe in the Big Survey Era: Understanding the Nature of Astrophysical Explosive Phenomena"
(2017.01.26 - 2017.01.27, The University of Kyoto)
Leung Shing Chi
"Multi-dimensional Type Ia supernova simulations and nucleosynthesis"
D modules and Hodge theory
(2017.01.23 - 2017.01.27, Kavli IPMU)
Yoshiki Oshima
"Tropical geometric compactifications and Satake compactifications"
(2017.01.23, JAXA)
Masahiro Takada
"Tightest bounds on PBH abundance with HSC observation of M31"
JSPS-RFBR Collaboration Workshop
(2017.01.20 - 2017.01.21, Nagoya University)
Itamar Yaakov
"Supersymmetric Renyi Entropy - information, localization and defects"
Invited Colloquium, NRAO
(2017.01.19, National Radio Astronomy Observatory; Charlottesville, USA)
Wiphu Rujopakarn
"Probing the peak epoch of galaxy assembly with VLA and ALMA"
Particle Phenomenology Mini Workshop
(2017.01.18, R312, New Physics Building, Nationa Taiwan University)
Po-Yan Tseng
"Z’ and Lepton Flavor Violation"
(2017.01.11 - 2017.01.13, UC Berkeley)
Peter Cox
"The Unnatural Composite Higgs at the LHC"
IPMU week @ Berkeley
(2017.01.11 - 2017.01.13, Berkeley University)
Matthias Weissenbacher
"String Length Induced Operators in EFT"
Subaru Users Meeting FY2016
(2017.01.10 - 2017.01.12, NAOJ, Mitaka campus)
Naoyuki Tamura
"Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) project (invited)"
Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Holomorphic Dynamics and Their Interactions
(2017.01.09 - 2017.01.20, National University of Singapore)
Chen Jiang
"Explicit birational geometry of Fano and Calabi-Yau 3-folds"
Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Holomorphic Dynamics and Their Interactions
(2017.01.09 - 2017.01.20, National University of Singapore)
Chen Jiang
"Explicit birational geometry of Fano and Calabi-Yau 3-folds"
(2017.01.05 - 2017.01.07, Nagoya U. )
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Unexplored region of WIMP"
The 2017 Workshop on Algebraic Geometry
(2017.01.04 - 2017.01.06, Xiamen University)
Chen Jiang
"Remarks on Kawamata's effective non-vanishing conjecture"
AMS Special Session on Harmonic Analysis (In Honor of Gestur Olafsson's 65th Birthday)
(2017.01.04, Atlanta)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi
"Conformally Covariant Symmetry Breaking Operators on Differential Forms and Some Applications (invited)"
All Records: 238 Page