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(2019.04.24, NTU, Taiwan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Direct detection of ultralight dark matter via astronomical ephemeris"
(2019.04.24, National Taiwan University)
Satoshi Shirai "Phenomenological consequences of the swampland conjecture"
Seminar on geometry, symmetry, and physics
(2019.04.11, Rutgers University, USA)
Francesco Sala "Categorification of two-dimensional cohomological Hall algebras"
Tuesday Seminar on Topology
(2019.04.09, The University of Tokyo)
Hiraku Nakajima "Coulomb branches of 3d SUSY gauge theories"
Prospects of Neutrino Physics
(2019.04.08 - 2019.04.12, Kavli IPMU)
Masahiro Takada "Neutrinos and Cosmology"
(2019.04.08 - 2019.04.12, YITP, Kyoto University)
Masahiro Takada "Towards robust cosmology; how to mitigate uncertainties in small-scale nonlinearities"
Geometry, Physics, and Representation Theory Seminar
(2019.04.04, Northeastern University, USA)
Francesco Sala "Continuum Kac-Moody Lie algebras and continuum quantum groups"
Theorie symplectique des representations
(2019.04.01 - 2019.04.05, Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques)
Hiraku Nakajima "Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories with symmetrizers"
(2019.03.27, Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Mathematics, Moscow)
Francesco Sala "Kac's polynomials, quantum groups, and cohomological Hall algebras"
Interdisciplinary approach of applying cutting-edge technologies at the frontier of cancer research
(2019.03.27 - 2019.03.28, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center)
Shin'ichiro Takeda "Toward a new frontier for in-vivo cancer researches, at Kabli IPMU"
(2019.03.22, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Direct detection of ultralight dark matter via astronomical ephemeris"
KamLAND Collaboration Meeting
(2019.03.22 - 2019.03.24, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
Dmitry Chernyak "Status of dark matter search laboratory"
KamLAND Collaboration Meeting
(2019.03.22 - 2019.03.24, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
Dmitry Chernyak "Monitor cameras for KamLAND-Zen experiment"
AMS Spring Central and Western Sectional Meeting : Special Session on Commutative Algebra
(2019.03.22 - 2019.03.24, University of Hawaii)
Yusuke Nakajima "On stable categories of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules of 3-dimensional Gorenstein toric rings"
2019 UC Berkeley Spring Colloquia
(2019.03.18, Department of Physics, UC Berkeley)
Hitoshi Murayama "When a Symmetry Breaks"
MSJ Spring Meeting
(2019.03.17 - 2019.03.20, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Hiraku Nakajima "Towards geometric Satake correspondences for Kac-Moody algebras"
日本物理学会 第74回年次大会
(2019.03.17, Kyushu University)
Daisuke Kaneko "POLARBEAR-2用較正光源 スティミュレーターの開発 と望遠鏡への組み込み"
special lectures
(2019.03.15, KIAS, Korea)
Misao Sasaki "Inflationary cosmology and Primoridal Black Holes"
JPS conference (symposium)
(2019.03.14 - 2019.03.17, Kyushu U., Japan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Dark matter searches as a guiding principle of particle physics"
(2019.03.13, ITP-CAS, Beijing)
Michihisa Takeuchi "New physics searches at the LHC and beyond"
"Panchromatic Panoramic Studies of Galaxy Clusters"
(2019.03.13, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan)
Khee-Gan Lee "Studying High-z Protoclusters with IGM Tomography"
Panchromatic Panoramic Studies of Galaxy Clusters: from HSC to PFS and ULTIMATE
(2019.03.11 - 2019.03.13, ASIAA, Taipei)
Kiyoto Yabe "The current status of PFS project"
Panchromatic Panoramic Studies of Galaxy Clusters: from HSC to PFS and ULTIMATE
(2019.03.11 - 2019.03.13, ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan)
Youngsoo Park "Cluster Observables and Mass Calibration: An Exercise in Robustness"
Panchromatic Panoramic Studies of Galaxy Clusters: from HSC to PFS and ULTIMATE
(2019.03.11 - 2019.03.14, ASIAA, Taiwan)
Tomomi Sunayama "Systematic bias on lensing analysis using optical clusters"
"2019 年応用物理学会春季講演会特別シンポジウム Special Symposium of the 66th JSAP Spring Meeting 2019"
(2019.03.09, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus)
Hitoshi Murayama "アメリカの強み、日本の強み Strength of America, Strenth of Japan"
GTM seminar
(2019.03.07, Kavli IPMU)
Hiraku Nakajima "Coulomb branches of symmetrizable quiver gauge theories"
Infinite Analysis 19 Quantum symmetries and Integrable Systems
(2019.03.05 - 2019.03.07, University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus)
Yutaka Yoshida "Equivariant U(n) Verlinde algebra from Bethe/Gauge correspondence"
Accelerating Universe in the Dark
(2019.03.04 - 2019.03.08, YITP, Kyoto University)
Masahiro Takada "Earth-mass BH? PBH constraints with OGLE"
Accelerating Universe in the Dark
(2019.03.04 - 2019.03.08, Kyoto Univ. YITP)
Hitoshi Murayama "Closing remark"
Accelerating Universe in the Dark
(2019.03.04 - 2019.03.08, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
Ryu Makiya "Joint analysis of the thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect and 2MASS galaxies"
Accelerating Universe in the Dark
(2019.03.04, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan)
Yasunori Nomura "Cosmological Observations and the Multiverse"
Why does the Universe accelerate? -Exhaustive study and challenge for the future
(2019.03.03 - 2019.03.04, Kyoto Univ. YITP)
Hitoshi Murayama "Opening remark "
Why Does the Universe Accelerate?--Exhaustive Study and Challenge for the Future
(2019.03.03, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan)
Yasunori Nomura "Pure Natural Inflation"
Accelerating Universe in the Dark
(2019.03.02 - 2019.03.08, Kyoto Univ. YITP)
Hirosi Ooguri "Constraints on Quantum Gravity"
Accelerating Universe in the Dark
(2019.03.02 - 2019.03.08, Kyoto Univ. YITP)
Hitoshi Murayama "Swampland viewed from bottom up"
(2019.02.28, KIAS, Seoul, South Korea)
Gabi Zafrir "Compactifications of 6d N = (1, 0) SCFTs with non-trivial Stiefel-Whitney classes"
Supernova simulation in the multi-messenger era
(2019.02.28 - 2019.03.01, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Shing Chi Leung "Hydrodynamics and Nucleosynthesis of Type Ia Supernova"
Yonsei university Cosmology and High Energy physics workshop
(2019.02.26 - 2019.02.27, Yonsei U., Korea)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Light Fermionic Thermal Dark Matter with Light Scalar Mediator"
(2019.02.26, POSTECH, Pohang, South Korea)
Gabi Zafrir "Compactifications of 6d N=(1,0) SCFTs with non-trivial Stiefel-Whitney classes"
Cohomological Hall algebras in Mathematics and Physics
(2019.02.25 - 2019.03.01, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada)
Francesco Sala "Categorification of two-dimensional cohomological Hall algebras"
ASC seminar
(2019.02.23, ASC, Munich)
Misao Sasaki "Induced GWs and PBHs from large scalar curvature perturbation"
Commutative algebra seminar
(2019.02.22, Meiji University)
Yusuke Nakajima "Conic modules of toric rings and some applications to non-commutative resolutions"
KICP Colloquium
(2019.02.20, University of Chicago)
Hirosi Ooguri "Constraints on Quantum Gravity"
VCI 2019, Vienna, Austria
(2019.02.20, Vienna, Austria)
Alexandre Kozlov "Detectors for Dark Matter search at KamLAND"
"素粒子物理・原子核物理分野の「大型施設計画・大規模研究計画マスタープラン」に関するシンポジウム Public symposium: Large Facility Large Scale Research Project Master Plan on particle physics and nuclear physics"
(2019.02.19, 日本学術会議 Science Council of Japan)
Hitoshi Murayama "ILC"
HPNP workshop
(2019.02.18 - 2019.02.22, Osaka university)
Han, Chengcheng "Quintessence Saves Higgs Instability "
Cornel Physics Colloquium
(2019.02.18, Cornel University)
Hirosi Ooguri "Constraints on Quantum Gravity"
Geometry and Everything, Fukaya 60
(2019.02.17 - 2019.02.22, Kyoto University)
Hiraku Nakajima "Coulomb branches of quiver gauge theories and Kac-Moody Lie algebras"
Geometry and Everything, Fukaya 60
(2019.02.17 - 2019.02.22, Kyoto University)
Kentaro Hori "Seiberg duality and its consequences"
ICEPP symposium
(2019.02.16 - 2019.02.19, Hakuba, Nagano, Japan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "A strategy to develop particle physics based on dark matter searches"
2019 YITP Asian-Pacific Winter School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology
(2019.02.11 - 2019.02.15, YITP)
Shi Pi "Gravitational Waves Induced by Non-Gaussian Scalar Perturbations"
CERN Winter School
(2019.02.04 - 2019.02.08, CERN)
Hirosi Ooguri "Constraints on Quantum Gravity 1-4"
Subaru Users Meeting FY2018
(2019.01.29, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
Naoyuki Tamura "PFS -- Next facility instrument of Subaru's troika has started coming"
Subaru Users' Meeting FY2018
(2019.01.28 - 2019.01.30, NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan)
Kenneth Wong "Strong Lensing Science from the Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP"
Geoflow January 2019 Meeting
(2019.01.28, Stanford University, California, USA)
Yasunori Nomura "Black Hole Soft Modes and Entanglement"
World Premier Research in Japan
(2019.01.24 - 2019.01.25, UC Berkeley & Stanford Univ)
Hitoshi Murayama "Kavli IPMU"
Testing Gravity 2019
(2019.01.23 - 2019.01.26, Vancouver, Canada)
Misao Sasaki "Primordial Black holes from Inflation and Gravitational Waves"
Cosmology - The Next Decade
(2019.01.22 - 2019.01.25, ICTS, Bangalore, India)
Kenneth Wong "Cosmology With Time-Delay Strong Lensing"
10th DTA symposium "Stellar deaths and their diversity"
(2019.01.21 - 2019.01.23, NAOJ)
Shing-Chi Leung "Interpretation of Type Ia supernova explosion diversity by its nucleosynthesis yield"
Geometry, Topology and Physics Seminar
(2019.01.16 - 2019.01.30, New York University Abu Dhabi)
Alexander A. Voronov "Classical and Quantum Master Equations"
EAO Subaru Science Workshop 2019
(2019.01.16 - 2019.01.18, KASI)
Miho N. Ishigaki "Chemical abundance patterns in the Milky Way halo stars as constraints on the element production in the early Universe"
Frobenius action in Commutative algebra: Recent Developments
(2019.01.16 - 2019.01.18, University of Barcelona)
Yusuke Nakajima "On Frobenius push-forward of Hibi rings"
East Asian Observatory Science Workshop 2019
(2019.01.16, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Naoyuki Tamura "Subaru Primfe Focus Spectrograph -- Overview, current status, and future perspectives"
RIKKYO MathPhys 2019
(2019.01.12 - 2019.01.13, Rikkyo University, Ikebukuro Campus)
Yutaka Yoshida "Equivariant U(n) Verlinde algebra from Bethe/Gauge correspondence"
(2019.01.11, YITP, Kyoto, Japan)
Gabi Zafrir "Compactifications of 6d N=(1,0) SCFTs with non-trivial Stiefel-Whitney classes"
(2019.01.10, JAXA)
Hitoshi Murayama "LiteBIRDの期待される科学的成果と発展性"
Kei symposium
(2019.01.09 - 2019.01.10, Tsukuba U. (Tokyo campus))
Shigeki Matsumoto "Direct and indirect dark matter detections of Thermal dark matter."
Berkeley Week
(2019.01.08 - 2019.01.11, IPMU)
Peter Cox "Flavoured B-L: RH neutrino dark matter and B-decays"
Berkeley week
(2019.01.08 - 2019.01.11, Kavli IPMU, Japan)
Rodrigo Alonso "Gravity’s instantons and ultralight dark matter"
Kavli IPMU - ICEPP Joint Workshop
(2019.01.07, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
Takeo Higuchi "Flavor physics: Belle II Experiment"
Joint Kavli IPMU - ICEPP Workshop on Future Directions for HEP
(2019.01.07, Hongo)
Satoshi Shirai "How to exploit the available LHC data"
KEK CMBグループ 2018年度 年始発表会
(2019.01.07, KEK)
Daisuke Kaneko "PB2a stimulatorとFar sidelobeと私"


Annual meeting of ICCM
(2018.12.27 - 2018.12.29, National Taiwan University)
Chen Jiang "Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds"
SCGP Weekly Talk
(2018.12.18, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
Hiraku Nakajima "Vertex algebras in 4 dimensional theories"
Character varieties and topological quantum field theories
(2018.12.17 - 2018.12.20, University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Francesco Sala "2d Cohomological Hall algebra of a curve"
(2018.12.13, Institute of physics (IOP), VAST, Ha Noi, Viet Nam)
Satoshi Shirai "Phenomenological consequences of the (refined) swampland conjecture"
9th Symposium on Large TPC for Low-Energy Rare Events
(2018.12.12 - 2018.12.15, Paris, France)
Serguey T. Petcov "Neutrino: Theoretical Aspects"
the PFS collaboration meeting in 2018
(2018.12.11, 上海交通大学)
Hitoshi Murayama "PFS collaboration updates"
10th PFS collaboration meeting
(2018.12.10 - 2018.12.14, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Ryu Makiya "Detailes of the PFS forecast"
Second International Workshop on Particles, Gravitation and the Universe (PGU 2018)
(2018.12.10, Vietnam national space centre (VNSC), Ha Noi, Vietnam)
Yasunori Nomura "Quantum Mechanics of an Evaporating Black Hole"
Algebraic Geometry seminar
(2018.12.07, Kyoto University)
Yusuke Nakajima "McKay-type correspondence for three dimensional Gorenstein toric singularities"
Workshop on Quantum Information and the Structure of Spacetime
(2018.12.04, Institute for Advanced Study)
Hirosi Ooguri "Symmetry in Quantum Field Theory and Gravity"
Singularity theory seminar
(2018.12.03, Nihon University)
Yusuke Nakajima "McKay-type correspondence for three dimensional Gorenstein toric singularities"
Stellar Archaeology as a Time Machine to the First Stars
(2018.12.03 - 2018.12.07, IPMU)
Miho N. Ishigaki "The initial mass function of the first stars inferred from elemental abundances in extremely metal-poor stars"
D-modules, Quantum geometry and related topics
(2018.12.03 - 2018.12.07, RIMS, Kyoto)
Hiraku Nakajima "Wild Hitchin moduli spaces"
Stellar Archaeology as a Time Machine to the First Stars
(2018.12.03 - 2018.12.07, Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo)
Shing-Chi Leung "Nucleosynthesis yield of primordial supernovae by bipolar jet-induced explosion"
IBS colloquium
(2018.12.03, IBS )
Hitoshi Murayama "When a Symmetry Breaks"
D-modules, Quantum Geometry and related topics
(2018.12.03 - 2018.12.07, RIMS)
Yukinobu Toda "Birational geometry for d-critical loci and wall-crossing in derived categories"
Higgs Couplings 2018
(2018.11.30, Ryogoku, Tokyo, Japan)
Yasunori Nomura "Basic Questions of High Energy Physics"
EDGE - Edinburgh Hodge Institute
(2018.11.27, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Francesco Sala "2d Cohomological Hall algebra of a curve"
Higgs couplings
(2018.11.26 - 2018.11.30, Ryogoku, Tokyo)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Review for DM (including Higgs portal DM)"
the 150th Anniversary of Japan-Sweden Diplomatic Relations
(2018.11.26, The Beijer Hall, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)
Hitoshi Murayama "New Windows to the Universe - a view onto the dark side of the Cosmos"
Categorical and Analytic Invariants in Algebraic Geometry VI
(2018.11.26 - 2018.11.30, Hokkaido University)
Yukinobu Toda "Semiorthogonal decompositions under d-critical flips"
International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA 2018)
(2018.11.22, Yangzhou, China)
Misao Sasaki "Inflationary Scenario for PBHs as CDM"
AG seminar
(2018.11.19, Fudan University)
Chen Jiang "Volumes and alpha-invariants of K-semistable Q-Fano varieties"
Workshop on McKay correspondence and noncommutative algebra
(2018.11.16 - 2018.11.17, Nagoya University)
Yusuke Nakajima "Representation theory of three dimensional Gorenstein toric singularities"
CAI Seminar
(2018.11.13, The University of Queensland)
Shin'ichiro Takeda "Development of Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton cameras for gamma-ray imaging"
AG seminar
(2018.11.12, Shanghai Normal University)
Chen Jiang "Noether inequality for algebraic 3-folds"
(2018.11.12 - 2018.11.16, Shanghai Science Hall)
Miho N. Ishigaki "Galactic Archaeology with the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)"
CEPC Workshop
(2018.11.12, 北京IHEP)
Hitoshi Murayama "ILC/CLIC"
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