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Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Topology of Torus Actions and Applications to Geometry and Combinatorics
(2014.08.07 - 2014.08.11, Daejeon)
Changzheng Li "On equivariant Pieri rules for isotropic Grassmannians"
Tsuda College Workshop on Calabi-Yau varieties: arithmetic, geometry and physics
(2014.08.07 - 2014.08.08, Tsuda College)
Yukinobu Toda "Generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants on the local projective plane"
Homological mirror symmetry and symplectic topology
(2014.08.04 - 2014.08.08, IBS-CGP, POSTECH)
Changzheng Li "Mirror symmetry for exceptional unimodular singularities"
3rd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics
(2014.07.29 - 2014.08.06, Crete, Grece)
Lluis Marti-Magro "EGADS approaching GADZOOKS!"
AGN vs. Star Formation
(2014.07.28 - 2014.08.01, Durham University)
Claire Lackner "Double yolk galaxies: late-stage galaxy mergers in COSMOS"
Seoul ICM 2014 satellite conference: Geometry and physics of gauged linear sigma model and its related topics
(2014.07.28 - 2014.08.01, KIAS, Seoul, Korea)
Yefeng Shen "Modularity of Gromov-Witten correlation functions for elliptic orbifold curves"
Seoul ICM 2014 satellite conference: Geometry and physics of gauged linear sigma model and its related topics
(2014.07.28 - 2014.08.01, Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Richard Eager "Supersymmetric gauge theories and the hemisphere partition function"
Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference: GLSM
(2014.07.28 - 2014.08.01, KIAS)
Yukinobu Toda "Generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants on the local projective plane"
Strings and Fields
(2014.07.22 - 2014.07.26, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
Richard Eager "Superconformal field theories and cyclic homology"
RSD Workshop
(2014.07.21 - 2014.07.25, Sexten, Italy)
Teppei Okumura "Modeling nonlinear power spectrum of galaxies in redshift Space"
Combining probes in cosmological surveys
(2014.07.20, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, CO)
Masahiro Takada "Hyper Suprime-Cam"
Combining probes in cosmological surveys
(2014.07.20 - 2014.08.10, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, CO)
Masahiro Takada "Super sample covariance/signal"
Summer camp on ILC accelerator and physics/detector 2014
(2014.07.19 - 2014.07.22, Sekigane, Tottori, Japan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Comprehensive dark matter searches at the ILC"
Institute for Advanced Study SNS Theory seminar
(2014.07.14, Institute for Advanced Study - Princeton University)
jonathan maltz "Effective String Theory Simplified"
Clustering Measurements of Active Galactic Nuclei
(2014.07.14 - 2014.07.18, ESO, Garching, Germany)
Andreas Schulze "HETDEX: AGN-galaxy clustering at 2<z<3.5"
CRC town meeting
(2014.07.12 - 2014.07.13, Nagoya U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "The most promising DM candidate"
The 10th Regular Meeting of New Higgs Working Group
(2014.07.12 - 2014.07.13, University of Toyama)
Natsumi Nagata "Theoretical Calculation for Neutron EDM"
Representation Theory and Groups Actions,
(2014.07.12, the University of Tokyo)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Branching Problems of Representations of Real Reductive Groups"
Cosmology Seminar at Waseda University
(2014.07.11, Waseda University)
Ryo Namba "Statistical anisotropy from anisotropic inflation in a vector curvaton model"
Seminar at ETH Zürich
(2014.07.11, ETH Zürich)
Andreas Schulze "The cosmic growth of the active black hole population"
Colloquium, the University of Tokyo
(2014.07.11, Tokyo, Japan)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric"
(2014.07.10, 早稲田大学)
Natsumi Nagata "高いスケールの超対称性と陽子崩壊"
Joint Meeting among RESCEU-RIKEN-IPMU @RIKEN
(2014.07.07 - 2014.07.08, RIKEN (Wako, JAPAN))
Miho N. Ishigaki "Chemical abundances in extremely metal-poor stars in the Milky Way halo and in dwarf satellite galaxies"
Nuclei in the Cosmos XIII
(2014.07.07 - 2014.07.11, Debrecen, Hungary)
Chiaki Kobayashi "Inhomogeneous enrichment in chemodynamical simulations of galaxies"
Colloquium at ICRR
(2014.07.04, ICRR)
Shun Saito "Toward a robust constraint on neutrino masses from galaxy clustering"
(2014.07.02, 益川塾,京都産業大学)
Natsumi Nagata "非加速器精密測定実験による高スケール超対称性の探索"
(2014.07.02 - 2014.07.09, Valencia, Spain)
Haruki Nishino "First Results from CMB Polarization Experiment POLARBEAR"
(2014.07.01, 東大駒場キャンパス)
Yohsuke Imagi "Singularities of Special Lagrangian Submanifolds"
invited lectures
(2014.06.28 - 2014.06.30, CERN-JINR International School of High Energy Physics, Gardener, The Netherlands)
Serguey T. Petcov "Neutrino Physics (Neutrino Masses, Mixing, Oscillations, Leptonic CP Violation and Beyond) "
Seminar at Scuola Normale Superiore
(2014.06.25, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)
Shinji Mukohyama "Massive gravity and cosmology"
Summer School in Gromov-Witten Theory 2014
(2014.06.23 - 2014.07.04, Pingree Park campus, Colorado State University)
Yefeng Shen "1(+1) proof(s) of modularity of GW correlation functions for elliptic orbifolds"
International conference PASCOS 2014
(2014.06.23, Warsaw, Poland)
Serguey T. Petcov "Theory Prospective on Neutrino Masses, Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation (invited talk)"
New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetr
(2014.06.23 - 2014.06.27, Geneva)
Melina Bersten "The First Evidence of a Binary Progenitor for a Type Ib Supernova"
Strings 2014
(2014.06.23 - 2014.06.27, Princeton University)
jonathan maltz "Deconfinement Transistion as black Hole formation as the condensation of QCD strings"
Higgs Modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases
(2014.06.23 - 2014.06.25, 京都大学基礎物理学研究所)
Hitoshi Murayama "Higgs and Goldstone bosons with and without Lorentz invariance (invited talk) "
Derived categories
(2014.06.23 - 2014.06.27, Nantes)
Yukinobu Toda "Stability conditions and Donaldson-Thomas invariants"
SPIE conference "Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation"
(2014.06.23, Montreal)
Hajime Sugai "Progress with the Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope: a massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph"
(2014.06.22 - 2014.06.27, Warsaw, Poland)
Natsumi Nagata "Sfermion Flavor and Proton Decay in Minimal SU(5) GUT with High-scale SUSY"
3rd Workshop on Next Generation Accelerator-based Neutrino Experiment
(2014.06.21 - 2014.06.22, Kyoto U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Neutrinos at IceCube from Heavy Decaying DM"
Seminar at University of Nottingham
(2014.06.20, Nottingham, UK)
Shinji Mukohyama "From configuration to dynamics"
Seminar at University of Nottingham
(2014.06.20, Nottingham, UK)
Shinji Mukohyama "Massive gravity and cosmology"
Seminar of symplectic geometry and mathematical physics
(2014.06.18, BICMR, Peking University, Beijing)
Yefeng Shen "Mirror symmetry for exceptional unimodular singularities"
The X-ray Universe 2014
(2014.06.16 - 2014.06.19, Dublin)
Nobuhiro Okabe " A Comparison of Weak-lensing and X-ray masses of Galaxy Clusters (invited)"
Seminar at Waseda University
(2014.06.16, Waseda University)
Shun Saito "Towards an accurate modeling of halo/galaxy clustering at quasi-linear regime"
GDR Neutrino Meeting
(2014.06.16, LAL, Universite' de Paris-sud, Orsay, France)
Serguey T. Petcov "Observables in Neutrino Mass Spectroscopy Using Atoms (invited talk)"
Seminar at Kyusyu U.
(2014.06.13, Kyusyu U, Japan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Dark matter wants SUSY?"
Seminar at NAOJ
(2014.06.13, NAOJ)
Haruki Nishino "First Results from CMB Polarization Experiment POLARBEAR"
Seminar at NAOJ
(2014.06.13, NAOJ)
Haruki Nishino "First Results from CMB Polarization Experiment POLARBEAR"
Informal Seminar at National Central University
(2014.06.13, National Central University, Taiwan)
Natsumi Nagata "Formulation of effective theories for the dark matter direct detection"
Seminar at National Taiwan University
(2014.06.12, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Natsumi Nagata "Formulation of effective theories for the dark matter direct detection"
the 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC (J-PARC 2014)
(2014.06.12 - 2014.06.15, EPOCHAL TSUKUBA、茨城県)
Hitoshi Murayama "Particle and Nuclear Physics (invited talk) "
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
(2014.06.11, Varna, Bulgaria)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Applications of Operator Valued Reproducing Kernels"
AG Seminar
(2014.06.11, University of Cambridge, UK)
Ilya Karzhemanov "Uniformly rational varieties"
The Fermilab Annual Users Meeting
(2014.06.11 - 2014.06.12, Fermilb, Illinois,USA)
Hitoshi Murayama "The Quantum Universe (invited talk) "
(2014.06.10, 東北大学)
今城 洋亮 "スペシャルラグランジュ部分多様体の特異点解消の一意性"
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
(2014.06.10, Varna, Bulgaria)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Propagation Theorem under Visible Actions"
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
(2014.06.09, Varna, Bulgaria)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Visible Actions on Complex Manifolds"
Seminar at Academia Sinica
(2014.06.09, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Natsumi Nagata "Formulation of effective theories for the dark matter direct detection"
Edge days 2014
(2014.06.09 - 2014.06.11, University of Edinburgh, UK)
Ilya Karzhemanov "On S6-invariant quartics"
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
(2014.06.07, Varna, Bulgaria)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Infinite-dimensional Multiplicity-free Representations"
XVIth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
(2014.06.06, Varna, Bulgaria)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Finite-dimensional Multiplicity-free Representations"
Seminar at ICRR/IPMU
(2014.06.05, ICRR)
Haruki Nishino "CMB B-mode polarization experiments: Recent results from POLARBEAR (and BICEP2)"
1st APCTP-TUS workshop on Dark Energy
(2014.06.05, Pohang, Korea)
Shinji Mukohyama "Massive gravity and cosmology"
1st workshop on galaxy evolution
(2014.06.04, NAOJ)
Shun Saito "Implication of evolution of massive galaxies from the small-scale galaxy clustering in the BOSS CMASS sample"
(2014.06.02 - 2014.06.03, RIKEN Wako Campus)
Haruki Nishino "POLARBEAR-1"
The transient universe as seen by iPTF and ZTF
(2014.06.02 - 2014.06.05, Albanova University Centre, Stockholm, Sweden)
Melina Bersten "A binary progenitor for the Type Ib Supernova iPTF 13bvn"
Seminar at Toyama U.
(2014.05.30, Toyama U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Observing gamma-rays from dSphs"
Series of lectures at Toyama U.
(2014.05.29 - 2014.05.30, Toyama U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "What is dark matter?"
Seminar at Komaba
(2014.05.29, Komaba)
Shinji Mukohyama "Blue Tensor Spectrum from Particle Production during Inflation"
Seminar at Kanazawa U.
(2014.05.28, Kanazawa U)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Dark matter phenomenology"
Forschungsseminar "Algebraische Geometrie"
(2014.05.28, Humboldt Universit&#228;t zu Berlin)
Charles Siegel " Trees and an Affine Cover of \overline{_M}_{0,n+1}"
Low Energy Challenges for High Energy Physicists
(2014.05.26 - 2014.05.30, Perimeter Institute, Ontario, Canada)
Hitoshi Murayama "What’s wrong with Goldstone? (invited talk) "
IAU Symposium 306: Statistical challenges in 21st century cosmology
(2014.05.25 - 2014.05.29, Lisbon, Portugal )
Masahiro Takada "Statistical challenges in weak lensing cosmology (keynote talk) "
Overcoming Great Barriers in Galactic Archaeology 2
(2014.05.24 - 2014.06.02, Palm Cove, Australia)
Chiaki Kobayashi "On the Origin of variation in elemental abundance ratios"
IAS Workshop on New Perspectives on Cosmology
(2014.05.23, Hong Kong)
Shinji Mukohyama "Massive gravity and cosmology"
(2014.05.22, 大阪大学)
Hitoshi Murayama "What’s wrong with Goldstone? (invited talk) "
(2014.05.22, 大阪大学)
Hitoshi Murayama "磁石からヒッグス粒子まで (invited talk) "
Seminar at KEK theory group
(2014.05.20, KEK)
Shun Saito "Neutrino mass constraint from robust cosmological signals in the BOSS DR11 galaxy clustering"
. Representations of reductive groups: A conference dedicated to David Vogan on his 60th birthday
(2014.05.19 - 2014.05.23, MIT, USA)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Branching problems of representations of real reductive Lie groups."
IAS Workshop on New Perspectives on Cosmology
(2014.05.19 - 2014.05.23, Institute for Advanced Study of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Ryo Namba "Blue Tensor Spectrum from Particle Production during Inflation"
From Dark Matter to Galaxies
(2014.05.18 - 2014.05.23, Xi’an, China)
Masahiro Takada "The large-scale structure of the Universe: the current status and future prospects (Invited talk)"
From Dark Matter to Galaxie
(2014.05.18 - 2014.05.23, Xi'an, China)
Teppei Okumura "Peculiar velocity in redshift space: formalism, N-body simulations and perturbation theory"
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics theory seminar
(2014.05.15, Stanford University)
jonathan maltz "Deconfinement Transistion as black Hole formation as the condensation of QCD strings"
String Duality Seminar
(2014.05.08, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA)
Hitoshi Murayama "Generalized Goldstone theorem (invited talk) "
Invited review talk
(2014.05.07, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Serguey T. Petcov "Neutrino Masses, Mixing and Oscillations: Current Status and Future Prospects (invited lecture)"
The Rosseland Lecture 2014
(2014.05.06, the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway)
Hitoshi Murayama "The Quantum Universe (invited talk) "
PONT 2014
(2014.04.17, Avignon, France)
Shinji Mukohyama "Massive gravity and cosmology"
Cosmological Quests for the Next Decade
(2014.04.16 - 2014.04.18, KASI, Korea)
Masahiro Takada "Super sample effects in cosmological surveys"
Cosmological Quests for the Next Decade
(2014.04.16 - 2014.04.18, KASI, Daejeon, Korea)
Teppei Okumura "Nonlinear velocity statistics and redshift-space distortions in peculiar velocity surveys"
Colloquium talk
(2014.04.14, Ehime University)
Malte Schramm "Constraints on BH-Galaxy Co-Evolution over the past 12 billion years"
Nagoya U. C-lab seminar
(2014.04.10, Nagoya University)
Teppei Okumura "位相空間の分布関数を用いた銀河サーベイにおける赤方偏移変形効果の定式化"
Kamioka Seminar
(2014.04.09, Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
Haruki Nishino "CMB B-mode Polarization Experiments: First Results from POLARBEAR (and Review on Recent Discovery by BICEP2)"
Workshop on Hyper-accretion
(2014.04.07 - 2014.04.11, Kavli IPMU)
Andreas Schulze "The cosmic growth of the active black hole population"
JPS conference
(2014.03.27 - 2014.03.30, Toukai U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "High-scale SUSY breaking models in light of the BICEP result"
Theory Seminar
(2014.03.27, University of Minnestoa)
John Kehayias "Charge Quantization and the Standard Model from Nonlinear Sigma Models"
JPS conference
(2014.03.27 - 2014.03.30, Toukai Univ.)
Lluis Marti-Magro "Cross comparison analyses for the new HV system at Super-Kamiokande"
ATLAS workshop
(2014.03.25 - 2014.03.26, U. Tokyo (Hongo))
Shigeki Matsumoto "High-scale SUSY breaking scenario"
Neutron Stars
(2014.03.24 - 2014.03.28, Florence, Italy)
Ken'ichi Nomoto "Supernova Explosions of Super-AGB Stars"
Theoretical cosmology meeting at ICG, Portsmouth
(2014.03.19, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth)
Norihiro Tanahashi "Horndeski Theory and its Multi-field extension"
(2014.03.19 - 2014.03.22, 国際基督教大学(三鷹市))
石垣美歩 "銀河系恒星ハローおよび厚い円盤のユーロピウム組成"
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