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Math-Strings Seminar
(2012.08.28, Kavli IPMU)
Charles Siegel "The Schottky Problem in genus 5"
Seminar at ITU
(2012.08.24, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul)
Emir Gumrukcuoglu "General Relativity limit of Horava-Lifshitz gravity"
The 29th International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics
(2012.08.20 - 2012.08.25, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, China)
Ivan Chi-Ho Ip "Positive Representations of Split Real Quantum Groups"
Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics
(2012.08.20 - 2012.08.24, Kunming, China)
Changzheng Li "Space of lines in homogeneous varieties"
The 29th International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics
(2012.08.20 - 2012.08.26, Nankai University, Tianjin, China)
Shigeki Sugimoto "On S-duality in non-SUSY gauge theory"
IAU 28th General Assembly, SpS2
(2012.08.20, Beijing)
Masayuki Tanaka "Quiescent early-type galaxies in z>1.5 groups"
Summer Institute
(2012.08.18 - 2012.08.24, Sun Moor Lake, Taiwan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Phenomenology of the Wino Dark Matter"
(2012.08.18, Peking University)
HItoshi Murayama "Physics at the frontiers"
Seminar at KIAS
(2012.08.16, Seoul, Korea)
Changzheng Li "On certain K-theoretic Gromov-Witten invariants of homogeneous varieties"
SUSY 2012
(2012.08.13 - 2012.08.18, Peking University)
Sourav K. Mandal "Prospects for Measuring the Stop Mixing Angle at the LHC"
SUSY 2012
(2012.08.13 - 2012.08.18, Peking University, Beijing, China)
John Kehayias "Three Generations From a Non-Anomalous Discrete R-Symmetry"
Accelerator & Detector Studies at ILC
(2012.08.07, KEK)
Shigeki Matsumoto "New Physics in light of 125GeV Higgs"
ICPS 2012
(2012.08.05, Utrecht, The Netherlands)
HItoshi Murayama "Big World of Little Neutrinos"
Summer School (Japan)
(2012.08.02 - 2012.08.07, Fuji-Yoshida, Yamanashi)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Current Status of Dark Matter Studies"
Seminar at Waseda University
(2012.07.27, Waseda University)
Marcus Werner "Optical geometry and gravitational lensing"
Nonlinear massive gravity theory and its observational test
(2012.07.23 - 2012.08.09, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Emir Gumrukcuoglu "Fate of homogeneous and isotropic solutions in massive gravity"
Cosmology summer school
(2012.07.19 - 2012.07.21, Beijing, China)
Masamune Oguri "Lecture Series: Applications of Gravitational Lensing in Astrophysics and Cosmology"
WISH science workshop
(2012.07.19 - 2012.07.20, NAOJ)
Masayuki Tanaka "Synergy between WISH and HSC for galaxy studies"
Seminar at Komaba
(2012.07.10, University of Tokyo)
Marcus Werner "Topology and Lefschetz fixed point theory in gravitational lensing"
CERN Theory Institute 2012 on stringphenomenology
(2012.07.09 - 2012.07.20, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Taizan Watari "A Note on Kahler Potential of Charged Matter in F-theory"
The Thirteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
(2012.07.06, Stockholm, Sweden)
Shinji Mukohyama "Summary of AT4 ¡ÈModified Gravity¡É"
SPIE conference "Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation"
(2012.07.02, Amsterdam)
Hajime Sugai "Prime Focus Spectrograph - Subaru's future -"
SPIE conference "Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation"
(2012.07.02, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Naoyuki Tamura "Subaru FMOS now and future"
Seminar at Nagoya U.
(2012.06.28 - 2012.06.29, Nagoya U)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Wino Dark Matter and Its Phenomenology"
Conference in honor of Souriau's 90th birthday
(2012.06.25 - 2012.06.29, Aix-en-Provence, France)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Geometric Quantization of Minimal Nilpotent Orbits"
Seminar at U of Cambridge
(2012.06.25, DAMTP, U of Cambridge)
Shinji Mukohyama "Nonlinear massive gravity and Cosmology"
Black Holes by the Black Sea
(2012.06.25 - 2012.06.29, Istanbul)
Malte Schramm "Unveiling a population of galaxies harboring low-mass black holes with X-rays"
Stellar populations across cosmic time
(2012.06.25 - 2012.06.29, Paris, France)
John Silverman "Tracing the distribution of star-forming galaxies at z~1.5 in COSMOS with Subaru/FMOS"
IAP-Subaru joint conference: stellar populations across cosmic times
(2012.06.25 - 2012.06.29, IAP, Paris)
Masayuki Tanaka "Quiescent early-type galaxies in groups and clusters at z>1.5"
Seminar at Tokyo Metropolitan University
(2012.06.20, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Shigeki Sugimoto "QCD and String Theory"
Holography: Application to Technicolor, Condensed matter and Hadrons
(2012.06.12, Moscow)
Shinji Mukohyama "A holographic dual of Bjorken Flow"
(2012.06.10, Yaroslavl, Russia)
Shinji Mukohyama "Nonlinear massive gravity and Cosmology"
(2012.06.07, Kyoto Terrsa, Japan)
HItoshi Murayama "Neutrinos maybe our mother"
Seminar at Albert-Einstein-Institute
(2012.06.05, Max-Planck-Institute for Gravitational Physics)
Marcus Werner "Optical geometry and gravitational lensing"
Singularities of differential equations in algebraic geometry
(2012.06.04 - 2012.06.08, Luminy, France)
Todor Milanov "Integrable hierarchies for hypersurface singularities"
Applications of Gauge-Gravity Duality
(2012.06.03 - 2012.06.07, Technion, Haifa, Israel)
Shigeki Sugimoto "On S-duality in non-SUSY gauge theory"
Blois 2012
(2012.06.01, Blois, France)
HItoshi Murayama "Highlights and Perspectives"
Seminar at IAP
(2012.05.25, IAP, Paris)
Shinji Mukohyama "Nonlinear Massive Gravity and Cosmology"
Seminar at Institute for the Early Universe
(2012.05.24, Seoul, Korea)
Masahiro Takada "Information content in weak lensing"
Seminar at Tokyo Metropolitan U.
(2012.05.23, Tokyo Metropolitan U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Phenomenology of the Little Higgs Model"
Seminar at IAP
(2012.05.21, IAP, Paris)
Shinji Mukohyama "Cosmology and GR limit of Horava-Lifshitz gravity"
15th Conference on Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
(2012.05.19 - 2012.05.22, Nagano)
Katsuyuki Naoi "Classical limits of minimal affinizations and generalized Demazure modules"
Lecture at Matsuba-dai-ichi elementary school
(2012.05.18, Matsuba-dai-ichi elementary school, Kashiwa, Japan)
Shinji Mukohyama "Annular eclipse and Universe"
Seminar at Hiroshima University
(2012.05.16, Hiroshima University)
Shinji Mukohyama "Nonlinear Massive Gravity and Cosmology"
Astronomical Data Analysis VII
(2012.05.14 - 2012.05.18, IESC, Cargese, France)
Masahiro Takada "Weak lensing: Gaussianity and non-Gaussianity (Keynote Talk)"
Perspectives in Representation Theory, (in honor of Prof. Igor Frenkel's 60th birthday)
(2012.05.12 - 2012.05.17, Yale University)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations"
Conformal Nature of the Universe
(2012.05.09 - 2012.05.12, Perimeter Institute, Canada)
Shinji Mukohyama "Cosmology and GR limit of Horava-Lifshitz gravity"
Birational and Affine Geometry
(2012.04.23 - 2012.04.27, Steklov Mathematical Institute)
Sergey Galkin "Minifolds"
Singularity theory and integrable systems
(2012.04.22 - 2012.04.28, Oberwolfach, Germany)
Todor Milanov "Orbifold projective lines and integrable hierarchies"
Integrability in topological field theories
(2012.04.16 - 2012.04.20, HIM, Bon, Germany)
Todor Milanov "Period integrals and twisted representations of vertex algebras"
Algebra seminar
(2012.04.11, Virginia Tech)
Changzheng Li "Speaker: Changzheng Li (IPMU Tokyo) Title: Quantum Pieri rules for tautological subbundles over symplectic Grassmannians "
Symposium of the Sino-German GDT Cooperation
(2012.04.08 - 2012.04.12, Tuebingen, Germany)
Jing Liu "What you need to design a detector: Principles of Field Calculations and Pulse Shape Simulations"
Symposium of the Sino-German GDT Cooperation
(2012.04.08 - 2012.04.12, Tuebingen, Germany)
Jing Liu "Measurement of Neutron Interactions With an 18-Fold Segmented True Coax Detector"
Theory Seminar in Vienna
(2012.04.03, Vienna University of Technology)
Johanna Knapp "New Calabi-Yau manifolds and their relation to non-abelian gauged linear sigma models"
Progress in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory
(2012.04.03 - 2013.04.07, Osaka City University)
Shigeki Sugimoto "On S-duality in non-SUSY gauge theory"
Geometry and Physics seminar
(2012.04.02, University of Michigan)
Changzheng Li "Classical aspects of quantum cohomology of flag varieties"
Interacting Galaxies and Binary Quasars: A Cosmic Rendezvous
(2012.04.02 - 2012.04.05, Trieste, Italy)
John Silverman "Enhanced AGN activity in zCOSMOS Galaxy Pairs"
Hodge theoretic aspects of mirror symmetry
(2012.03.29 - 2012.03.31, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universit??£t Mainz)
Sergey Galkin "Exceptional non-commutative Hodge structures and Diophantine approximations "
Algebra seminar
(2012.03.28, Michigan State University )
Changzheng Li "Classical aspects of quantum cohomology of flag varieties"
JPS conference
(2012.03.24 - 2012.03.27, Kansei-gakuin U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "The GeV-scale dark matter with B-L asymmetry"
Annual meeting of the Physics Society of Japan
(2012.03.24, Kwansei Gakuin Daigaku)
Masahiro Takada "Exploring dark energy with SuMIRe HSC/PFS projects"
Motivic structures on quantum cohomology: progress reports
(2012.03.23 - 2012.03.28, MPI at Bonn)
Duco van Straten, Hiroshi Iritani, Sergey Galkin "Gamma conjectures and recovering topology, 3: Conjecture O "
Fables G??±om??±triques
(2012.03.22, Universit??± de Gen???ve, Villa Battelle)
Sergey Galkin "Reflecting Fano, 3: mirror symmetry"
Fables G??±om??±triques
(2012.03.20, Universit??± de Gen???ve, Villa Battelle)
Sergey Galkin "Reflecting Fano, 2: A-model"
New Physics beyond the Standard Model
(2012.03.19 - 2012.03.23, YITP, U. of Kyoto)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Summary on non-SUSY scenarios"
Fables G??±om??±triques
(2012.03.19, Universit??± de Gen???ve, Villa Battelle)
Sergey Galkin "Reflecting Fano, 1: work of Fano, Iskovskikh, Mori, Mukai, Shokurov, ..."
Annual meeting of astronomical society of Japan
(2012.03.19 - 2012.03.22, Ryukoku University)
Masayuki Tanaka "A fully matured group of galaxies at z=1.61"
Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory IV
(2012.03.12 - 2012.03.15, Kyushu University)
Toshitake Kohno "Quantum and homological representations of braid groups"
IAU symposium 279: Death of Massive Stars
(2012.03.12 - 2012.03.16, Nikko, Japan)
Keiichi Maeda "Asymmetries in Supernovae"
Death of Massive Stars: Supernovae & Gamma-Ray Bursts
(2012.03.12 - 2012.03.16, Nikko, Japan)
melina bersten "Hydrodynamical Models of Core-Collapse Supernovae"
Branching Laws
(2012.03.11 - 2012.03.31, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Singapoer)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Finite Multiplicity Theorems and Real Spherical Varieties"
Workshop on algebraic geometry and the theory of motives (Japanese)
(2012.03.08 - 2012.03.09, Tohoku University)
Satoshi Kondo "On the rational K2 of Drinfeld modular curves (Japanese)"
KEK Theory Workshop 2012
(2012.03.05 - 2012.03.07, KEK)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Structure of Spacetime and Quantum Entanglement "
Shinsyuu Winter School
(2012.03.02 - 2012.03.05, Shiga, Nagano)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Lecture on Dark Matter Phenomenology"
Asia Pacific School/Workshop on Cosmology and Gravitation
(2012.03.01 - 2012.03.04, YITP, Kyoto University)
A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu "Cosmological perturbations in nonlinear massive gravity"
Get Together Math Seminar
(2012.03.01, IPMU)
Alexander A. Voronov "Derived fusion tensor product"
Subaru Users Meeting FY2011
(2012.02.28 - 2012.03.01, NAOJ)
Masamune Oguri "Precise measurement of dark matter distribution with strong and weak gravitational lensing"
Subaru Users Meeting FY2011
(2012.02.28 - 2012.03.01, NAOJ)
Masayuki Tanaka "Deep near-IR spectroscopy of high-z groups of galaxies"
Subaru Users Meeting FY2011
(2012.02.28 - 2012.03.01, NAOJ)
Masahiro Takada "PFS Science WG activities"
ILC detector meeting
(2012.02.24, KEK)
Shigeki Matsumoto "New Physics beyond the SM in light of recent LHC data"
Workshop on Particle physics & cosmology in Toyama
(2012.02.20 - 2012.02.21, Toyama univ.)
Shigeki Matsumoto "The GeV-scale dark matter with B-L asymmetry"
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
(2012.02.20, Texas A&M University)
Changzheng Li "Quantum Pieri rules for tautological subbundles over symplectic Grassmannians"
Workshop "Integralble systems, random matrices, algebraic geometry and geometric invariants
(2012.02.20 - 2012.02.22, Steklov Institute, Moscow)
Satoshi Kondo "Mirahoric representations and the local L-factor"
Seminar at IIA
(2012.02.17, Indian Institute of Astrophysics)
Keiichi Maeda "Studying Nearby Type Ia Supernovae and Future Cosmological Applications"
The 7th Kagoshima Algebra-Analysis-Geometry Seminar
(2012.02.14 - 2012.02.17, Kagoshima University)
Christian Schnell "Cohomology of holonomic and constructible complexes on abelian varieties"
Seminar at Amsterdam Univ.
(2012.02.13, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Tadashi Takayanagi " Holographic Fermi Surfaces and Entanglement Entropy "
Growing black holes in COSMOS
(2012.02.13 - 2012.02.22, IPMU)
Masayuki Tanaka "A new method to identify AGNs and the nature of low-luminosity AGNs"
Representation theory on p-adic algebraic groups
(2012.02.12 - 2012.02.17, Yokohama National University)
Satoshi Kondo "L-factor and epsilon factor"
Geometry Seminar
(2012.02.09, University of California, Los Angeles)
Changzheng Li "Classical aspects of quantum cohomology of flag varieties"
Geometry/Topology Seminar
(2012.02.08, University of Southern California)
Changzheng Li "Classical aspects of the quantum cohomology of flag varieties"
Seminar at JPL
(2012.02.06, JPL, Pasadena, USA)
Masahiro Takada "SuMIRe HSC/PFS projects"
The 5th GRB Workshop
(2012.02.06 - 2012.02.08, Tokyo Institute of Technology )
Keiichi Maeda "GRB-SN Connection"
First LeCosPA Symposium: Towards Ultimate Understanding of the Universe
(2012.02.06 - 2012.02.09, LeCosPA, National Taiwan University)
Emir Gumrukcuoglu "Self-accelerating Universe in Nonlinear Massive Gravity"
The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory
(2012.02.06 - 2012.02.10, CERN)
Tadashi Takayanagi "Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT"
Seminar at IoA, University of Tokyo
(2012.02.02, Institute of Astronomy, University of Tokyo)
Hajime Sugai "Two Instruments for Subaru Telescope"
International School on TQFT, Langlands and Mirror Symmetry
(2012.01.31 - 2012.02.04, Huatulco)
Sergey Galkin "Homologically minimal fourfolds"
Integrable systems in Gromov--Witten and Symplectic Field theory
(2012.01.30 - 2012.02.03, AIM, Palo Alto, USA)
Todor Milanov "W-constraints for the total descendant potential of a simple singularity"
Seminar at Univ. of Tokyo (Komaba)
(2012.01.26, Univ. of Tokyo (Komaba))
Shigeki Matsumoto "Seminar at Univ. of Tokyo (Komaba)"
Testing Gravity with Astrophysical and Cosmological Observations
(2012.01.23 - 2012.02.03, IPMU, University of Tokyo)
Emir Gumrukcuoglu "Nonlinear perturbations in the GR limit of HL cosmology"
The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way
(2012.01.23 - 2012.01.27, Sexten Center for Astrophysics (SCfA). Sesto Pusteria, Dolomites, Bolzano, Italy)
Marco Limongi "The effect of rotation on the Hydrostatic and explosive yields of massive stars"
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