All Years
Crossing the Rubicon: The fate of gas flows in galaxies
(2016.09.05 - 2016.09.09, Santarcangelo di Romagna)
Andreas Schulze
"Insight into the fueling and feedback of AGN through their mass functions and accretion rate distribution functions"
On explicit description of holomorphic symplectic varieties
(2016.08.29 - 2016.09.01, Onuma International Seminar House)
Dulip Piyaratne
"Generalized Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequality for Fano 3-folds"
(2016.08.29 - 2016.08.31, 信州大学)
Sho Saito
"Delooping algebraic K-theory via infinite dimensional vector bundles of locally compact type"
Workshop on Lie groups and representation theory
(2016.08.24, Aarhus University)
Yoshiki Oshima
"Characters of unitary representations and semisimple coadjoint orbits"
Quantum theory of finite temperature
(2016.08.22 - 2016.08.24, Riken, Japan 2016)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Current status and Future prospects of WIMP dark matter"
Mini Workshop on Knot theory
(2016.08.19, PMI, Pohang, South Korea)
Dongmin Gang
"3-manifolds and 3 dimensional superconformal field theories"
Twists and braids for general 3-fold flops
(2016.08.17, Hong Kong University)
Will Donovan
"Twists and braids for general 3-fold flops"
Mapping the Pathways of Galaxy Transformation Across Time and Space
(2016.07.31 - 2016.08.05, Catalina Island, USA)
Wiphu Rujopakarn
"JVLA and ALMA Spatially-Resolved Observations of Intensely Star-Forming Regions in Galaxies at z ~ 1-3 in the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field"
Tambara Summer School 2016
(2016.07.30, Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Chen Jiang
"On Fujita spectrum and Fujita invariants"
Tambara Summer School 2016
(2016.07.30 - 2016.08.03, Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Chen Jiang
"Birkar's Anti-pluricanonical systems on Fano varieties explanation"
Geometric and algebraic aspects of integrability
(2016.07.28 - 2016.08.04, Durham, UK)
Todor Milanov
"Eynard--Orantin recursion for simple singularities of type A"
Mini workshop on Seiberg-Witten Floer stable homotopy type
(2016.07.23 - 2016.07.24, University of Tokyo)
Tirasan Khandhawit
"Unfolded Seiberg-Witten Floer spectra"
ILC Summer school
(2016.07.23 - 2016.07.26, Itsukushien, Ichinoseki, Iwate)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Aim of ILC"
Geometry, Representation Theory and the Baum-Connes Conjecture (in honor of Professor Baum for his 80th birthday))
(2016.07.18 - 2016.07.22, Fields Institute, Tronto, Canada)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi
"Conformally Covariant Symmetry Breaking Operators on Differential Forms and Some Applications"
7th European Congress of Mathematics
(2016.07.18 - 2016.07.22, Berlin)
Will Donovan
"Twists and braids for general 3-fold flops"
METU Algebraic Geometry seminar
(2016.07.15, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)
Will Donovan
"Twists and braids for general 3-fold flops"
Physics seminar
(2016.07.14, Tohoku University )
Hitoshi Murayama
" Goldstone bosons, effective operators, and dark pions"
From theory to applications: celebrating a century of gravitational lensing
(2016.07.11 - 2016.07.15, Leiden, The Netherlands)
Alessandro Sonnenfeld
"Luminous and dark matter in earlytype galaxies: a tale of many lenses"
(2016.07.11, MPP Munich, Germany)
Matthias Weissenbacher
"Higher derivative IIB supergravity in Calabi-Yau orientifolds"
(2016.07.10 - 2016.07.16, ICISE, Vietnam)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Estimating J-factors of dSphs for indirect dark matter detections"
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
(2016.07.05, Graduation School of Mathematical Science, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo)
Dulip Piyaratne
"Generalized Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequality for Fano 3-folds"
SUSY 2016
(2016.07.03 - 2016.07.08, The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Hitoshi Murayama
particle theory seminar
(2016.06.30, TU Dortmund University)
Feng Luo
"Gluino Coannihilation"
Analysis on Manifolds with Symmetries and Related Structures.
(2016.06.28 - 2016.06.29, Bath, UK)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi
"Global Geometry and Analysis on Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite-metric"
The Extreme Universe: from Compact Objects to Cosmology
(2016.06.28 - 2016.06.30, The University of Hong Kong)
Leung Shing Chi
"The Collapse Conditions of Oxygen-Neon White Dwarfs in the Accretion Induced Collapse Scenario"
Understanding the First Results form LHC Run II
(2016.06.27 - 2016.07.22, Mainz University)
Michihisa TAKEUCHI
"di-photon from QCD bound states"
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation
(2016.06.26 - 2016.07.01, Edinburgh International Conference Centre)
Naoyuki Tamura
"Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope: overview, recent progress, and future perspectives"
(2016.06.26 - 2016.07.01, University of Glasgow, UK)
Hitoshi Murayama
" Studying the birth and the fate of the Universe"
Neutrinos and Light Particles in Cosmology
(2016.06.22 - 2016.06.24, UC Berkeley, USA)
Masahiro Takada
"Neutrinos from lensing surveys I (invited)"
Neutrinos and Light Particles in Cosmology
(2016.06.22 - 2016.06.24, UCBerkeley, California, USA)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Introduction Neutrino s and Cosmology"
Kyoto Mirror Symmetry seminar
(2016.06.17, University of Kyoto)
Will Donovan
"General 3-fold flops and perverse sheaves of categories"
Darboux seminar
(2016.06.17 - 2016.07.17, IHP)
Artan Sheshmani
"Donaldson Thomas theory, Modular forms, and S-duality conjecture."
Math-Physics seminar
(2016.06.17 - 2016.07.17, IHES)
Artan Sheshmani
"Nested Hilbert schemes and local DT theories"
New perspective on theory and observation of large-scale structure
(2016.06.16, YITP, Kyoto University)
Masahiro Takada
"Cosmic Covariance 2.5:1"
ULTIMATE-Subaru science workshop
(2016.06.16 - 2016.06.17, NAOJ Mitaka)
Naoyuki Tamura & Kiyoto Yabe
Kyoto Algebraic Geometry seminar
(2016.06.10, University of Kyoto)
Will Donovan
"Contractions and deformations"
Journees SL2R
(2016.06.09 - 2016.06.10, Metz, France)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi
"Branching Problems and Symmetry Breaking Operators"
Euclid Consortium Meeting 2016
(2016.05.30 - 2016.06.03, Lisbon, Portugal)
Masahiro Takada
"A proposal/discussion on Subaru HSC Ultra-Wide Survey (for Euclid) (invited)"
The Third International Meeting for Large Neutrino Infrastructures
(2016.05.30 - 2016.05.31, KEK)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Neutrinos and cosmology "
(2016.05.30 - 2016.06.01, Kavli IPMU)
Hitoshi Murayama
"the future of experimental neutrino physics"
The 1st KEK-KIAS-NCTS Joint Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology
(2016.05.26 - 2016.05.28, NCTS, Taiwan)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Current Status and Future Prospects of WIMP Paradigm"
GTM Seminar
(2016.05.26, Kavli IPMU)
Chen Jiang
"Boundedness results on Fano varieties"
Cross-correlation Spectacular with LSST: Exploring Synergies Between LSST and External Datasets to Discover Fundamental Physics
(2016.05.22 - 2016.05.25, Brookhaven National Lab & Stony Brook University)
Masahiro Takada
"SuMIRe: Subaru imaging and spectroscopic galaxy surveys (invited talk)"
Revealing the history of the universe with underground particle and nuclear research 2016
(2016.05.11 - 2016.05.13, U. Tokyo)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Current Status and Future Prospects of WIMP Paradigm"
Pheno 2016
(2016.05.09 - 2016.05.11, Pittsburgh University, USA)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Future Perspectives"
Tokyo-Princeton algebraic geometry conference
(2016.05.08, Princeton University)
Chen Jiang
"Binational boundedness of singular log Fano 3-folds"
Caltech Colloquium
(2016.05.05, Caltech)
Hitoshi Murayama
"When a Symmetry Breaks"
Theory Special Seminar
(2016.05.04, Bonn University, Germany)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Two themes on Goldstone: generalization and dark matte"
Wolfgang Paul Lecture
(2016.05.03, Bonn University)
Hitoshi Murayama
"The Quantum Universe"
Beauty 2016
(2016.05.02, Marseille, France)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Theory in the LHC era overview and vision"
KIAS Algebraic Seminar
(2016.04.26 - 2016.04.29, KIAS)
Chen Jiang
"On boundedness problem of Fano varieties I, II"
Southeastern Regional Mathematical String Theory Meeting
(2016.04.23, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA, USA)
Taizan Watari
"Heterotic--Type IIA duality and degeneration of K3 surface"
Subaru's synergy with space missions in 2020s
(2016.04.21 - 2016.04.22, NAOJ Mitaka)
Naoyuki Tamura
"Subaru's synergy with space missions: From the viewpoint of PFS"
The Interplay Between Local and Global Processes in Galaxies
(2016.04.11 - 2016.04.15, Cozumel, Mexico)
David Stark
"Multi-Scale Environmental Influences on Galaxy Gas Content"
Matsue phenomenology workshop
(2016.03.25 - 2016.03.27, Shimane U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Heavy Fermion Bound States for Diphoton Excess at 750GeV"
Berkeley Week @ IPMU
(2016.03.22 - 2016.03.25, Kavli IPMU)
Michihisa TAKEUCHI
"New physics searches in top yukawa sector"
Differential Topology 16
(2016.03.20 - 2016.03.22, University of Tsukuba)
Tirasan Khandhawit
"Stable homotopy invariants for 4-manifolds"
JPS conference
(2016.03.19 - 2016.03.22, Tohoku Gakuin U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"DM searches @ ILC"
New Developments in Representation Theory
(2016.03.14, Singapore)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi
"Symmetry breaking operators for real reductive groups"
Interplay between LHC and Flavor Physics
(2016.03.14 - 2016.03.15, Nagoya University)
Michihisa TAKEUCHI
"New physics searches in top yukawa sector"
SnowPAC: The Galaxy-Halo Connection
(2016.03.13 - 2016.03.18, Snowbird, Utah)
Alessandro Sonnenfeld
"A strong lensing view of dark matter halos"
Chunichi culture center (Out reach)
(2016.03.12, Chunichi culture center)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Unraveling the mystery of dark matter III"
Nambu Memorial Symposium
(2016.03.11 - 2016.03.13, The University of Chicago,Chicago, USA)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Nambu Goldstone bosons, dark pions, and effective operators"
OIST Forum2016
(2016.03.10, Yurakucyo, Tokyo)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Genuine innovations come from basic science"
ASIAA/CCMS/IAMS/LeCosPA/NTU-Phys/NTNU-Phys Joint Colloquia
(2016.03.08, Taiwan)
Tsutomu Yanagida
"The Origin of Matter in the Universe "
Statistics of Extrema in Large Scale Structure
(2016.03.07 - 2016.03.11, Lorentz Center, Leiden U., Netherlands)
Masahiro Takada
"Connecting Halos (peaks) and Galaxies"
Statistics of Extrema in Large-Scale Structure
(2016.03.07 - 2016.03.11, Lorentz Center, Leiden U., Netherlands)
Masahiro Takada
"Connecting Halo (peak) and Galaxy"
Homological Mirror Geometry
(2016.03.06 - 2016.03.11, Banff International Research Station, Canada)
Will Donovan
"Twists and braids for general 3-fold flops"
LEAP 2016
(2016.03.06 - 2016.03.11, Kanazawa)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Dark Pions as Dark Matter"
Seminar at University of Amsterdam
(2016.02.23, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands )
Todor Milanov
"Fano orbifold lines and Integrable hierarchies"
Nuclear astrophysics association workshop
(2016.02.22 - 2016.02.24, NAOJ)
Miho N. Ishigaki
"Observational views of chemical evolution in the Galaxy (invited)"
F-theory @ 20
(2016.02.22 - 2016.02.26, Caltech, Pasadena, USA)
Taizan Watari
"Heterotic String Soliton and Degeneration of K3"
Astrophysics of Dark Matter
(2016.02.22 - 2016.02.26, Sexten center for Astrophysics)
Alessandro Sonnenfeld
"The dark matter halos of early-type galaxies: a strong lensing view"
Chunichi culture center (Out reach)
(2016.02.20, Chunichi culture center)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Unraveling the mystery of dark matter II"
Geometry, Representation Theory, and Differential Equations
(2016.02.16 - 2016.02.19, Kyushu University)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi
"F-method for Symmetry Breaking Operators, 3"
Topological Recursion and TQFTs
(2016.02.14 - 2016.02.19, Oberwolfach, Germany)
Todor Milanov
"Vertex Algebras and the topological recursion for A_N singularity"
Seminar on Dynamical Systems and Number Theory
(2016.02.09, Sofia University)
Todor Milanov
"The Riemann--Hilbert problem for Givental's total descendant potential"
Topology and Representation Theory
(2016.02.08 - 2016.02.19, Berkeley, University of California, USA)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi
"Branching Problems in Representation Theory of Reductive Lie Groups"
(SAAO seminar)
(2016.02.05 - 2016.02.06, SAAO)
Yuki Moritani
"Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph "
(SAAO colloquium)
(2016.02.04, SAAO)
Yuki Moritani
"Revealing the binary interaction in the puzzling gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057"
Collider study workshop
(2016.01.28, Kavli IPMU)
Michihisa TAKEUCHI
"di-photon from top partner bound states"
KEK-PH 2016
(2016.01.28, KEK)
Michihisa TAKEUCHI
"FCNC decay in top-specific Variant Axion Model"
Geometry Seminar
(2016.01.26, Nagoya University)
Tirasan Khandhawit
"Stable homotopy invariants for 4-manifolds with positive scalar curvature"
Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2016
(2016.01.25 - 2016.01.28, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo)
Dulip Piyaratne
"Polarization and stability conditions on a derived equivalent abelian variety"
Subaru Users' Meeting FY2015
(2016.01.19 - 2016.01.21, KKR hotel Atami)
Miho N. Ishigaki
"Medium-resolution spectroscopy along the stellar tidal stream Palomar 5"
Subaru User's Meeting FY2015
(2016.01.19 - 2016.01.21, KKR hotel Atami)
Naoyuki Tamura
"PFS current status"
Chunichi culture center (Out reach)
(2016.01.18, Chunichi culture center)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Unraveling the mystery of dark matter I"
American Astronomical Society Meeting #227
(2016.01.04 - 2016.01.08, Orlando, USA)
David Stark
"The RESOLVE Survey Atomic Gas Census and Environmental Influences on Galaxy Gas Content"
Seminar at LAM
(2015.12.18, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille)
Masahiro Takada
"SuMIRe (Subaru Measurements of Images and Redshifts)"
PFS Collaboration meeting
(2015.12.16 - 2015.12.18, LAM, Marseille,France)
Hitoshi Murayama
Dark Side of the Universe 2015
(2015.12.14 - 2015.12.18, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Feng LUO
"Gluino Coannihilation"
(2015.12.14, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Yue-Lin Sming Tsai
"Searching for Singlet- Doublet Mixing Majorana DM"
International Year of Light 2017
(2015.12.11, the University of Tokyo)
Hitoshi Murayama
"Light and the Universe"
B mode from Space
(2015.12.10 - 2015.12.16, Kavli IPMU (WPI))
Hajime Sugai
"Optics Design for LiteBIRD and realization plan"
B mode from Space
(2015.12.10 - 2015.12.16, Kavli IPMU)
Maresuke Shiraishi
"Tensor mode bispectrum (invited talk)"
ILC tokusui workshop 2015
(2015.12.08, KEK)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"ILC physics overview"
Cosmology and First Light
(2015.12.07 - 2015.12.10, IAP, Paris, France)
Masahiro Takada
"Halo bias (invited talk)"
Lecture for Instituto de Cosmologia y Fisica de las Americas
(2015.12.07, The Institute of Cosmology and Physics of the Americas ,Puerto Rico)
Hitoshi Murayama
"The Quantum Universe"
Geometry Seminar
(2015.12.07, Department of Mathematics, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Dulip Piyaratne
"Stability conditions and Fourier-Mukai theory on abelian threefolds"
Physics Colloquium (Tohoku U.)
(2015.12.05, Tohoku U.)
Shigeki Matsumoto
"Why does not dark matter discovered yet?"
All Records: 2443 Page