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Informal SNR wirkshop
(2018.07.24 - 2018.07.25, Kyoto University)
Hideaki Matsumura "Suzaku X-ray observation of Galactic supernova remnants to understand the formation process of recomnining plasmas "
AG seminar
(2018.07.22, AMSS, CAS)
Chen Jiang "Introduction to minimal log discrepancy"
Summer School for Grad Students in Astronomy and Astrophysics
(2018.07.21 - 2018.07.25, Toyohashi, Japan)
Masahiro Takada "Observational cosmology is VERY exciting! You should join! (invited)"
(2018.07.16, the Pasadena Convention Center and the Hilton Hotel Pasadena)
Hitoshi Murayama "The Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph"
The Nonlinear Universe 2018
(2018.07.15 - 2018.07.21, Smartno, Slovenia)
Masahiro Takada "Cosmology with Subaru HSC cosmic shear (invited)"
The Non-Linear Universe 2018
(2018.07.15 - 2018.07.21, Smartno, Slovenia)
Masahiro Takada "Cosmological constraints from cosmic shear with Subaru HSC Survey"
RIMS Workshop "Vertex Operator Algebras and Symmetries"
(2018.07.09 - 2018.07.13, RIMS, Kyoto)
Hiraku Nakajima "Moore-Tachikawa 2d TQFTs whose values are holomorphic symplectic varieties"
"Intergalactic Interconnections" Workshop
(2018.07.09, Marseille, France)
Khee-Gan Lee "Exploring the z~2-3 Cosmic Web with 3D Lyman-alpha forest Absorption Tomography"
Forefronts in Cosmology and Numerical General Relativity
(2018.07.06, Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg)
Eiichiro Komatsu "Critical Tests of Theory of the Early Universe using the Cosmic Microwave Background"
Internationa Conference of High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2018)
(2018.07.04 - 2018.07.11, Seoul, S. Korea)
Serguey T. Petcov "Neutrino Theory (Including Leptogenesis)"
2nd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe
(2018.06.29, Université des Antilles, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe Islands)
Yasunori Nomura "Eternally Inflating Multiverse and Many Worlds in Quantum Mechanics: the Same Concept?"
2nd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe
(2018.06.29, Université des Antilles, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe Islands)
Yasunori Nomura "Concluding Remarks-Cosmology (Neutrino, Gravity and Black Holes)"
Dark Side of the Universe 2018
(2018.06.29, Annecy, France)
Misao Sasaki "Primordial Black Holes"
AG seminar
(2018.06.28, Fudan University)
Chen Jiang "Birational boundedness of rationally connected klt Calabi-Yau 3-folds, II"
COSMOS Team Meeting
(2018.06.28, DARK Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Khee-Gan Lee "Exploring the z~2-3 Cosmic Web in COSMOS with 3D Lyman-alpha forest Tomography"
Arithmetic and geometry of local/global fields
(2018.06.26, Vietnum)
Tomoyuki Abe "Nearby cycles formalism in arithmetic $\mathcal{D}$-modules"
2nd World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe
(2018.06.25 - 2018.06.30, Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadelope, France)
Serguey T. Petcov "Leptonic CP Violation and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry of the Universe"
Physics Colloquium
(2018.06.25, ITP, Heidelberg University)
Misao Sasaki "Scalaron as a heavy field and PBH formation"
Geometry and Topology inspired by Physics
(2018.06.24 - 2018.06.29, Monte Verita, Ascona)
Yukinobu Toda "Birational geometry for d-critical loci and wall-crossing in derived categories"
AG seminar
(2018.06.22, East China Normal University)
Chen Jiang "Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds"
VBAC2018 - Gauge theory and complex geometry
(2018.06.18 - 2018.06.22, CIRM Luminy, France)
Francesco Sala "Cohomological Hall algebra of Higgs sheaves on a curve"
String-Math 2018
(2018.06.18 - 2018.06.22, Sendai)
Hiraku Nakajima "3d N=4 QFT and ring objects on the affine Grassmannian"
String-Math 2018
(2018.06.18, Tohoku University)
Yusuke Nakajima "On non-commutative crepant resolutions for some toric rings"
Joint Kavli IPMU - ICEPP Workshop on New Directions for LHC: Run 2 and Beyond
(2018.06.18, Kavli IPMU, Japan)
Satoshi Shirai "SUSY and Cosmology/Naturalness"
String-Math 2018
(2018.06.18 - 2018.06.22, Tohoku University)
Yukinobu Toda "Birational geometry for d-critical loci and wall-crossing in derived categories"
Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity 4
(2018.06.14, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy)
Yasunori Nomura "Pulling the Holographic Boundary into the Bulk"
SPIE Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation
(2018.06.13, Austin Convention Center)
Naoyuki Tamura "Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph -- Ongoing integration and future plans"
Studying the Universe with GAlaxy suRveys - Revealing the Unlimited in ShangHai (SUGAR-RUSH)
(2018.06.13, Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Wenting Wang "Can we measure the halo mass of our Milky Way accurately?"
The extragalactic distance scale in the Gaia era
(2018.06.12, Munich institute for astro- and particle physics (MIAPP), Munich, Germany)
Eiichiro Komatsu "Cosmological Tensions: Amplitude of Matter Density Fluctuations"
AG seminar
(2018.06.11, National University of Singapore)
Chen Jiang "Birational boundedness of rationally connected Calabi-Yau 3-folds"
Quantum Seminar
(2018.06.11, University of Strasbourg, France)
Francesco Sala "(Infinite) root stacks on a curve and the circle quantum group"
(2018.06.11 - 2018.06.15, Shanghai, China)
Fabian Koehlinger "Cosmology with KiDS"
Studying the Universe with GAlaxy suRveys Revealing the Unlimited in ShangHai
(2018.06.11 - 2018.06.15, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Masahiro Takada "Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) (invited)"
VIII Workshop on Geometric Correspondences of Gauge Theories
(2018.06.11 - 2018.06.15, SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Gabi Zafrir "D-type Conformal Matter and SU/USp Quivers"
7th Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics
(2018.06.11, Aachen, Germany)
Serguey T. Petcov "Discrete Symmetries, Neutrino Mixing and Leptonic CP Violation"
The 7th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, DSIR-SS1-1
(2018.06.09, Yonago, Japan)
Yuko Ikkatai "Exploring factors in the success of academic crowdfunding in Japan"
(2018.06.08, 東京大学)
Hitoshi Murayama "International Linear Collider (ILC250) の物理"
AG seminar
(2018.06.07, National University of Singapore)
Chen Jiang "Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds"
JSPS-FWO Interprog workshop 4: Citizen Science and Democracy in Japan
(2018.06.07, Leuven, Belgium)
Yuko Ikkatai "Increasing online citizen science projects in Japan"
Algebra and Geometry Seminar
(2018.06.04, Institute Fourier, University of Grenoble, France)
Francesco Sala "Cohomological Hall algebras of Higgs sheaves on a curve"
the World Science Festival in NY
(2018.06.01, the Gerald W. Lynch Theater at John Jay College)
Hitoshi Murayama "THE MATTER OF ANTIMATTER: Answering the Cosmic Riddle of Existence"
(2018.05.29, 福岡国際会議場)
Hitoshi Murayama "重力波と素粒子物理"
(2018.05.29, Fukuoka International Congress Center)
Satoshi Shirai "Minimal Dark Matter at Colliders"
LCWS 2018
(2018.05.28 - 2018.06.01, Hakata, Kyushu, Japan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Search for Dark Matter at 250 GeV Lepton Colliders "
Minimal Dark Matter at Colliders
(2018.05.24, Bonn University)
Satoshi Shirai "Minimal Dark Matter at Colliders"
DESY Particle and Astroparticle Physics Colloquium at Berlin-Zeuthen
(2018.05.23, DESY Berlin-Zeuthen )
Hitoshi Murayama "What do we know about Dark Matter?"
Celebrating Neutrinos
(2018.05.23, Prague, Czech Republic)
Serguey T. Petcov "Being a Student of S.M. Bilenky at JINR, Dubna"
DESY Particle and Astroparticle Physics Colloquium
(2018.05.22, DESY Hamburg)
Hitoshi Murayama "What do we know about Dark Matter?"
Crossing the walls in enumerative geometry 2018
(2018.05.21 - 2018.06.01, Snowbird, UT, USA)
Todor Milanov "The Landau-Ginzburg B-model"
DESY seminar
(2018.05.18, DESY)
Hitoshi Murayama "Twin SIMP"
Primordial versus Astrophysical Origin of Black Holes
(2018.05.18, CERN)
Misao Sasaki "Scalaron as a heavy field and PBH formation"
TUM theory seminar
(2018.05.17, Department of Physics, Technical University Munich)
Hitoshi Murayama "Twin SIMP"
Geometry Seminar
(2018.05.16, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italia)
Francesco Sala "A geometric realization of the quantum group of the circle"
50 Years of Veneziano Model
(2018.05.15, Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI), Firenze)
Hirosi Ooguri "Symmetry in Quantum Gravity"
Geometry Seminar
(2018.05.14, Department of Mathematics, University of Florence, Italy)
Francesco Sala "Cohomological Hall algebra of Higgs sheaves on a curve"
THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS: Mirror Symmetry and Quantum Cohomology
(2018.05.12 - 2018.05.14, Berkeley)
Hiraku Nakajima "Coulomb branches and their resolutions"
Feynman Centennial Symposium
(2018.05.12, Caltech )
Hirosi Ooguri "How to Quantize Gravity"
宇宙論~これからの100年~(Cosmology for next 100 years)
(2018.05.12, Kyoto Univ.)
Masahiro Takada "宇宙論~これからの100年~ (Cosmology for next 100 years) "
EGN Colloquium
(2018.05.10, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute)
Hiraku Nakajima "Mathematical predictions/results from class S theories"
Bethe Colloquium
(2018.05.03, Physikalisches Institut,Univ.Bonn)
Hitoshi Murayama "New Developments on Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking: universal theme to all physics"
Higher homological algebra and cluster tilting
(2018.04.29 - 2018.05.01, Osaka Prefecture University)
Yusuke Nakajima "Non-commutative crepant resolutions of some toric rings"
GTM Seminar
(2018.04.26, Kavli IPMU)
Chen Jiang "Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds"
The sensitivity frontier workshop
(2018.04.26, KITP Santa Barbara, US)
Tom Melia ""Magnetic bubble chambers""
UCL Cosmology Seminar
(2018.04.25, University College London, UK)
Fabian Koehlinger "A consistent approach to inconsistencies"
Naturalness at Future colliders
(2018.04.24, DESY )
Hitoshi Murayama "Overview"
Astrophysics Group Seminar
(2018.04.23, MSSL, UCL Dept. of Space & Climate Physics)
Masahiro Takada "Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC)"
Statistical challenges for large-scale structure in the era of LSST
(2018.04.18 - 2018.04.20, Oxford University)
Masahiro Takada "Towards Precision Cosmology with Halos (invited talk)"
Statistical challenges for large-scale structure in the era of LSST
(2018.04.18 - 2018.04.20, Oxford, UK)
Fabian Koehlinger "A consistent approach to inconsistencies"
AG seminar
(2018.04.17, AMSS, CAS, China)
Chen Jiang "Noether inequality for algebraic threefolds"
(2018.04.16 - 2018.04.20, Kobe, Japan)
Takeo Higuchi "Status of the Belle II Experiment and Early Physics Program"
Southern California Algebraic Geometry Seminar - Spring 2018
(2018.04.14, University of Southern California)
Hiraku Nakajima " Moore-Tachikawa 2d TQFTs whose values are holomorphic symplectic varieties"
HEP seminar
(2018.04.11, The University of Tokyo, Komaba campus)
Marco Bertolini "B/2-twisted correlators in hybrid CFTs"
(2018.04.06, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Hiromi Yokoyama "Why do female Japanese students not study mathematical and physical sciences?"
(2018.04.04, Dunedin, New Zealand)
Yuko Ikkatai "Science crowdfunding in Japan: Its characteristics and future problems"
Focus Week on Quantum Gravity and Holography
(2018.04.04, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), University of Tokyo, Japan)
Yasunori Nomura "Holography for General Spacetimes"
Focus Week on Quantum Gravity and Holography
(2018.04.02, Kavli IPMU, Japan)
Hirosi Ooguri "Constraints on Quantum Gravity"
(2018.03.27, Neve Shalom, Israel)
Gabi Zafrir "D-type Conformal Matter and SU/USp Quivers"
Harvard Physics Colloquium
(2018.03.25, Harvard University)
Hirosi Ooguri "Constraints on Quantum Gravity"
(2018.03.24 - 2018.03.28, Fukuoka City Museum of Science, Fukuoka,Jpana)
Hitoshi Murayama "Dark Side of the Universe for Everybody"
(2018.03.24 - 2018.03.28, Fukuoka City Museum of Science, Fukuoka,Japan)
Hitoshi Murayama "What is the universe made of?"
Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2018
(2018.03.24 - 2018.03.28, Fukuoka City Science Museum, Fukuoka, Japan)
Hiromi Yokoyama "Does crowd funding change the shape of science"
Conference in honour of Hubert Rubenthaler
(2018.03.22 - 2018.03.23, Strasbourg, France)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi "Conformally covariant symmetry breaking operators on differential forms and some applications (invited)"
JPS conference (symposium)
(2018.03.22 - 2018.03.25, Tokyo U. Science)
Shigeki Matsumoto "Dark matter search at 250GeV ILC"
Spring Annual Meeting of Japanese Astronomical Society 2018
(2018.03.14 - 2018.03.17, Chiba University)
Naoyuki Tamura "Overview of Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph Project and summary of instrument development current status"
(2018.03.14 - 2018.03.18, Thessaloniki, Greece )
Shigeki Matsumoto "Chemistry of dark matter"
2018 Japan Astronomy Society Spring Meeting
(2018.03.14 - 2018.03.17, Chiba Univ.,Chiba, Japan)
Hitoshi Murayama "PFS challenge for the Science"
Spring Annual Meeting of Japanese Astronomical Society 2018
(2018.03.14 - 2018.03.17, Chiba University)
Masahiro Takada "Cosmology with PFS: dark energy, neutrino mass and modified gravity"
4th Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium -The main symposium of ICCMSE2018-
(2018.03.14 - 2018.03.18, The Met Hotel, Thessalonki, Greece)
Masahiro Kawasaki "Formation of primordial black holes in multi-field inflation models"
Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry
(2018.03.12 - 2018.03.16, University of Tokyo)
Chen Jiang "On Noether type inequality, II - 3-folds with (1,2) surface fibration"
Higher dimensional algebraic geometry
(2018.03.12 - 2018.03.16, Univ. Tokyo)
Yukari Ito "Higher dimensional McKay correspondence"
The 2nd International Interdisciplinary Faculty Forum
(2018.03.12, Univ.Chicago, Il, USA)
Hitoshi Murayama "Birth of the Universe"
Higher dimensional algebraic geometry
(2018.03.12 - 2018.03.16, University of Tokyo)
Yukinobu Toda "Birational geometry for d-critical loci and wall-crossing in Calabi-Yau 3-folds"
GTM seminar
(2018.03.08, IPMU)
Yukari Ito "Crepant resolution and the McKay correspondence"
Unification and Development of the Neutrino Science Frontier
(2018.03.05 - 2018.03.06, Kyoto University )
Masahiro Takada "Cosmology and Neutrinos (invited talk)"
Symplectic geometry and around
(2018.03.05, KKR HAkodate, Hokkaido, Japan)
Tatsuki Kuwagaki "Fukaya category and microlocal sheaf theory 1 and 2"
Conference on 'The Transient Universe'
(2018.02.26 - 2018.03.01, NTU, Singapore)
Ken'ichi Nomoto "First Stars and First Supernovae"
Seminar at extragalactic astronomy and instrumentation group
(2018.02.20, Kyoto University, Department of Astrnomy)
Naoyuki Tamura "Overview of Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph Project"
YKIS 2018
(2018.02.19 - 2018.02.23, YITP, Kyoto, Japan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "The weak-charged WIIMP"
YKIS 2018
(2018.02.19 - 2018.02.23, YITP, Kyoto University )
Masahiro Takada "Subaru HSC constraint on primordial black holes and SuMIRe project (invited)"
(2018.02.13 - 2018.02.19, Kiroro, Hokaido, Japan)
Shigeki Matsumoto "The weak-charged WIIMP"
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