IPMU15-0045 |
Mikhail Kapranov, Svyatoslav Pimenov, "Derived varieties of complexes and Kostant's theorem for gl(m|n)", arXiv:1503.00339 [math], |
IPMU15-0044 |
Dulip Piyaratne, Yukinobu Toda, "Moduli of Bridgeland semistable objects on 3-folds and Donaldson-Thomas invariants", arXiv:1504.01177 [math] |
IPMU15-0043 |
Keisuke Harigaya, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki, "Seminatural SUSY from E7 Nonlinear Sigma Model", |
IPMU15-0042 |
I. Girardi, S. T. Petcov , A. V. Titov, "Predictions for the Dirac CP Violation Phase in the Neutrino Mixing Matrix", Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 30 (2015) 1530035, date of acceptance 2015.04.14, arXiv:1504.02402 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0041 |
Yuji Tachikawa, "A review of the T_N theory and its cousins", |
IPMU15-0040 |
Antonio Amariti, Davide Forcella, Claudius Klare, Domenico Orlando, Susanne Reffert, "4D/3D reduction of dualities: mirrors on the circle", JHEP, |
IPMU15-0039 |
Christoph Englert, Philip Harris, Michael Spannowsky, Michihisa Takeuchi, "Unitarity-controlled resonances after Higgs discovery ", JHEP, arXiv:1503.07459 [astro-ph] |
IPMU15-0038 |
Junji Hisano, Koji Ishiwata, Natsumi Nagata, "QCD Effects on Direct Detection of Wino Dark Matter", JHEP 1506, 097(2015), date of acceptance 2015.05.27, arXiv:1504.00915 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0037 |
Natsumi Nagata, Hidetoshi Otono, Satoshi Shirai, "Probing Bino-Gluino Coannihilation at the LHC", Phys. Lett. B 748, 24 (2015) , date of acceptance 2015.06.18, arXiv:1504.00504 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0036 |
Kai Schmitz, "Leptogenesis during Axion Relaxation after Inflation", , |
IPMU15-0035 |
J. Hisano,, T. Kuwahara,, Y .Omura, "Threshold Corrections to Baryon Number Violating Operators in Supersymmetric SU(5) GUTs", |
IPMU15-0034 |
Yuji Tachikawa,, Noriaki Watanabe, "On skein relations in class S theories", |
IPMU15-0033 |
Pawe Caputa, Joan Simon, Andrius Stikonas, Tadashi Takayanagi, Kento Watanabe, "Scrambling time from local perturbations of the eternal BTZ black hole", |
IPMU15-0032 |
I. Girardi, S. T. Petcov , A. V. Titov, "Predictions for the Leptonic Dirac CP Violation Phase: a Systematic Phenomenological Analysis", Eur. Phys. J. C 75 (2015) 345, date of acceptance 2015.07.07, arXiv:1504.00658 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0031 |
Kenji Kadota, Masahiro Kawasaki, and Ken’ichi Saikawa, "Gravitational waves from domain walls in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model", JCAP, |
IPMU15-0030 |
J.Hisano,, Y.Muramatsu,, Y.Omura,, M.Yamanaka, "Flavor violating Z' from SO(10) SUSY GUT in High-Scale SUSY", |
IPMU15-0029 |
Tomohiro Fujita, Ryo Namba, Yuichiro Tada, Naoyuki Takeda, Hiroyuki Tashiro, "Consistent generation of magnetic fields in axion inflation models", |
IPMU15-0028 |
K. Ohmori, H. Shimizu, Y. Tachikawa, K. Yonekura, "6d conformal matter on T^2, part I", |
IPMU15-0027 |
Anson Hook and Hitoshi Murayama, "Low-energy Supersymmetry Breaking Without the Gravitino Problem", |
IPMU15-0026 |
K. Asakura, A. Gando, Y. Gando, T. Hachiya, S. Hayashida, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue, K. Ishidoshiro, T. Ishikawa, S. Ishio, M. Koga, S. Matsuda, T. Mitsui, D. Motoki, K. Nakamura, S. Obara, Y. Oki, T. Oura, I. Shimizu, Y. Shirahata, J. Shirai, A. Suzuki, H. Tach, "Study of electron anti-neutrinos associated with gamma-ray bursts using KamLAND", Astrophys. J., arXiv:1503.02137 [astro-ph], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.02137 |
IPMU15-0025 |
Ip Ivan Chi-Ho, "Positive Casimir and Central Characters of Split Real Quantum Groups", arXiv:1503.00543 [math], http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.00543 |
IPMU15-0024 |
Masamichi Miyaji, Tadashi Takayanagi, , , , "Surface/State Correspondence as a Generalized Holography", |
IPMU15-0023 |
Hiroko Niikura, Masahiro Takada, Nobuhiro Okabe, Rossella Martino, Ryuichi Takahashi, "Detection of universality of dark matter profile from Subaru weak lensing measurements of 50 massive clusters", PASJ, arXiv:1504.01413 [astro-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/1504.01413 |
IPMU15-0022 |
Mikhail Kapranov, "Membranes and higher groupoids", arXiv:1502.06166 [math], |
IPMU15-0021 |
Todor Milanov, "The phase factors in singularity theory", arXiv:1502.07444 [math], PDF, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.07444.pdf |
IPMU15-0020 |
Yann Mambrini, Natsumi Nagata, Keith A. Olive, Jeremie Quevillon, Jiaming Zheng, "Dark Matter and Gauge Coupling Unification in Non-supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Models", Phys. Rev. D D91, 095010 (2015), date of acceptance 2015.04.20, arXiv:1502.06929 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0019 |
S.V. Ketov and A.A. Starobinsky, "More on the equivalence between f(R) gravity and quintessence in inflationary models", EPJC, |
IPMU15-0018 |
Motoi Endo, Takeo Moroi, Mihoko M. Nojiri, "Footprints of Supersymmetry on Higgs Decay", |
IPMU15-0017 |
Masahiro Kawasaki, Masaki Yamada, "Affleck-Dine baryogenesis after D-term inflation and solutions to the baryon-DM coincidence problem", Phys. Rev. D, |
IPMU15-0016 |
Naoya Kitajima, Fuminobu Takahashi, "Gravitational waves from unstable domain walls in the Standard Model Higgs potential", |
IPMU15-0015 |
Chengcheng Han, Doyoun Kim, Shoaib Munir, Myeonghun Park, "Accessing the core of the naturalness, degenerated Higgsinos, with the LHC", |
IPMU15-0014 |
Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama, "Primordial black holes as biased tracers", Phys. Rev. Lett., |
IPMU15-0013 |
Shinta Kasuya, Masahiro Kawasaki and Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "IceCube potential for detecting the Q-ball dark matter in gauge mediation", Phys. Lett. B, |
IPMU15-0012 |
Junji Hisano, Ryo Nagai, Natsumi Nagata, "Effective Theories for Dark Matter Nucleon Scattering", JHEP 1505, 037(2015), date of acceptance 2015.04.17, arXiv:1502.02244 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0011 |
Jason L. Evans, Natsumi Nagata, Keith A. Olive, "SU(5) Grand Unification in Pure Gravity Mediation", Phys. Rev. D 91, 055027 (2015), date of acceptance 2015.03.25, arXiv:1502.00034 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0010 |
Keisuke Harigaya, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, Norimi Yokozaki, "Higgs mass 125 GeV and g-2 of the muon in Gaugino Mediation Model", |
IPMU15-0009 |
Hyun Min Lee, Chan Beom Park, Myeonghun Park, "Supersymmetric Higgs-portal and X-ray lines", arXiv:1501.05479 [hep-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.05479 |
IPMU15-0008 |
Biplob Bhattacherjee, Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay, Mihoko M. Nojiri, Yasuhito Sakaki, Bryan R. Webber, "Associated jet and subjet rates in light-quark and gluon jet discrimination", |
IPMU15-0007 |
Todor Milanov, Yefeng Shen, "The modular group for the total ancestor potential of Fermat simple elliptic singularities", CNTP 8, 329(2014), date of acceptance 2014.01.09, arXiv:1401.2725 [hep-th], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.2725 |
IPMU15-0006 |
Todor Milanov, "The Eynard--Orantin recursion for simple singularities", CNTP 9, 707(2015), date of acceptance 2015.06.11, arXiv:1501.03677 [hep-th], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.03677 |
IPMU15-0005 |
Alexander Kusenko , Lauren Pearce , Louis Yang , "Postinflationary Higgs relaxation and the origin of matter-antimatter asymmetry", Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 061302 (2015), date of acceptance 2015.02.11, arXiv:1410.0722 [hep-ph], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.0722 |
IPMU15-0004 |
A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Lavinia Heisenberg, Shinji Mukohyama, Norihiro Tanahashi, "Cosmology in bimetric theory with an effective composite coupling to matter", |
IPMU15-0003 |
Tetsutaro Higaki, Fuminobu Takahashi, "Elliptic Inflation: Interpolating from natural inflation to $R^2$-inflation", arXiv:1501.02354 [hep-ph] |
IPMU15-0002 |
Yuji Tachikawa, "Instanton operators and symmetry enhancement in 5d supersymmetric gauge theories", |
IPMU15-0001 |
Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Birgit Speh, "Symmetry breaking for representations of rank one orthogonal groups", Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 238, 114pages (2015), date of acceptance 2014.07.18, arXiv:1310.3213 [math], PDF, http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~toshi/pub/tk2013m.html |
IPMU14-0366 |
Ilya Karzhemanov, "On the cut-and-paste property of algebraic varieties", , |
IPMU14-0365 |
Koichi Nagasaki, Satoshi Yamaguchi, "Two-dimensional superconfomal eld theories from Riemann surfaces with boundary", , |
IPMU14-0364 |
Yuki Nakaguchi, Noriaki Ogawa, Tomonori Ugajin, "Holographic Entanglement and Causal Shadow in Time-Dependent Janus Black Hole", JHEP 07(2015)080, date of acceptance 2015.07.15, arXiv:1412.8600 [hep-th], http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP07%282015%29080 |
IPMU14-0363 |
Yuki Nakaguchi, Tatsuma Nishioka, "Entanglement Entropy of Annulus in Three Dimensions", JHEP 04(2015)072, date of acceptance 2015.03.23, arXiv:1501.01293 [hep-th], http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP04%282015%29072 |
IPMU14-0362 |
Ivan Ip, Masahito Yamazaki, "Quantum Dilogarithm Identities at Root of Unity", |
IPMU14-0361 |
G. Moortgat-Picka, Shigeki Matsumoto, et.al., "Physics at the e^+ e^- Linear Collider", |
IPMU14-0360 |
Masamichi Miyaji, Shinsei Ryu, Tadashi Takayanagi, Xueda Wen, "Boundary States as Holographic Duals of Trivial Spacetimes", |
IPMU14-0359 |
Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Veronika E. Hubeny, Mukund Rangamani, Tadashi Takayanagi, "Entanglement density and gravitational thermodynamics", |
IPMU14-0358 |
Song He, Tokiro Numasawa, Tadashi Takayanagi, Kento Watanabe, "Notes on Entanglement Entropy in String Theory", |
IPMU14-0357 |
Atsuhisa Ota, Toyokazu Sekiguchi, Yuichiro Tada, Shuichiro Yokoyama, "Anisotropic CMB distortions from non-Gaussian isocurvature perturbations", JCAP, |
IPMU14-0356 |
Kwang Sik Jeong, Naoya Kitajima, Fuminobu Takahashi, "Degenerate spectrum in the neutrino mass anarchy with Wishart matrices and implications for 0νββ and δCP", arXiv:1412.4061 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0355 |
A. Schulze, A. Bongiorno, I. Gavignaud, M. Schramm, J. Silverman, A. Merloni, G. Zamorani, M. Hirschmann, V. Mainieri, L. Wisotzki, F. Shankar, F. Fiore, A. M. Koekemoer, G. Temporin, "The cosmic growth of the active black hole population at 1<z<2 in zCOSMOS, VVDS and SDSS", MNRAS in press, date of acceptance 2014.11.28, arXiv:1412.0754 [astro-ph], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.0754 |
IPMU14-0354 |
Denis Bashkirov, Alexander A. Voronov, "r_infty-Matrices, triangular L_infty-bialgebras, and quantum_infty groups", Geom. Methods Phys. Workshop, Trends Math. XXXIII, 39(2015), date of acceptance 2015.01.26, arXiv:1412.2413 [math] |
IPMU14-0353 |
Brian Henning, Xiaochuan Lu, and Hitoshi Murayama, "How to use the Standard Model effective field theory", |
IPMU14-0352 |
Alexander Kusenko, Kai Schmitz, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Leptogenesis via axion oscillations after inflation", Phys. Rev. Lett., |
IPMU14-0351 |
Akira Harada, Ayuki Kamada, Naoki Yoshida, "Structure formation in a mixed dark matter model with decaying sterile neutrino: the 3.5 keV X-ray line and the Galactic substructure", |
IPMU14-0350 |
Y. Tachikawa, "Magnetic Z_q gauge field in the confining vacua and the supersymmetric index", |
IPMU14-0349 |
Jennifer Lin, Matilde, Marcolli, Hirosi Ooguri, and Bogdan Stoica, "Tomography from Entanglement", |
IPMU14-0348 |
Masahiro Kawasaki, Ken'ichi Saikawa, Toyokazu Sekiguchi, "Axion dark matter from topological defects", Phys. Rev. D, |
IPMU14-0347 |
Nicolas Addington, Will Donovan, Ed Segal, "The Pfaffian-Grassmannian equivalence revisited", Alg. Geom. (Found. Compos. Math.) 2 (3), 332-364 (2015), date of acceptance 2014.11.24, arXiv:1401.3661 [math], PDF, http://algebraicgeometry.nl/2015-3/2015-3-015.pdf |
IPMU14-0346 |
Joseph Bramante, Patrick Fox, Adam Martin, Bryan Ostdiek, Tilman Plehn, Torben Schell, Michihisa Takeuchi, "The Relic Neutralino Surface at a 100 TeV collider", Phys. Rev. D 91, 054015, date of acceptance 2015.03.11, arXiv:1412.4789 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0345 |
D.N. Dinh S. T. Petcov, "Radiative Emission of Neutrino Pairs in Atoms and Light Sterile Neutrinos", p B742(2015)107, date of acceptance 2015.01.15, |
IPMU14-0344 |
Kingman Cheung, Ran Huo, Jae Sik Lee, Yue-Lin Sming Tsai, "Dark Matter in Split SUSY with Intermediate Higgses", JHEP 1504 (2015) 151, date of acceptance 2015.04.27, arXiv:1411.7329 [hep-ph], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.7329 |
IPMU14-0343 |
Tasuku Aizawa, Masahiro Ibe, Kunio Kaneta, "Coupling Unification and Dark Matter in a Standard Model Extension with Adjoint Majorana Fermions", |
IPMU14-0342 |
M. Kapranov, V. Schechtman, "Perverse Schobers", arXiv:1411.2772 [math], |
IPMU14-0341 |
Hajime Fukuda , Shigeki Matsumoto, Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay, "Does asymmetric dark matter always lead to an anti-neutrino signal?", arXiv:1411.4014 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0340 |
Tomohiro Fujita,, Jun'ichi Yokoyama,, Shuichiro Yokoyama, "Can a spectator scalar field enhance inflationary tensor mode?", |
IPMU14-0339 |
Denis Bashkirov, Alexander A. Voronov, "The BV formalism for L_infty-algebras", J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. 12, 1(2017), date of acceptance 2016.03.05, arXiv:1410.6432 [math], https://arxiv.org/abs/1410.6432 |
IPMU14-0338 |
S.I. Blinnikov, A.D. Dolgov, K. A. Postnov, "Antimatter and antistars in the universe and in the Galaxy", Phys. Rev. D, arXiv:1409.5736 [astro-ph], PDF, http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.5736 |
IPMU14-0337 |
Kingman Cheung , Wei-Chih Huang , Yue-Lin Sming Tsai, "Non-abelian Dark Matter Solutions for Galactic Gamma-ray Excess and Perseus 3.5 keV X-ray Line", JCAP 1505 (2015) 05, 053, date of acceptance 2015.05.15, arXiv:1411.2619 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0336 |
A. Kozyreva , S.Blinnikov, N.Langer, S.-C. Yoon, "Observational properties of low-redshift pair instability supernovae", A&A 565, A70 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.20, arXiv:1403.5212 [astro-ph], PDF, http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2014/05/aa23447-14/aa23447-14.html |
IPMU14-0335 |
Simeon Hellerman, John Kehayias, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Chaotic Inflation from Nonlinear Sigma Models in Supergravity", |
IPMU14-0334 |
Naoya Kitajima, Fuminobu Takahashi, "Resonant conversions of QCD axions into hidden axions and suppressed isocurvature perturbations ", arXiv:1411.2011 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0333 |
Won Sang Cho, James S. Gainer, Doojin Kim, Konstantin T. Matchev, Filip Moortgat, Luc Pape, Myeonghun Park, " Improving the sensitivity of stop searches with on-shell constrained invariant mass variables", |
IPMU14-0332 |
Natsumi Nagata, and, Satoshi Shirai, "Electroweakly-Interacting Dirac Dark Matter", Phys. Rev. D 91,055035(2015), date of acceptance 2015.03.30, arXiv:1411.0752 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0331 |
I. Girardi, S. T. Petcov , A.V. Titov, "Determining the Dirac CP Violation Phase in the Neutrino Mixing Matrix from Sum Rules", Nucl. Phys. B 894 (2015) 733, date of acceptance 2015.03.18, arXiv::1410.8056 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0330 |
Doojin Kim, Hye-Sung Lee, Myeonghun Park, "Invisible dark gauge boson search in top decays using a kinematic method", |
IPMU14-0329 |
Amir Babak Aazami and Miguel Angel Javaloyes, "Penrose's singularity theorem in a Finsler spacetime", arXiv:1410.7595 [math] |
IPMU14-0328 |
Amir Babak Aazami, "The Newman-Penrose formalism for Riemannian 3-manifolds", arXiv:1410.7216 [math] |
IPMU14-0327 |
Ilya Karzhemanov, "Around the uniform rationality", , |
IPMU14-0326 |
Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Kawasaki, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, "Lower bound of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r > 0.1 in a nearly quadratic chaotic inflation model in supergravity", |
IPMU14-0325 |
H. Hayashi, Y. Tachikawa, K. Yonekura, "Mass-deformed T_N as a linear quiver", |
IPMU14-0324 |
Yong-Seon Song, Cristiano G. Sabiu, Teppei Okumura, Minji Oh and Eric V. Linder, "Cosmological Tests using Redshift Space Clustering in BOSS DR11", JCAP, arXiv:1407.2257 [astro-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/1407.2257 |
IPMU14-0323 |
Teppei Okumura, Uros Seljak, Zvonimir Vlah and Vincent Desjacques, "Peculiar velocities in redshift space: formalism, N-body simulations and perturbation theory", JCAP 05, 003 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.04.03, arXiv:1312.4214 [astro-ph], PDF, http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014JCAP...05..003O |
IPMU14-0322 |
Teruhiko Kawano, Yuki Nakaguchi, Tatsuma Nishioka, , "Holographic Interpolation between a and F", JHEP 12(2014)161, date of acceptance 2014.12.11, arXiv:1410.5973 [hep-th], http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP12%282014%29161 |
IPMU14-0321 |
Hirotaka Hayashi, Ryo Matsuda and Taizan Watari, "Issues in Complex Structure Moduli Inflation", |
IPMU14-0320 |
Natsumi Nagata and Satoshi Shirai, "Higgsino Dark Matter in High-Scale Supersymmetry", JHEP 01, 029 (2015), date of acceptance 2014.12.20, arXiv:1410.4549 [hep-ph] |
IPMU14-0319 |
V. Domcke, K. Schmitz, T. T. Yanagida, "Dynamical D-Terms in Supergravity", |
IPMU14-0318 |
S.V.Ketov and N. Watanabe, "The f(R) gravity function of the Linde quintessence", Phys. Lett. B B741 (2015) 242, date of acceptance 2014.12.12, arXiv:1410.3557 [hep-th] |
IPMU14-0317 |
Xiaochuan Lu and Hitoshi Murayama, "Eigenvalue Distribution of Large N Random Matrix―A Diagrammatic Proof to Marchenko Pastur Law", , |
IPMU14-0316 |
Masamune Oguri, Yen-Ting Lin, "Inferring Host Dark Matter Halo Masses of Individual Galaxies from Neighboring Galaxy Counts", Astrophys. J., arXiv:1410.0714 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0315 |
Ryota Kawamata, Masafumi Ishigaki, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Masamune Oguri, Masami Ouchi, "The Sizes of z~6-8 Lensed Galaxies from the Hubble Frontier Fields Abell 2744 Data", Astrophys. J., arXiv:1410.1535 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0314 |
Masafumi Ishigaki, Ryota Kawamata, Masami Ouchi, Masamune Oguri, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Yoshiaki Ono, "Hubble Frontier Fields First Complete Cluster Data: Faint Galaxies at z~5-10 for UV Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Reionization", Astrophys. J., arXiv:1408.6903 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0313 |
Toru Misawa, Naohisa Inada, Masamune Oguri, Poshak Gandhi, Takashi Horiuchi, Suzuka Koyamada, Rina Okamoto, "Resolving the Clumpy Structure of the Outflow Winds in the Gravitationally Lensed Quasar SDSS J1029+2623", Astrophys. J. Lett. 794, L20 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.09.19, arXiv:1410.0791 [astro-ph] |
IPMU14-0312 |
Daisuke Yamauchi, Keitaro Takahashi, Masamune Oguri, "Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity via a Multitracer Technique with Surveys by Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array", Phys. Rev. D 90, 083520 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.10.08, arXiv:1407.5453 [astro-ph] |