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IPMU11-0215 Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Kazunori Nakayama, Norimi Yokozaki,
"Higgs mass and muon anomalous magnetic moment in the U(1) extended MSSM",
Phys. Rev. D 85, 095006 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.28,
arXiv:1112.6412 [hep-ph],
IPMU11-0214 Seok-Jin Kang, Masaki Kashiwara and Shunsuke Tsuchioka,
"Quiver Hecke superalgebras",
arXiv:1107.1039 [math]
IPMU11-0213 Masahiro Kawasaki, Tomohiro Takesako,
"Hubble Induced Mass in Radiation Dominated Universe",
Phys. Lett. B,
IPMU11-0212 Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Norimi Yokozaki,
"Higgs mass, muon g-2, and LHC prospects in gauge mediation models with vector-like matters",
Phys. Rev. D 85, 095012 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.23,
arXiv:1112.5653 [hep-ph],
IPMU11-0211 Sergei V. Ketov, Genta Michiaki, Tsukasa Yumibayashi,
"Quantizing with a Higher Time Derivative",
IPMU11-0210 Yukinobu Toda,
"Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequality and counting invariants",
arXiv:1112.3411 [math]
IPMU11-0209 Mihnea Popa and Christian Schnell,
"Generic vanishing theory via mixed Hodge modules",
arXiv:1112.3058 [math],
IPMU11-0208 Matthew Sudano,
"The Romelsberger Index, Berkooz Deconfinement, and Infinite Families of Seiberg Duals",
JHEP 05, 51(2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.26,
IPMU11-0207 Masahiro Ibe,, Tsutomu T. Yanagida , ,
"The Lightest Higgs Boson Mass in Pure Gravity Mediation Model",
IPMU11-0206 Takeo Moroi, Ryosuke Sato, Tsutomu T Yanagida,
"Extra Matters Decree the Relatively Heavy Higgs of Mass about 125 GeV in the Supersymmetric Model",
IPMU11-0205 Masahiro Kawasaki, , Naoya Kitajima, , Kazunori Nakayama,
"Revisiting the cosmological coherent oscillation",
IPMU11-0204 Patrick Valageas, Masanori Sato, Takahiro Nishimichi,
"Modeling of weak lensing statistics. II. Configuration-space statistics",
A&A 541, 162 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.01.30,
arXiv:1112.1495 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0203 Patrick Valageas, Masanori Sato, Takahiro Nishimichi,
"Modeling of weak lensing statistics. I. Power spectrum and bispectrum",
A&A 541, 161 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.19,
arXiv:1111.7156 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0202 Teruhiko Kawano, Yoichi Tsuchiya and Taizan Watari,
"A Note on Kahler Potential of Charged Matter in F-theory",
Phys. Lett. B 709, 254 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.08,
arXiv:1112.2987 [hep-th]
IPMU11-0201 Hirotaka Hayashi, Teruhiko Kawano and Taizan Watari,
"Constraints on GUT 7-brane Topology in F-theory",
Phys. Lett. B 708, 191 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.01.12,
arXiv:1112.2032 [hep-th]
IPMU11-0200 Gomez, H. L., Clark, C. J. R., Nozawa, T., Krause, O., Gomez, E. L., , Matsuura, M., Barlow, M. J., Besel, M.-A., Dunne, L., Gear, W. K., Hargrave, P., , Henning, Th., Ivison, R. J., Sibthorpe, B., Swinyard, B. M., Wesson, R., ,
"Dust in Historical Galactic Type Ia Supernova Remnants with Herschel",
MNRAS 420, 3557 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.11.28,
arXiv:1111.6627 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0199 Mircea Voineagu, Jeremiah Heller,
"Remarks on filtrations of the homology of real varieties",
Doc. Math.,
arXiv:1110.01836 [math],
IPMU11-0198 Yu Nakayama,
"Gravity Dual for Hofman-Strominger Theorem",
IPMU11-0197 Richard Eager and Sebastian Franco,
"Colored BPS Pyramid Partition Finctions, Quivers and Cluster Transformations",
IPMU11-0196 Sergey V. Ketov and Alexei A. Starobinsky,
"Inflation and non-minimal scalar-curvature coupling in gravity and super-gravity",
IPMU11-0195 Brian Feldstein, William Klemm,
"Large Mixing Angles From Many Right-Handed Neutrinos",
IPMU11-0194 Kiyokazu Nagatomo and Akihiro Tsuchiya,
"The triplet vertex operator algebra W(p) and the restricted quantum group $\overline{U_{q}}(sl_2)$ at $q=\exp^{\frac{\pi i}{p}}$",
ASPM 61, 1-49, 2011, date of acceptance 2011.11.18,
IPMU11-0193 Shimizu, T., Kawara, K., Sameshima, H., Ienaka, N., Nozawa, T., Kozasa, T.,
"Extinction Law in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z~1",
MNRAS 418, 625 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.07.26,
arXiv:1107.5381 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0192 David W. Fallest, Takaya Nozawa, Ken¡Çichi Nomoto, Hideyuki Umeda, , Keiichi Maeda, Takashi Kozasa, Davide Lazzati, ,
"On the Effects of Microphysical Grain Properties on the Yields of Carbonaceous ",
MNRAS 418, 571 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.07.25,
arXiv:1105.4631 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0191 C. A. Keller, N. Mekareeya, J. Song, Y. Tachikawa,
"The ABCDEFG of instantons and W-algebras",
IPMU11-0190 Koichi Hamaguchi, Takeo Moroi, Kyohei Mukaida,
"Boltzmann equation for non-equilibrium particles and its application to non-thermal dark matter production ",
arXiv:1111.4594 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0189 Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Cosmological perturbations of self-accelerating universe in nonlinear massive gravity",
JCAP 1203 (2012) 006, date of acceptance 2012.02.14,
arXiv:1111.4107 [hep-th]
IPMU11-0188 Masaki Asano, Takumi Ito, Shigeki Matsumoto, Takeo Moroi, ,
"Exploring Supersymmetric Model with Very Light Gravitino at the LHC",
IPMU11-0187 Masaki Asano, Takeo Moroi, Ryosuke Sato, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"The Focus Point Assisted by the Seesaw",
IPMU11-0186 Jason L. Evans, Masahiro Ibe, John Kehayias, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Three Generations Ordered by Non-Anomalous Discrete R-Stymmetry",
IPMU11-0185 Masayuki Tanaka,
"A Novel Method to Identify AGNs Based on Emission Line Excess and the Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: II - Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs",
PASJ 2012 April issue, date of acceptance 2011.10.21,
arXiv:1111.0133 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0184 Masayuki Tanaka,
"A Novel Method to Identify AGNs Based on Emission Line Excess and the Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: I -- A Novel Method",
PASJ 2012 April issue, date of acceptance 2011.10.21,
arXiv:1111.0132 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0183 Masayuki Tanaka, Alexis Finoguenov, Simon Lilly et al. (incl. John Silverman),
"X-ray Groups of Galaxies at 0.5<z<1 in zCOSMOS: Increased AGN Activities in High Redshift Groups",
PASJ 2012 April issue, date of acceptance 2011.09.21,
arXiv:1110.0979 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0182 Valentin Tonita,
"A virtual Kawasaki formula",
IPMU11-0181 Koichi Hamaguchi , Kazunori Nakayama , Norimi Yokozaki,
"A Solution to the mu/Bmu Problem in Gauge Mediation with Hidden Gauge Symmetry",
arXiv:1111.1601 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0180 Noriaki Ogawa, Tadashi Takayanagi, Tomonori Ugajin,
"Holographic Fermi Surfaces and Entanglement Entropy",
JHEP 1201,125(2012.), date of acceptance 2012.01.15,
IPMU11-0179 Takeshi Kobayashi, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tomo Takahashi, Masahide Yamaguchi,
IPMU11-0178 Alexander Getmanenko (IPMU),, Dmitry Tamarkin (Northwestern Univ),
"Microlocal properties of sheaves and complex WKB",
IPMU11-0177 Masahiro Ibe, Shigeki Matsumoto, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, ,
"The GeV-scale dark matter with B-L asymmetry",
IPMU11-0176 Cartier, R., Forster, F., Coppi, P., Hamuy, M., Maeda, K., , Pignata, G., Folatelli, G.,
"A study of the color diversity around maximum light in Type Ia Supernovae",
A&A in press, date of acceptance 2011.11.03,
arXiv:1110.0480 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0175 Takashi J. Moriya, Nozomu Tominaga,
"Diversity of Luminous Supernovae from Non-Steady Mass Loss",
Astrophys. J. TBD, date of acceptance 2012.01.23,
arXiv:1110.3807 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0174 Junji Hisano, Koji Ishiwata, and Natsumi Nagata,
"Direct Detection of Dark Matter Degenerate with Colored Particles in Mass",
Phys. Lett. B 706,208, date of acceptance 2011.11.09,
arXiv:1110.3719 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0173 Hirosi Ooguri , Masaki Oshikawa,
"Axionic Instability in Topological Magnetic Insulators",
IPMU11-0172 Yu Nakayama,
"On epsilon-conjecture in a-theorem",
IPMU11-0171 Davide Gaiotto, Gregory W. Moore and Yuji Tachikawa,
"On 6d N=(2,0) theory compactified on a Riemann surface with finite area",
IPMU11-0170 Cosimo Bambi,
"Can we constrain the maximum value for the spin parameter of the super-massive objects in galactic nuclei without knowing their actual nature?",
Phys. Lett. B 705,5(2011), date of acceptance 2011.10.05,
arXiv:1110.0687 [gr-qc]
IPMU11-0169 Satoshi Kondo, Seidai Yasuda,
"The Riemann-Roch theorem without denominators in motivic homotopy theory",
IPMU11-0168 Siu-Cheong Lau, Naichung Conan Leung and Baosen Wu,
"A relation for Gromov-Witten invariants of local Calabi-Yau threefolds",
MRL Volume 18, Number 5, date of acceptance 2011.06.27,
arXiv:1006.3828 [math],
IPMU11-0167 Motoi Endo, Sho Iwamoto,
"LHC Dijet Signals in New Physics Models for Top Forward-Backward Asymmetry",
arXiv:1110.0014 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0166 Yuji Tachikawa,
"On S-duality of 5d super Yang-Mills on S^1",
IPMU11-0165 Siu-Cheong Lau, Naichung Conan Leung and Baosen Wu,
"Mirror maps equal SYZ maps for toric Calabi-Yau surfaces",
BLMS not yet known, date of acceptance 2011.08.22,
arXiv:1008.4753 [math],
IPMU11-0164 Kwokwai Chan, Siu-Cheong Lau, and Naichung Conan Leung,
"SYZ mirror symmetry for toric Calabi-Yau manifolds",
JDG not yet known, date of acceptance 2011.08.20,
arXiv:1006.3830 [math],
IPMU11-0163 Yu Nakayama,
"Comments on scale but non-conformal supersymmetric field theories",
IPMU11-0162 Min-xin Huang, Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor, Albrecht Klemm,
"The Omega deformed B-model for rigid N=2 theories",
arXiv:1109.5728 [hep-th]
IPMU11-0161 Hee-Jong Seo, Masanori Sato, Masahiro Takada, Scott Dodelson,
"Dark Energy from the log-transformed convergence field",
Astrophys. J.,
arXiv:1109.5639 [astro-ph],
IPMU11-0160 Mu-Chun Chen, Kalyana T. Mahanthappa, Aurora Meroni, S. T. Petcov, ,
"Predictions for Neutrino Masses, $¦Â¦Â_{0¦Í}$-Decay and Lepton Flavor Violation in a SUSY $SU(5) \times T^{\prime}$ Model of Flavour ",
arXiv:1109.0731 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0159 David Marzocca, Serguey T. Petcov, Andrea Romanino, Martin Spinrath, ,
"Sizeable $\theta_{13}$ from the Charged Lepton Sector in SU(5), (Tri-)Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and Dirac CP Violation",
JHEP 1111,009(2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.16,
arXiv:1108.0614 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0158 A. Ibarra, E. Molinaro, S. T. Petcov, ,
"Low Energy Signatures of the TeV Scale See-Saw Mechanism",
Phys. Rev. D 84, 013005(2011), date of acceptance 2011.07.07,
arXiv:1103.6217 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0157 Amand Faessler, Aurora Meroni, Serguey T. Petcov, Fedor Simkovic, John Vergados, ,
"Uncovering Multiple CP-Nonconserving Mechanisms of $\betabeta$-Decay ",
Phys. Rev. D 83:11303(2011), date of acceptance 2011.06.07,
arXiv:1103.2434 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0156 Neal Jackson, Hayden Rampadarath, Eran O. Ofek, Masamune Oguri, Min-Su Shin,
"New Lensed Quasars from the MUSCLES Survey",
MNRAS 419, 2014(2012), date of acceptance 2011.09.20,
arXiv:1109.4325 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0155 Ratindranath Akhoury, Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Saotome,
"No classicalization beyond spherical symmetry",
arXiv:1109.3820 [hep-th]
IPMU11-0154 Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Open FRW universes and self-acceleration from nonlinear massive gravity",
JCAP 11, 030 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.07,
arXiv:1109.3845 [hep-th]
IPMU11-0153 Chiaki Kobayashi, Natsuko Izutani, Amanda I. Karakas, Takashi Yoshida, David Yong, & Hideyuki Umeda,
"Evolution of Fluorine Abundances with the $\nu$-Process",
Astrophys. J. Lett. ApJ, 739, L57, date of acceptance 2011.08.15,
arXiv:1108.3030 [astro-ph],
IPMU11-0152 Masamune Oguri, Matthew B. Bayliss, Haakon Dahle, Keren Sharon, Michael D. Gladders, Priyamvada Natarajan, Joseph F. Hennawi, Benjamin P. Koester,
"Combined strong and weak lensing analysis of 28 clusters from the Sloan Giant Arcs Survey",
MNRAS 420, 3213 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.11.22,
arXiv:1109.2594 [astro-ph]
IPMU11-0151 Christian Schnell,
"The fundamental group is not a derived invariant",
IPMU11-0150 Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Shinji Mukohyama, Anzhong Wang,
"General relativity limit of Horava-Lifshitz gravity with a scalar field in gradient expansion",
Phys. Rev. D 85, 064042 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.06,
arXiv:1109.2609 [hep-th]
IPMU11-0149 Toshitake Kohno,
"Quantum and homological representations of braid groups",
Edizioni della Normale 2012, date of acceptance 2012.05.01,
IPMU11-0148 Louis Funar and Toshitake Kohno,
"Free subgroups within the images of quantum representations",
Forum Math. 2011, Published on line DOI 10.1515, date of acceptance 2011.09.01,
arXiv:1108.4904 [math]
IPMU11-0147 ΩÀîÍ?Æó,
IPMU11-0146 Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahahsi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"On the Adiabatic Solution to the Polonyi/Moduli Problem",
IPMU11-0145 Yukinobu Toda,
"Multiple cover formula of generalized DT invariants II: Jacobian localizations",
arXiv:1108.4993 [math]
IPMU11-0144 Yukinobu Toda,
"Multiple cover formula of generalized DT invariants I: parabolic stable pairs",
arXiv:1108.4992 [math]
IPMU11-0143 Mark Feshbach, Alexander A. Voronov,
"A higher category of cobordisms and topological quantum field theory ",
arXiv:1108.3349 [math],
IPMU11-0142 Qing-Guo Huang, Chunshan Lin,
"Scale dependences of local form non-Gaussianity parameters from a DBI isocurvature field ",
arXiv:1108.04474 [astro-ph],
IPMU11-0141 Arend Bayer, Aaron Bertram, Emanuele Macri, Yukinobu Toda,
"Bridgeland stability conditions on 3-folds II: An application to Fujita's conjecture",
arXiv:1106.3430 [math]
IPMU11-0140 Arend Bayer, Emanuele Macri, Yukinobu Toda,
"Bridgeland stability conditions on 3-folds I: Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities",
arXiv:1103.5010 [math]
IPMU11-0139 Yukinobu Toda,
"Stable pairs on local K3 surfaces",
arXiv:1103.4230 [math]
IPMU11-0138 Yukinobu Toda,
"Stability conditions and curve counting invariants on Calabi-Yau 3-folds",
arXiv:1103.4229 [math]
IPMU11-0137 Kazunori Nakayama, Norimi Yokozaki, Kazuya Yonekura,
"Relaxing the Higgs mass bound in singlet extention of the MSSM",
IPMU11-0136 Mitsutoshi Fujita, Tadashi Takayanagi, Erik Tonni,
"Aspects of AdS/BCFT",
JHEP 1111,043(2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.17,
IPMU11-0135 Koichi Hamaguchi, Kazunori Nakayama, Norimi Yokozaki,
"NMSSM in gauge-mediated SUSY breaking without domain wall problem",
Phys. Lett. B,
arXiv:1107.4760 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0134 Kazunori Nakayama , Fuminobu Takahashi,
"Higgs mass and Inflation",
IPMU11-0133 Motoi Endo, , Koichi Hamaguchi, , Sho Iwamoto, , Norimi Yokozaki,
"Higgs Mass and Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in Supersymmetric Models with Vector-Like Matters",
Phys. Rev. D 84, 075017 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.09.19,
arXiv:1108.3071 [hep-ph],
IPMU11-0132 Cosimo Bambi, Enrico Barausse,
"The final stages of accretion onto non-Kerr compact objects",
Phys. Rev. D 84,084034(2011), date of acceptance 2011.09.20,
arXiv:1108.4740 [gr-qc]
IPMU11-0131 Jason L. Evans, Masahiro Ibe, and Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Probing Extra Matter in Gauge Mediation Through the Lightest Higgs Boson Mass",
IPMU11-0130 Yuji Tachikawa and Seiji Terashima,
"Seiberg-Witten geometries revisited",
IPMU11-0129 Masaki Asano, Takeo Moroi, Ryosuke Sato, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Extra family, R-symmetry and Higgs-mass",
IPMU11-0128 Susanne Reffert,
"General Omega Deformations from Closed String Backgrounds",
IPMU11-0127 Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi,
"Low-scale Supersymmetry from Inflation",
JCAP JCAP10(2011)033, date of acceptance 2011.10.10,
IPMU11-0126 D. Marrone, G. P. Smith, N. Okabe et al. (including M. Takada) ,
"LoCuSS: The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Weak Lensing Mass Scaling Relation",
Astrophys. J.,
arXiv:1107.5115 [astro-ph],
IPMU11-0125 Shinta Kasuya,, Masahiro Kawasaki,
"Gravitino dark matter and baryon asymmetry from Q-ball decay in gauge mediation",
Phys. Rev. D,
arXiv:1107.0403 [hep-ph]
IPMU11-0124 Masahiro Kawasaki,, Koichi Miyamoto,, Kazunori Nakayama,, Toyokazu Sekiguchi,
"Isocurvature perturbations in extra radiation",
IPMU11-0123 Kiyotomo Ichiki, Masahiro Takada,
"The impact of massive neutrino on the abundance of massive clusters",
Phys. Rev. D,
arXiv:1108.4688 [astro-ph],
IPMU11-0122 Takeshi Kobayashi, Masahiro Kawasaki, Fuminobu Takahashi,
"Non-Gaussianity from Curvatons Revisited",
IPMU11-0121 Keisuke Harigaya, Ryosuke Sato, Satoshi Shirai,
"Testing CDF Wjj Anomaly at the LHC",
IPMU11-0120 Tomonori Ugajin,
"Microstate Counting of a Higher Spin Black Hole",
IPMU11-0119 Noriaki Ogawa and Tadashi Takayanagi,
"Higher Derivative Corrections to Holographic Entanglement Entropy for AdS Solitons",
JHEP 1110,147(2011), date of acceptance 2011.10.01,
IPMU11-0118 A. Gando, Y. Gando, K. Ichimura, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue, Y. Kibe, Y. Kishimoto, M. Koga, Y. Minekawa, T. Mitsui, T. Morikawa, N. Nagai, K. Nakajima, K. Nakamura, K. Narita, I. Shimizu, Y. Shimizu, J. Shirai, F. Suekane, A. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, N. Takahashi, ,
"Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements",
Nature Geoscience 4, 647 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.06.14,
IPMU11-0117 Alexey Bondal, Alexei Rosly,
"Derived categories for complex-analytic manifolds",
IPMU11-0116 Jason L. Evans, Masahiro Ibe and Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Relatively Heavy Higgs Boson in More Generic Gauge Mediation",
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