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IPMU14-0312 Daisuke Yamauchi, Keitaro Takahashi, Masamune Oguri,
"Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity via a Multitracer Technique with Surveys by Euclid and the Square Kilometre Array",
Phys. Rev. D 90, 083520 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.10.08,
arXiv:1407.5453 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0311 Pawe l Caputa, Joan Simon, Andrius Stikonas, Tadashi Takayanagi,
"Quantum Entanglement of Localized Excited States at Finite Temperature",
IPMU14-0310 Shinji Mukohyama,
"A new quasidilaton theory of massive gravity",
IPMU14-0309 Junji Hisano, Daiki Kobayashi, Naoya Mori, and Eibun Senaha,
"Effective Interaction of Electroweak-Interacting Dark Matter with Higgs Boson and Its Phenomenology ",
IPMU14-0308 Tetsutaro Higaki, Fuminobu Takahashi,
"Axion Landscape and Natural Inflation",
arXiv:1409.8409 [hep-ph]
IPMU14-0307 Ufuk Aydemir, Djordje Minic, Chen Sun, Tatsu Takeuchi,
"The Higgs mass, Superconnections and the TeV scale Left-Right Symmetric Model",
Phys. Rev. D,
IPMU14-0306 A. Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Lavinia Heisenberg, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Cosmological perturbations in massive gravity with doubly coupled matter",
IPMU14-0305 James S. Gainer, Konstantin T. Matchev, Myeonghun Park,
"The Hierarchy Solution to the Inverse LHC Problem",
IPMU14-0304 Masahiro Ibe, Shigeki Matsumoto, Satoshi Shirai, Tsutomu T. Yanagida, ,
"Mass of Decaying Wino from AMS-02 2014",
IPMU14-0303 Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Ibe,
"Anomaly Mediated Gaugino Mass and Path-Integral Measure",
IPMU14-0302 Ilya Karzhemanov,
"On unirational quartic hypersurfaces",
IPMU14-0301 Keisuke Harigaya, Taku Hayakawa, Masahiro Kawasaki, Shuichiro Yokoyama,
"CDM/baryon isocurvature pertubations in a sneutrino curvaton model",
IPMU14-0300 Huan Y. A. Meng, Kate Y. L. Su, George H. Rieke, David J. Stevenson, Peter Plavchan, Wiphu Rujopakarn, Carey M. Lisse, Saran Poshyachinda, Daniel E. Reichart,
"Large impacts around a solar-analog star in the era of terrestrial planet formation",
Science Vol. 345, no. 6200, pp. 1032-1035, date of acceptance 2014.07.15,
IPMU14-0299 J. D. Silverman, D. Kashino, N. Arimoto, A. Renzini, G. Rodighiero, E. Daddi, D. Sanders, J. Kartaltepe, J. Zahid, T. Nagao, L. J. Kewley, S. J. Lilly, N. Sugiyama, P. Capak, C. M. Carollo, J. Chu, G. Hasinger, O. Ilbert, M. Kajisawa, A. M. Koekemoer, K. ,
"The FMOS-COSMOS survey of star-forming galaxies at z~1.6 III. Survey design, performance, and sample characteristics",
Astrophys. J.,
arXiv:1409.0447 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0298 Keisuke Harigaya, Masahiro Ibe, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"R-symmetric Axion/Natural Inflation in Supergravity via Deformed Moduli Dynamics",
IPMU14-0297 Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Sera Cremonini, Blaise Gouteraux.,
"Intermediate scalings in holographic RG flows and conductivities",
IPMU14-0296 Alexey Bondal and Ilya Zhdanovskiy,
"Orthogonal pairs for Lie algebra sl(6)",
IPMU14-0295 Satoshi Kondo, Charles Siegel, Jesse Wolfson,
"Modular Operads of Embedded Curves",
arXiv:1407.6558 [math],
IPMU14-0294 Charles Siegel,
"Strongly Cyclic Coverings of Cyclic Curves",
arXiv:1407.5191 [math],
IPMU14-0293 S.V.Ketov and T.Terada,
"Generic scalar potentials for inflation in supergravity with a single chiral superfield",
JHEP 1412 (2014) 062, date of acceptance 2014.11.17,
arXiv:1408.6524 [hep-th]
IPMU14-0292 Yuta Hamada, Kin-ya Oda, Fuminobu Takahashi,
"Topological Higgs inflation: The origin of the Standard Model criticality",
arXiv:1408.5556 [hep-ph]
IPMU14-0291 Ryoichi Nishio and Taizan Watari,
"Skewness dependence of GPD/DVCS, conformal OPE and AdS/CFT correspondence",
Phys. Rev. D 90, 125001 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.12.01,
arXiv:1408.6365 [hep-ph]
IPMU14-0290 K. Abe, J. Adam, H. Aihara, T. Akiri, C. Andreopoulos, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, S. Assylbekov, D. Autiero, M. Barbi, G.J. Barker, G. Barr, M. Bass, M. Batkiewicz, F. Bay, S.W. Bentham, V. Berardi, B.E. Berger, S. Berkman, I. Bertram, S. Bhadra, F.d.M.,
"Precise Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Parameter θ_{23} from Muon Neutrino Disappearance in an Off-axis Beam",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 181801 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.05.09,
arXiv:1403.1532 [hep-ex],
IPMU14-0289 K. Abe, J. Adam, H. Aihara, T. Akiri, C. Andreopoulos, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, S. Assylbekov, D. Autiero, M. Barbi, G.J. Barker, G. Barr, M. Bass, M. Batkiewicz, F. Bay, S.W. Bentham, V. Berardi, B.E. Berger, S. Berkman, I. Bertram, S. Bhadra, F.d.M.,
"Measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino component in the T2K neutrino beam with the ND280 detector",
Phys. Rev. D 89, 092003 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.04.12,
arXiv:1403.2552 [hep-ex],
IPMU14-0288 K. Abe, J. Adam, H. Aihara, T. Akiri, C. Andreopoulos, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, T. Ariga, S. Assylbekov, D. Autiero, M. Barbi, G.J. Barker, G. Barr, M. Bass, M. Batkiewicz, F. Bay, S.W. Bentham, V. Berardi, B.E. Berger, S. Berkman, I. Bertram, S. Bhadra, F.d.M.,
"Measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current interaction cross section by observing nuclear de-excitation γ-rays",
Phys. Rev. D,
arXiv:1403.3140 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0287 K. Abe, J. Adam, H. Aihara, T. Akiri, C. Andreopoulos, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, S. Assylbekov, D. Autiero, M. Barbi, G.J. Barker, G. Barr, M. Bass, M. Batkiewicz, F. Bay, V. Berardi, B.E. Berger, S. Berkman, S. Bhadra, F.d.M. Blaszczyk, A. Blondel, C. Bojechko,,
"Measurement of the Inclusive Electron Neutrino Charged Current Cross Section on Carbon with the T2K Near Detector",
Phys. Rev. Lett.,
arXiv:1407.7389 [hep-ex],
IPMU14-0286 K. Abe, J. Adam, H. Aihara, T. Akiri, C. Andreopoulos, S. Aoki, A. Ariga, S. Assylbekov, D. Autiero, M. Barbi, G.J. Barker, G. Barr, M. Bass, M. Batkiewicz, F. Bay, V. Berardi, B.E. Berger, S. Berkman, S. Bhadra, F.d.M. Blaszczyk, A. Blondel, C. Bojechko,,
"Measurement of the inclusive nu_{mu} charged current cross section on iron and hydrocarbon in the T2K on-axis neutrino beam",
Phys. Rev. D,
arXiv:1407.4256 [hep-ex],
IPMU14-0285 Kantaro Ohmori, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Yuji Tachikawa, Kazuya Yonekura,
"Anomaly polynomial of general 6d SCFTs",
IPMU14-0284 Johanna Erdmenger, Benedikt Herwerth, Steffen Klug, Rene Meyer, Koenraad Schalm,
"S-Wave Superconductivity in Anisotropic Holographic Insulators ",
JHEP JHEP 1505 (2015) 094 , date of acceptance 2015.04.26,
arXiv:1501.07615 [hep-th],
IPMU14-0283 Mitsutoshi Fujita, Sarah M. Harrison, Andreas Karch, Rene Meyer, Natalie M. Paquette,
"Towards a Holographic Bose-Hubbard Model",
JHEP JHEP 1504 (2015) 068 , date of acceptance 2015.03.23,
arXiv:1411.7899 [hep-th],
IPMU14-0282 Mikhail Kapranov,, Maxim Kontsevich,, Yan Soibelman,
"Algebra of the infrared and secondary polytopes",
Adv. Math. 300 (2016) 616-671, date of acceptance 2016.01.27,
arXiv:1408.2673 [math],
IPMU14-0281 S. Jones, R. Hirschi, K. Nomoto,
"Advanced evolution and fate of 8-12 solar mass stars",
IPMU14-0280 Hachisu, I., Kato, M., Saio, H., and Nomoto, K.,
"A Single Degenerate Model for Ultra Super-Chandrasekhar Mass Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae - Young and Low Metallicity Environments -",
IPMU14-0279 Yamanaka, M., Kawabata, K. S., Maeda, K., Tanaka, M., Yoshida, M., Hattori, T., Nomoto, K., Komatsu, T., and Okushima, T.,
"Late-Phase Observations of a Super-Chandrasekhar SN Ia",
IPMU14-0278 Usuda, T., Krause, O., Tanaka, M., Hattori, T., Goto, M., Birkmann, S. M., and Nomoto, K.,
"Light-Echo Spectrum Reveals the Type of Tycho Brahe's 1572 Supernova",
IPMU14-0277 Maeda, K., Bersten, M. C., Moriya, T. J., Folatelli, G., and Nomoto, K.,
"Supernova Optical Observations and Theory",
IPMU14-0276 Moriya, T., Blinnikov, S. I., Tominaga, N., Yoshida, N., Tanaka, M., Maeda, K., and Nomoto, K.,
"Light Curve Modeling of Superluminous Supernovae",
IPMU14-0275 Bersten, M. C., Benvenuto, O., and Nomoto, K.,
"Early Emission of Core-Collapse Supernovae",
IPMU14-0274 Tominaga, N., Iwamoto, N., and Nomoto, K.,
"Distribution of supernova properties in the early universe",
IPMU14-0273 Nomoto, K., Kamiya, Y., and Nakasato, N.,
"Type Ia Supernova Models and Progenitor Scenarios",
IPMU14-0272 Nomoto, K. ,
"Core Collapse Supernova Models and Nucleosynthesis",
IPMU14-0271 Nomoto, K. and Suzuki, T.,
"Supernova Yields for Chemical Evolution Modeling",
IPMU14-0270 Shinta Kasuya and Masahiro Kawasaki,
"Q-ball dark matter and baryogenesis in high-scale inflation",
Phys. Lett. B,
arXiv:1408.1176 [hep-ph]
IPMU14-0269 Tetsutaro Higaki, Naoya Kitajima, Fuminobu Takahashi,
"Hidden axion dark matter decaying through mixing with QCD axion and the 3.5 keV X-ray line",
IPMU14-0268 Naichung Conan Leung, Changzheng Li,
"An update of quantum cohomology of homogeneous varieties",
arXiv:1407.5905 [math],
IPMU14-0267 Andreas P Braun and Taizan Watari,
"The vertical, the horizontal and the rest: anatomy of the middle cohomology of Calabi-Yau fourfolds and F-theory applications",
JHEP 1501, 047 (2015), date of acceptance 2015.01.12,
arXiv:1408.6167 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0266 Andreas P Braun and Taizan Watari,
"Distribution of Number of Generations in Flux Compactifications",
Phys. Rev. D 90, 121901(R) (2014), date of acceptance 2014.12.30,
arXiv:1408.6156 [hep-th]
IPMU14-0265 Nomoto, K., Tominaga, N., and Blinnikov, S. I.,
"Electron-capture supernovae of super-asymptotic giant branch stars and the Crab supernova 1054",
IPMU14-0264 Kerzendorf, W. E., Yong, D., Schmidt, B. P., Simon, J. D., Jeffery, C. S., , Anderson, J., Podsiadlowski, P., Gal-Yam, A., Silverman, J. M., Filippenko, , A. V., Nomoto, K., Murphy, S. J., Bessell, M. S., Venn, K. A., and Foley, , R. J. 2013, "A High-res,
"A High-resolution Spectroscopic Search for the Remaining Donor for Tycho's Supernova",
Astrophys. J. 774, 99 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.04.09,
IPMU14-0263 Bufano, F., Pignata, G., Bersten, M., Mazzali, P. A., Ryder, S. D., , Margutti, R., Milisavljevic, D., Morelli, L., Benetti, S., Cappellaro, E., , Gonzalez-Gaitan, S., Romero-Cantildeizales, C., Stritzinger, M., Walker, E. S., , Anderson, J. P., Contreras,
"SN 2011hs: a fast and faint Type IIb supernova from a supergiant progenitor",
MNRAS 439 (2): 1807-1828, date of acceptance 2014.01.08,
IPMU14-0262 Mazzali, P. A., Sullivan, M., Hachinger, S., Ellis, R. S., Nugent, P. E., , Howell, D. A., Gal-Yam, A., Maguire, K., Cooke, J., Thomas, R., Nomoto, K., , and Walker, E. S.,
"Hubble Space Telescope spectra of the Type Ia supernova SN 2011fe: a tail of low-density, high-velocity material with Z < Zsun",
MNRAS 439 (2): 1959-1979 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.01.12,
IPMU14-0261 Spiro, S., Pastorello, A., Pumo, M. L., Zampieri, L., Turatto, M., Smartt, , S. J., Benetti, S., Cappellaro, E., Valenti, S., Agnoletto, I., Altavilla, , G., Aoki, T., Brocato, E., Corsini, E. M., Di Cianno, A., Elias-Rosa, N., , Hamuy, M., Enya, K., Fias,
"Low luminosity Type II supernovae - II. Pointing towards moderate mass precursors",
MNRAS 439, 1959-1979 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.01.17,
arXiv:1305.2356 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0260 Sternberg, A., Gal Yam, A., Simon, J. D., Patat, F., Hillebrandt, W., , Phillips, M. M., Foley, R. J., Thompson, I., Morrell, N., Chomiuk, L., , Soderberg, A. M., Yong, D., Kraus, A. L., Herczeg, G. J., Hsiao, E. Y., , Raskutti, S., Cohen, J. G., Mazzali,,
"Multi-Epoch High-Spectral-Resolution Observations of Neutral Sodium in 14 Type Ia Supernovae",
Prog. Theo. Phys. MNRAS (September 11, 2014) 443 (2): 1849-1860. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stu1202 , date of acceptance 2014.06.17,
IPMU14-0259 Kato, M., Saio, H., Hachisu, I., and Nomoto, K.,
"Shortest Recurrence Periods of Novae",
Astrophys. J. tba, date of acceptance 2014.08.02,
arXiv:1404.0582 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0258 Charles Siegel,
"The Moduli of Klein Covers of Curves",
arXiv:1407.3530 [math],
IPMU14-0257 Denissenkov, P., Truran, J. W., Herwig, F., Jones, S., Paxton, B.,, Nomoto, K., Suzuki, T., and Toki, H.,
"Hybrid C-O-Ne white dwarfs as progenitors of type Ia supernovae: dependence on Urca process and mixing assumptions",
arXiv:1407.0248 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0256 Kawabata, K. S., Akitaya, H., Yamanaka, M., Itoh, R., Maeda, K., Moritani, , Y., Ui, T., Kawabata, M., Mori, K., Nogami, D., Nomoto, K., Suzuki, N., , Takaki, K., Tanaka, M., Ueno, I., Chiyonobu, S., Harao, T., Matsui, R., , Miyamoto, H., Nagae, O., Nakas,
"Optical and Near-Infrared Polarimetry of Highly Reddened Type Ia Supernova 2014J: Peculiar Properties of Dust in M82",
Astrophys. J.,
arXiv:1407.0452 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0255 Cristian E. Rusu, Masamune Oguri, Yosuke Minowa, Masanori Iye, Anupreeta More, Naohisa Inada, Shin Oya,
"Adaptive optics observations of the gravitationally lensed quasar SDSS J1405+0959",
MNRAS , date of acceptance 2014.08.07,
arXiv:1408.1425 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0254 Gokce Basar, Aleksey Cherman, David A. McGady, Masahito Yamazaki,
"title ",
IPMU14-0253 Matthew Lippert, Rene Meyer, Anastasios Taliotis,
"A holographic model for the fractional quantum Hall effect",
JHEP JHEP 1501 (2015) 023 , date of acceptance 2014.12.10,
arXiv:1409.1369 [hep-th],
IPMU14-0252 Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Namba, Rio Saitou,
"Hamiltonian structure of scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski",
IPMU14-0251 Ivan Chi-Ho Ip, Anton M. Zeitlin,
"Q-Operator and Fusion Relations for $C_q^{(2)}(2)$",
Lett. Math. Phys. doi:10.1007/s11005-014-0702-5, date of acceptance 2014.04.16,
arXiv:1312.4063 [math],
IPMU14-0250 Limongi Marco, Chieffi Alessandro,
ApJS 199,38(2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.21,
IPMU14-0249 Chieffi Alessandro, Limongi Marco,
"Pre-supernova Evolution of Rotating Solar Metallicity Stars in the Mass Range 13-120 M &#8857; and their Explosive Yields",
Astrophys. J. 764,21(2013), date of acceptance 2012.12.06,
IPMU14-0248 Chiaki Gen, Schneider Raffaella, Nozawa Takaya, Omukai Kazuyuki, Limongi Marco, Yoshida Naoki, Chieffi Alessandro,
"Dust grain growth and the formation of the extremely primitive star SDSS J102915+172927",
MNRAS 439,3121(2014), date of acceptance 2014.06.22,
IPMU14-0247 Masataka Fukugita, Brice Menard,
"The nature of Damped Lyman-alpha and MgII absorbers explored with their dust contents",
Astrophys. J.,
arXiv:1403.4339 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0246 S. Schmidt, B. Menard, R. Scranton et al.,
"Inferring the Redshift Distribution of the Cosmic Infrared Background",
arXiv:1407.0031 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0245 Ting-Wen Lan, Brice Menard, Guangtun Zhu,
"The properties of the cool circumgalactic gas probed with the SDSS, WISE and GALEX surveys",
Astrophys. J.,
arXiv:1404.5301 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0244 Gail Zasowski, Brice Menard,
"Mapping the Interstellar Medium with Near-Infrared Diffuse Interstellar Bands",
Astrophys. J.,
arXiv:1406.1195 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0243 Guangtun Zhu, Brice Ménard,
"The large-scale distribution of cool gas around luminous red galaxies",
MNRAS 438, 3139, 2014, date of acceptance 2014.01.24,
arXiv:1309.7660 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0242 Susa, Hajime; Hasegawa, Kenji; Tominaga, Nozomu,
"The Mass Spectrum of the First Stars",
Astrophys. J. in press, date of acceptance 2014.07.05,
IPMU14-0241 W. Aoki, N. Tominaga, T. C. Beers, S. Honda, Y. S. Lee,
"A chemical signature of first-generation very-massive stars",
Science in press, date of acceptance 2014.07.08,
IPMU14-0240 Brian Henning, John Kehayias, Hitoshi Murayama, David Pinner, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"A keV Axion from High Scale Supersymmetry",
IPMU14-0239 Moriya, T. J., Blinnikov, S. I., Tominaga, N., Yoshida, N., Tanaka, M., Maeda, K., and Nomoto, K.,
"Light-curve modelling of superluminous supernova 2006gy: collision between supernova ejecta and a dense circumstellar medium",
MNRAS 428, 1020--1035(2013), date of acceptance 2013.01.01,
IPMU14-0238 A. Renshaw,7,† K. Abe,1,29 Y. Hayato,1,29 K. Iyogi,1 J. Kameda,1,29 Y. Kishimoto,1,29 M. Miura,1,29 S. Moriyama,1,29, M. Nakahata,1,29 Y. Nakano,1 S. Nakayama,1,29 H. Sekiya,1,29 M. Shiozawa,1,29 Y. Suzuki,1,29 A. Takeda,1,29 Y. Takenaga,1, T. Tomura,1,29,
"First Indication of Terrestrial Matter Effects on Solar Neutrino Oscillation",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 091805 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.02.03,
arXiv:1312.5176 [hep-ex],
IPMU14-0237 Biplob Bhattacherjee and Arghya Choudhury,
"The role of MSSM heavy Higgs production in the self coupling measurement of 125 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC",
IPMU14-0236 T. Abu-Zayyad a, R. Aida b, M. Allen a, R. Anderson a, R. Azuma c, E. Barcikowski a, J.W. Belz a, D.R. Bergman a,, S.A. Blake a, R. Cady a, B.G. Cheon d, J. Chiba e, M. Chikawa f, E.J. Cho d, W.R. Cho g, H. Fujii h, T. Fujii i,&#8657;,, T. Fukuda c, M. Fu,
"The energy spectrum of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays measured by the Telescope Array FADC fluorescence detectors in monocular mode",
Astropart. Phys. 48 (2013) 16&#8211;24, date of acceptance 2013.06.16,
arXiv:1404.5890 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0235 S. Jones., R. Hirschi, K. Nomoto, Fischer, T., Timmes, F. X., Herwig, F.,, Paxton, B., Toki, H., Suzuki, T.,
"Advanced Burning Stages and Fate of 8-10 Msun Stars",
Astrophys. J. 772, 150(2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.04,
arXiv:1306.2030 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0234 Toki, H., Suzuki, T., Nomoto, K., Jones, S., Hirschi, R.,
"Detailed beta;-transition rates for URCA nuclear pairs in 8 - 10 solar-mass stars",
PRC 88, 015806(2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.15,
IPMU14-0233 K. Nomoto, C. Kobayashi, N. Tominaga,
"{Nucleosynthesis in Stars and the Chemical Enrichment of Galaxies",
ARAA 51, 457-509(2013), date of acceptance 2013.07.03,
IPMU14-0232 T.J. Moriya, N. Tominaga, N. Langer, K. Nomoto,, S.I. Blinnikov, E. I. Sorokina,
"Electron-capture supernovae exploding within their progenitor wind",
AA 2014, date of acceptance 2014.07.17,
arXiv:1407.4563 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0231 Tominaga, Nozomu; Morokuma, Tomoki; Tanaka, Masaomi; Yasuda, Naoki; Furusawa, Hisanori; Jiang, Jian; Miyazaki, Satoshi; Moriya, Takashi J.; Noumaru, Junichi; Schubert, Kiaina; Takata, Tadafumi,
"First supernova candidates discovered with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam",
IPMU14-0230 Tominaga, Nozomu; Morokuma, Tomoki; Blinnikov, Sergei I.,
"Shock Breakout of Type II Plateau Supernova",
IPMU14-0229 Shibata, Sanshiro; Tominaga, Nozomu,
"Origin of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays: Nuclear Composition of Gamma-Ray Burst Jets",
IPMU14-0228 Tominaga, Nozomu; Blinnikov, Sergei I.; Nomoto, Ken'ichi,
"Supernova Explosions of Super-asymptotic Giant Branch Stars: Multicolor Light Curves of Electron-capture Supernovae",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 771, L12 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.28,
arXiv:1305.6813 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0227 Ito, Hiroko; Aoki, Wako; Beers, Timothy C.; Tominaga, Nozomu; Honda, Satoshi; Carollo, Daniela,
" Chemical Analysis of the Ninth Magnitude Carbon-enhanced Metal-poor Star BD+44°493",
Astrophys. J. 773, 33 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.06.07,
IPMU14-0226 Fujii, R.; Doi, K.; Yokoyama, Y.; Fukuoka, H.; Sugimura, A.; Tominaga, N.; Susa, H.; Umezu, I.,
"Fluid simulation of plume head-on collision dynamics during pulsed laser ablation",
IPMU14-0225 Tominaga, Nozomu; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Nomoto, Ken'ichi,
"Abundance Profiling of Extremely Metal-poor Stars and Supernova Properties in the Early Universe",
Astrophys. J. 785, 98 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.02.14,
arXiv:1309.6734 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0224 Shibata, Sanshiro; Tominaga, Nozomu; Tanaka, Masaomi,
"Random Walks and Effective Optical Depth in Relativistic Flow",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 787 L4 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.04.03,
arXiv:1404.1233 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0223 Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Polynomial Chaotic Inflation in Supergravity Revisited",
IPMU14-0222 F. Gastaldello, M. Limousin, G. Foëx, R. P. Muñoz, T. Verdugo, V. Motta, A. More, R. Cabanac, D. A. Buote, D. Eckert, S. Ettori, A. Fritz, S. Ghizzardi, P. J. Humphrey, M. Meneghetti, M. Rossetti,
" Dark matter-baryons separation at the lowest mass scale: the Bullet Group",
MNRAS 442,76G, date of acceptance 2014.04.17,
IPMU14-0221 G. Foëx, V. Motta, M. Limousin, T. Verdugo, A. More, R. Cabanac, R. Gavazzi, R.P. Muñoz,
"SARCS strong lensing galaxy groups: I - optical, weak lensing, and scaling laws",
A&A 559, 105, date of acceptance 2013.08.20,
IPMU14-0220 Ting-Wen Lan, Brice Ménard, Guangtun Zhu,
"Exploring the diffuse interstellar bands with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey",
arXiv:1406.7284 [astro-ph],
IPMU14-0219 Masamune Oguri,
"A Cluster Finding Algorithm Based on the Multiband Identification of Red Sequence Galaxies",
MNRAS 444, 147-161 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.07.17,
arXiv:1407.4693 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0218 Matthew B. Bayliss, Jane R. Rigby, Keren Sharon, Eva Wuyts, Michael Florian, Michael D. Gladders, Traci Johnson, Masamune Oguri,
"The Physical Conditions, Metallicity and Metal Abundance Ratios in a Highly Magnified Galaxy at z = 3.6252",
Astrophys. J. 790, 144 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.06.27,
arXiv:1310.6695 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0217 Yuichi Higuchi, Masamune Oguri, Masato Shirasaki,
"Statistical Properties of Filaments in Weak Gravitational Lensing",
MNRAS 441, 745 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.21,
arXiv:1403.6591 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0216 Naohisa Inada, Masamune Oguri, Cristian E. Rusu, Issha Kayo, Tomoki Morokuma,
"Discovery of Four Doubly Imaged Quasar Lenses from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey",
AJ 147, 153 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.04.06,
arXiv:1401.2274 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0215 Yousuke Utsumi, Satoshi Miyazaki, Margaret J. Geller, Ian P. Dell'Antonio, Masamune Oguri, Michael J. Kurtz, Takashi Hamana, Daniel G. Fabricant,
"Reducing Systematic Error in Weak Lensing Cluster Surveys",
Astrophys. J. 786, 93 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.03.20,
arXiv:1304.4656 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0214 Matthew B. Bayliss, Traci Johnson, Michael D. Gladders, Keren Sharon, Masamune Oguri,
"Line-of-Sight Structure Toward Strong Lensing Galaxy Clusters",
Astrophys. J. 783, 41 (2014), date of acceptance 2014.01.14,
arXiv:1312.3637 [astro-ph]
IPMU14-0213 Y.Watanabe and J.Yokoyama,
"Gravitational modulated reheating and non-Gaussianity in supergravity $R^2$ inflation",
Phys. Rev. D 87, 103524 (2013), date of acceptance 2013.05.28,
arXiv:1303.5191 [hep-th]
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