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Marcus Werner,
"Gravitational lensing in the Kerr-Randers optical geometry",
Gen. Rel. Grav. 44, 3047 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.09.12,
arXiv:1205.3876 [gr-qc] IPMU12-0096,
Atsushi Taruya, Francis Bernardeau, Takahiro Nishimichi, Sandrine Codis,
"Direct and fast calculation of regularized cosmological power spectrum at two-loop order",
Phys. Rev. D 86, 103528 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.09.12,
arXiv:1208.1191 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0149
Elvis, M., Hao, H., Civano, F.... Silverman, J. et al.,
"Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Survey. I. The XMM-COSMOS Sample",
Astrophys. J. 759, 6, 2012, date of acceptance 2012.09.04,
arXiv:1209.1478 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0007,
P. Ghoshal and S.T. Petcov,
"Addendum:Neutrino Mass Hierarchy Determination Using Reactor Antineutrinos",
JHEP 1209,115(2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.30,
arXiv:1208.6473 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0204
Joachim Hilgert Toshiyuki Kobayashi Jan Moellers Bent Orsted,
" Fock model and Segal-Bargmann transform for minimal representations of Hermitian Lie groups",
J. Funct. Anal. 263, 3492-3563 (2012)., date of acceptance 2012.08.30,
arXiv:1203.05462 [math] IPMU13-0098,
F. Taddia et al. (incl. G. Folatelli, K. Maeda),
"Supernova 2008J: early time observations of a heavily reddened SN 2002ic-like transient",
A&A 545, L7 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.21,
arXiv:1208.2599 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0155
J.HIsano, D.Kobayashi, N.Nagata,
"Enhancement of Proton Decay Rates in Supersymmetric SU(5) Grand Unified Models",
Phys. Lett. B B716, 406-412 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.20,
arXiv:1204.6274 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0074
Keiichi Maeda,
"Injection and Acceleration of Electrons at A Strong Shock: Radio and X-ray Study of Young Supernova 2011dh",
Astrophys. J. 758, 81 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.20,
arXiv:1209.1466 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0170
Naomi Ota, Masamune Oguri, Xinyu Dai, Christopher S. Kochanek, Gordon T. Richards, Eran O. Ofek, Roger D. Blandford, Tim Schrabback, Naohisa Inada,
"The Chandra View of the Largest Quasar Lens SDSS J1029+2623",
Astrophys. J. 758, 26 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.15,
arXiv:1202.1645 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0015
B. Bakalov , T. Milanov,
"W-constraints for the total descendant potential of a simple singularity",
Compos. Math. DOI: 10.1112/S0010437X12000668 , date of acceptance 2012.08.14,
arXiv:1203.3414 [math-ph] IPMU12-0052,
Takahiro Nishimichi,
"Scale Dependence of the Halo Bias in General Local-Type Non-Gaussian Models I: Analytical Predictions and Consistency Relations",
JCAP 08, 037 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.13,
arXiv:1204.3490 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0098
Adi Zitrin, Matthias Bartelmann, Keiichi Umetsu, Masamune Oguri, Tom Broadhurst,
"Miscentring in Galaxy Clusters: Dark Matter to Brightest Cluster Galaxy Offsets in 10,000 SDSS Clusters",
MNRAS 426, 2944 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.07,
arXiv:1208.1766 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0151
A. Prosekin, W. Essey, A. Kusenko, F. Aharonian,
"Time structure of gamma-ray signals generated in line-of-sight interactions of cosmic rays from distant blazars",
Astrophys. J. 757, 183 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.06,
arXiv:1203.03787 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0060,
A. Gando, Y. Gando, H. Hanakago, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue, R. Kato, M. Koga, S. Matsuda, T. Mitsui, T. Nakada, K. Nakamura, A. Obata, A. Oki, Y. Ono, I. Shimizu, J. Shirai, A. Suzuki, Y. Takemoto, K. Tamae, K. Ueshima, H. Watanabe, B. D. Xu, S. Yamada, H. Yoshi,
"Limits on Majoron-Emitting Double-Beta Decays of 136Xe in KamLAND-Zen",
Phys. Rev. C 86, 021601(R) (2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.06,
arXiv:1205.6372 [hep-ex] IPMU12-0109,
D. N. Dinh, A. Ibarra, E. Molinaro , S. T. Petcov, ,
"The $\mu - e$ Conversion in Nuclei, $\mu \to e \gamma, \mu \to 3e$ Decays and TeV Scale See-Saw Scenarios of Neutrino Mass Generation",
JHEP 08,125(2012), date of acceptance 2012.08.02,
arXiv:1205.4671 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0106
Takaya Nozawa, Takashi Kozasa, Ken'ichi Nomoto,
"Can the Growth of Dust Grains in Low-Metallicity Star-Forming Clouds Affect the Formation of Metal-Poor Low-Mass Stars?",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 756, L35 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.07.31,
arXiv:1208.0158 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0147
Ryoichi Nishio, Taizan Watari, Tsutomu T. Yanagida and Kazuyz Yonekura,
"Naive Dimensional Analysis in Holography",
Phys. Rev. D 86, 016010 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.07.26,
arXiv:1205.2949 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0092
Bersten, Melina C.; Benvenuto, Omar G.; Nomoto, Ken'ichi; Ergon, Mattias; Folatelli, Gastón; Sollerman, Jesper; Benetti, Stefano; Botticella, Maria Teresa; Fraser, Morgan; Kotak, Rubina; Maeda, Keiichi; Ochner, Paolo; Tomasella, Lina,
"The Type IIb Supernova 2011dh from a Supergiant Progenitor",
Astrophys. J. 757, 31 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.07.17,
arXiv:1207.5975 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0038
Stritzinger, Maximilian; Taddia, Francesco; Fransson, Claes; Fox, Ori D.; Morrell, Nidia; Phillips, M. M.; Sollerman, Jesper; Anderson, J. P.; Boldt, Luis; Brown, Peter J.; Campillay, Abdo; Castellon, Sergio; Contreras, Carlos; Folatelli, Gastón; Hab,
"Multi-wavelength Observations of the Enduring Type IIn Supernovae 2005ip and 2006jd",
Astrophys. J. 756, 173 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.07.16,
arXiv:1206.5575 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0036
Toshiyuki Kobayashi and Yoshiki Oshima,
"Classification of discretely decomposable Aq(λ) with respect to reductive symmetric pairs",
Adv. Math. 231, 2013-2047 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.07.14,
arXiv:1104.04400 [math] IPMU13-0095,
Katsuyuki Naoi,
"Fusion products of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules and the X=M conjecture",
Adv. Math. vol 231, no. 3-4, page 1546-1571 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.07.03,
arXiv:1109.2450 [math] IPMU12-0182,
Tsz Yan Lam, Takahiro Nishimichi (Kavli-IPMU), Fabian Schmidt (Caltech), Masahiro Takada (Kavli-IPMU), ,
"Testing Gravity with the Stacked Phase Space around Galaxy Clusters",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 051301 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.06.27,
arXiv:1202.4501 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0130,
Baojiu Li (Durham), Tsz Yan Lam (Kavli-IPMU),
"Excursion set theory for modified gravity: Eulerian versus Lagrangian environments",
MNRAS (2012), date of acceptance 2012.06.26,
arXiv:1205.0058 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0131
Takashi Hamana, Masamune Oguri, Masato Shirasaki, and Masanori Sato,
"Scatter and bias in weak lensing selected clusters",
MNRAS 425, 2287 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.06.25,
arXiv:1204.6117 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0077
Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Norimi Yokozaki,
"Vacuum Stability Bound on Extended GMSB Models",
JHEP yet unknown, date of acceptance 2012.05.21,
arXiv:1202.2751 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0020
Civano, F. Elvis, M. et al. (including J. Silverman),
"The Chandra COSMOS Survey: III. Optical and Infrared Identification of X-ray Point Sources",
Astrophys. J. TDB, date of acceptance 2012.05.21,
arXiv:1205.5030 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0103,
D. Marrone et al. (including M. Takada),
"LoCuSS: The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Weak Lensing Mass Scaling Relation",
Astrophys. J. 754, 119 (2012) , date of acceptance 2012.05.18,
arXiv:1107.5115 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0005,
M. Tanaka, K.S. Kawabata, T. Hattori, P.A. Mazzali, K. Aoki, M. Iye, K. Maeda, K. Nomoto, E. Pian, T. Sasaki, M. Yamanaka,
"Three-dimensional Explosion Geometry of Stripped-envelope Core-collapse Supernovae. I. Spectropolarimetric Observations",
Astrophys. J. 753, 63 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.05.18,
Issha Kayo and Masamune Oguri,
"Very small-scale clustering of quasars from a complete quasar lens survey",
MNRAS 424, 1363 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.05.15,
arXiv:1203.6410 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0058
Toshitake Kohno,
"Quantum and homological representations of braid groups",
Edizioni della Normale 2012, date of acceptance 2012.05.01,
F. Bufano et al. (incl. K. Maeda, K. Nomoto),
"The Highly Energetic Expansion of SN 2010bh Associated with GRB 100316D",
Astrophys. J. 753, 67 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.05.01,
arXiv:1111.4527 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0158
Foley, Ryan J.; Kromer, Markus; Howie Marion, G.; Pignata, Giuliano; Stritzinger, Maximilian D.; Taubenberger, Stefan; Challis, Peter; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Folatelli, Gastón; Hillebrandt, Wolfgang; Hsiao, Eric Y.; Kirshner, Robert P.; Li, Weidong; ,
"The First Maximum-light Ultraviolet through Near-infrared Spectrum of a Type Ia Supernova",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 753, 5 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.05.01,
arXiv:1202.5301 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0035
Matthew Sudano,
"The Romelsberger Index, Berkooz Deconfinement, and Infinite Families of Seiberg Duals",
JHEP 05, 51(2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.26,
Mosher, J.; Sako, M.; Corlies, L.; Folatelli, G.; Frieman, J.; Holtzman, J.; Jha, S. W.; Kessler, R.; Marriner, J.; Phillips, M. M.; Stritzinger, M.; Morrell, N.; Schneider, D. P.,
"A Precision Photometric Comparison between SDSS-II and CSP Type Ia Supernova Data",
AJ 144, 17 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.25,
arXiv:1206.1791 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0034
Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Norimi Yokozaki,
"Higgs mass, muon g-2, and LHC prospects in gauge mediation models with vector-like matters",
Phys. Rev. D 85, 095012 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.23,
arXiv:1112.5653 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0212,
Trichas, M., Green, P., Silverman, J. et al.,
"The Chandra Multi-Wavelength Project: Optical Spectroscopy and the Broadband Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray Selected AGN",
Astrophys. J. TBD, TBD ((2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.21,
arXiv:1204.5148 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0080,
Patrick Valageas, Masanori Sato, Takahiro Nishimichi,
"Modeling of weak lensing statistics. I. Power spectrum and bispectrum",
A&A 541, 161 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.19,
arXiv:1111.7156 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0203
A. Gando , Y. Gando , H. Hanakago , H. Ikeda , K. Inoue , R. Kato , M. Koga , S. Matsuda , T. Mitsui , T. Nakada , K. Nakamura , A. Obata , A. Oki , Y. Ono , I. Shimizu , J. Shirai , A. Suzuki , Y. Takemoto , K. Tamae , K. Ueshima , H. Watanabe , B. D. Xu,
"Measurement of the Double-Beta Decay Half-life of 136Xe in KamLAND-Zen",
Phys. Rev. C 85, 045504 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.19,
arXiv:1201.4664 [hep-ex] IPMU12-0011,
Warren Essey, Alexander Kusenko,
"On weak redshift dependence of gamma-ray spectra of distant blazars.",
Astrophys. J. Lett. 751, L11 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.17,
arXiv:1111.0815 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0072,
Satoshi Kondo, Seidai Yasuda,
"Local L and epsilon factors in Hecke eigenvalues",
J. Number Theory ***, date of acceptance 2012.04.10,
Adi Zitrin, Tom Broadhurst, Matthias Bartelmann, Yoel Rephaeli, Masamune Oguri, Narciso Benitez, Jiangang Hao, and Keiichi Umetsu,
"The Universal Einstein Radius Distribution from 10,000 SDSS Clusters",
MNRAS 423, 2308 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.04.02,
arXiv:1105.2295 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0085
Motoi Endo, Koichi Hamaguchi, Sho Iwamoto, Kazunori Nakayama, Norimi Yokozaki,
"Higgs mass and muon anomalous magnetic moment in the U(1) extended MSSM",
Phys. Rev. D 85, 095006 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.28,
arXiv:1112.6412 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0215,
Michael Loewenstein, Alexander Kusenko,
"Dark Matter Search Using XMM-Newton Observations of Willman 1",
Astrophys. J. 751, 82 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.22,
arXiv:1203.5229 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0059,
Masahiro Kawasaki, Alexander Kusenko, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Primordial seeds of supermassive black holes",
Phys. Lett. B 711, 1 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.21,
arXiv:1202.3848 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0021
Hirashita Hiroyuki, Takaya Nozawa,
"Synthesized Grain Size Distribution in the Interstellar Medium",
EPS 65, 183-192 (2013), date of acceptance 2012.03.16,
arXiv:1203.4298 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0055
Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Shinji Mukohyama, Anzhong Wang,
"General relativity limit of Horava-Lifshitz gravity with a scalar field in gradient expansion",
Phys. Rev. D 85, 064042 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.06,
arXiv:1109.2609 [hep-th] IPMU11-0150
Naohisa Inada, Masamune Oguri, Min-Su Shin, Issha Kayo, Michael A. Strauss, Tomoki Morokuma, Cristian E. Rusu, Masataka Fukugita, Christopher S. Kochanek, Gordon T. Richards, Donald P. Schneider, Donald G. York, Neta A. Bahcall, Joshua A. Frieman, Patrick,
"The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search. V. Final Catalog from the Seventh Data Release ",
AJ 143, 119 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.05,
arXiv:1203.1087 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0031
Masamune Oguri, Naohisa Inada, Michael A. Strauss, Christopher S. Kochanek, Issha Kayo, Min-Su Shin, Tomoki Morokuma, Gordon T. Richards, Cristian E. Rusu, Joshua A. Frieman, Masataka Fukugita, Donald P. Schneider, Donald G. York, Neta A. Bahcall, Richard,
"The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search. VI. Constraints on Dark Energy and the Evolution of Massive Galaxies ",
AJ 143, 120 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.05,
arXiv:1203.1088 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0032
A. Meroni , E. Molinaro , S.T. Petcov,
"Revisiting Leptogenesis in a SU(5)xT' Model of Flavour",
Phys. Lett. B 710,435(2012), date of acceptance 2012.03.04,
arXiv:1203.4435 [hep-ph] IPMU12-0205
Masaomi Tanaka, Takashi J. Moriya, Naoki Yoshida, Ken'ichi Nomoto,
"Detectability of High-Redshift Superluminous Supernovae with Upcoming Optical and Near-Infrared Surveys",
MNRAS TBD, date of acceptance 2012.02.28,
arXiv:1202.3610 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0034
Limongi Marco, Chieffi Alessandro,
ApJS 199,38(2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.21,
Masaomi Tanaka, Takaya Nozawa, Itsuki Sakon, Takashi Onaka, Ko Arimatsu, Ryo Ohsawa, Keiichi Maeda, Takehiko Wada, Hideo Matsuhara, Hidehiro Kaneda, ,
"A Search for Infrared Emission from Core-Collapse Supernovae at the Transitional Phase",
Astrophys. J. 749, 173 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.17,
arXiv:1202.4203 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0054
Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Cosmological perturbations of self-accelerating universe in nonlinear massive gravity",
JCAP 1203 (2012) 006, date of acceptance 2012.02.14,
arXiv:1111.4107 [hep-th] IPMU11-0189
Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya, Noriaki Ogawa, Tadashi Takayanagi, Tomonori Ugajin ,
"Soliton Stars as Holographic Confined Fermi Liquids",
JHEP 1202,137(2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.13,
Jason L. Evans, Masahiro Ibe, Matthew Sudano, Tsutomu T. Yanagida,
"Simplified R-Symmetry Breaking and Low-Scale Gauge Mediation",
JHEP 03, 004 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.12,
Teruhiko Kawano, Yoichi Tsuchiya and Taizan Watari,
"A Note on Kahler Potential of Charged Matter in F-theory",
Phys. Lett. B 709, 254 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.08,
arXiv:1112.2987 [hep-th] IPMU11-0202
Yamaguchi, H., Tanakam M., Maeda, K., Slane, P.O., Foster, A., Smith, R.K., Katsuda, S., Yoshii, R. ,
"Elemental Abundances in the Possible Type Ia Supernova Remnant G344.7-0.1",
Astrophys. J. 749, 137 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.02.07,
arXiv:1202.1588 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0017
Toshitake Kohno,
"Homological representations of braid groups and KZ connections",
J. of Sing. 2012, date of acceptance 2012.02.01,
Patrick Valageas, Masanori Sato, Takahiro Nishimichi,
"Modeling of weak lensing statistics. II. Configuration-space statistics",
A&A 541, 162 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.01.30,
arXiv:1112.1495 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0204
Takashi J. Moriya, Nozomu Tominaga,
"Diversity of Luminous Supernovae from Non-Steady Mass Loss",
Astrophys. J. TBD, date of acceptance 2012.01.23,
arXiv:1110.3807 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0175
Tom Griffin, Petr Horava, and Charles M. Melby-Thompson,
"Lifshitz Gravity for Lifshitz Holography",
Phys. Rev. Lett. TBD, date of acceptance 2012.01.23,
arXiv:1211.4872 [hep-th] IPMU12-0212,
Noriaki Ogawa, Tadashi Takayanagi, Tomonori Ugajin,
"Holographic Fermi Surfaces and Entanglement Entropy",
JHEP 1201,125(2012.), date of acceptance 2012.01.15,
Hirotaka Hayashi, Teruhiko Kawano and Taizan Watari,
"Constraints on GUT 7-brane Topology in F-theory",
Phys. Lett. B 708, 191 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.01.12,
arXiv:1112.2032 [hep-th] IPMU11-0201
Kattner, Shianne; Leonard, Douglas C.; Burns, Christopher R.; Phillips, M. M.; Folatelli, Gastón; Morrell, Nidia; Stritzinger, Maximilian D.; Hamuy, Mario; Freedman, Wendy L.; Persson, Sven E.; Roth, Miguel; Suntzeff, Nicholas B.,
"The Standardizability of Type Ia Supernovae in the Near-Infrared: Evidence for a Peak-Luminosity Versus Decline-Rate Relation in the Near-Infrared",
PASP 124,114 (2012), date of acceptance 2012.01.06,
arXiv:1201.2913 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0033


Simeon Hellerman, Domenico Orlando, Susanne Reffert,
"String theory of the Omega deformation",
JHEP JHEP 1201 (2012) 148 , date of acceptance 2011.12.26,
arXiv:1106.0279 [hep-th] IPMU11-0096,
Presotto, V. Iovino et al. (including J. Silverman and M. Tanaka),
"A journey from the outskirts to the cores of groups. I. Color- and mass-segregation in 20K-zCOSMOS groups",
A&A 539, 55 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.12.22,
arXiv:1201.1673 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0086,
Nishio Ryoichi and Taizan Watari,
"Investigating Generalized Parton Distribution in Gravity Dual",
Phys. Lett. B doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2011.12.051, date of acceptance 2011.12.21,
arXiv:1105.2907 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0080
Alexander Kusenko , M.B. Voloshin,
"A gamma-ray signature of energetic sources of cosmic-ray nuclei ",
Phys. Lett. B 707, 255 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.12.16,
arXiv:1109.0565 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0003,
Yabe, K., Ohta, K., Iwamuro et al.(including J. Silverman),
"NIR Spectroscopy of Star-Forming Galaxies at z~1.4 with Subaru/FMOS: The Mass-Metallicity Relation",
PASJ TBD, TBD, (2012), date of acceptance 2011.12.15,
arXiv:1112.3704 [astro-ph] IPMU12-0084,
Toshiyuki Kobayashi, Bent Oersted, Michael Pevzner,
"Geometric analysis on small unitary representations of GL(n,R)",
J. Funct. Anal. 260, 1682-1720 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.12.09,
Kimihiko Nakajima, Masami Ouchi, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Yoshiaki Ono, Janice Lee, Sebastien Foucaud, Chun Ly, Daniel Dale, Samir Salim, Rose Finn, Omar Almaini, and Sadanori Okamura,
"Average Metallicity and Star Formation Rate of Lya Emitters Probed by a Triple Narrow-Band Survey",
Astrophys. J. 745, 12 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.11.28,
arXiv:1105.2824 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0097
Gomez, H. L., Clark, C. J. R., Nozawa, T., Krause, O., Gomez, E. L., , Matsuura, M., Barlow, M. J., Besel, M.-A., Dunne, L., Gear, W. K., Hargrave, P., , Henning, Th., Ivison, R. J., Sibthorpe, B., Swinyard, B. M., Wesson, R., ,
"Dust in Historical Galactic Type Ia Supernova Remnants with Herschel",
MNRAS 420, 3557 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.11.28,
arXiv:1111.6627 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0200
Toshiyuki Kobayashi,
"Restrictions of generalized Verma modules to symmetric pairs",
Transformation Groups 17, 523-546 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.11.27,
arXiv:1008.4544 [math] IPMU12-0051,
R. Kodera , K. Naoi,
"Loewy series of Weyl modules and the Poincare polynomials of quiver varieties",
Publ. RIMS vol. 48, issue 4, date of acceptance 2011.11.25,
arXiv:1103.4207 [math] IPMU12-0124,
Masamune Oguri, Matthew B. Bayliss, Haakon Dahle, Keren Sharon, Michael D. Gladders, Priyamvada Natarajan, Joseph F. Hennawi, Benjamin P. Koester,
"Combined strong and weak lensing analysis of 28 clusters from the Sloan Giant Arcs Survey",
MNRAS 420, 3213 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.11.22,
arXiv:1109.2594 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0152
Fanny Kassel, Toshiyuki Kobayashi,
"Stable spectrum for pseudo-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces",
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 349, 29-33, (2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.20,
Kiyokazu Nagatomo and Akihiro Tsuchiya,
"The triplet vertex operator algebra W(p) and the restricted quantum group $\overline{U_{q}}(sl_2)$ at $q=\exp^{\frac{\pi i}{p}}$",
ASPM 61, 1-49, 2011, date of acceptance 2011.11.18,
Mitsutoshi Fujita, Tadashi Takayanagi, Erik Tonni,
"Aspects of AdS/BCFT",
JHEP 1111,043(2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.17,
David Marzocca, Serguey T. Petcov, Andrea Romanino, Martin Spinrath, ,
"Sizeable $\theta_{13}$ from the Charged Lepton Sector in SU(5), (Tri-)Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing and Dirac CP Violation",
JHEP 1111,009(2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.16,
arXiv:1108.0614 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0159
E. Molinaro, S.T. Petcov,
"A Case of Subdominant/Suppressed ``High Energy'' Contribution to the Baryon",
Phys. Lett. B 671, 66 (2009), date of acceptance 2011.11.15,
arXiv:0808.3534 [hep-ph] IPMU08-0057
Hitoshi Murayama, Mihoko Nojiri, and Kohsaku Tobioka,
"Improved discovery of nearly degenerate model: MUED using $M_{T2}$ at the LHC",
Phys. Rev. D 84, 094015(2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.14,
arXiv:1107.3369 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0104
Junji Hisano, Koji Ishiwata, and Natsumi Nagata,
"Direct Detection of Dark Matter Degenerate with Colored Particles in Mass",
Phys. Lett. B 706,208, date of acceptance 2011.11.09,
arXiv:1110.3719 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0174
Emir Gumrukcuoglu, Chunshan Lin, Shinji Mukohyama,
"Open FRW universes and self-acceleration from nonlinear massive gravity",
JCAP 11, 030 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.11.07,
arXiv:1109.3845 [hep-th] IPMU11-0154
Cartier, R., Forster, F., Coppi, P., Hamuy, M., Maeda, K., , Pignata, G., Folatelli, G.,
"A study of the color diversity around maximum light in Type Ia Supernovae",
A&A in press, date of acceptance 2011.11.03,
arXiv:1110.0480 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0176
Satoshi Kondo, Seidai Yasuda,
"Zeta elements in the K-theory of Drinfeld modular varieties",
Math. Ann. ***, date of acceptance 2011.10.28,
Taddia, F.; Stritzinger, M. D.; Sollerman, J.; Phillips, M. M.; Anderson, J. P.; Ergon, M.; Folatelli, G.; Fransson, C.; Freedman, W.; Hamuy, M.; Morrell, N.; Pastorello, A.; Persson, S. E.; Gonzalez, S.,
"The Type II supernovae 2006V and 2006au: two SN 1987A-like events",
A&A 537, A140 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.10.25,
arXiv:1111.2509 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0037
A. Gando, Y. Gando, K. Ichimura, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue, Y. Kibe, Y. Kishimoto, M. Koga, Y. Minekawa, T. Mitsui, T. Morikawa, N. Nagai, K. Nakajima, K. Nakamura, K. Narita, I. Shimizu, Y. Shimizu, J. Shirai, F. Suekane, A. Suzuki, H. Takahashi, N. Takahashi, ,
"A study of extraterrestrial antineutrino sources with the KamLAND detector",
Astrophys. J. 745, 193 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.10.23,
arXiv:1105.3516 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0090,
Cosimo Bambi, Leonardo Modesto,
"Can an astrophysical black hole have a topologically non-trivial event horizon?",
Phys. Lett. B (2011), date of acceptance 2011.10.23,
arXiv:1107.4337 [gr-qc] IPMU11-0058
Masayuki Tanaka,
"A Novel Method to Identify AGNs Based on Emission Line Excess and the Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: I -- A Novel Method",
PASJ 2012 April issue, date of acceptance 2011.10.21,
arXiv:1111.0132 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0184
Masayuki Tanaka,
"A Novel Method to Identify AGNs Based on Emission Line Excess and the Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: II - Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs",
PASJ 2012 April issue, date of acceptance 2011.10.21,
arXiv:1111.0133 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0185
Folatelli, Gastón; Phillips, M. M.; Morrell, Nidia; Tanaka, Masaomi; Maeda, Keiichi; Nomoto, Ken'ichi; Stritzinger, Maximilian; Burns, Christopher R.; Hamuy, Mario; Mazzali, Paolo; Boldt, Luis; Campillay, Abdo; Contreras, Carlos; González, Sergi,
"Unburned Material in the Ejecta of Type Ia Supernovae",
Astrophys. J. 745, 74(2012), date of acceptance 2011.10.18,
arXiv:1110.3789 [astro-ph] IPMU13-0032,
Chiaki Hikage, Masahiro Takada, David N. Spergel,
"Using galaxy-galaxy weak lensing measurements to correct the Finger-of-God",
MNRAS 419, 3457 (2012), date of acceptance 2011.10.12,
arXiv:1106.1640 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0075,
Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi,
"Low-scale Supersymmetry from Inflation",
JCAP JCAP10(2011)033, date of acceptance 2011.10.10,
Cosimo Bambi,
"Can we constrain the maximum value for the spin parameter of the super-massive objects in galactic nuclei without knowing their actual nature?",
Phys. Lett. B 705,5(2011), date of acceptance 2011.10.05,
arXiv:1110.0687 [gr-qc] IPMU11-0170
Noriaki Ogawa and Tadashi Takayanagi,
"Higher Derivative Corrections to Holographic Entanglement Entropy for AdS Solitons",
JHEP 1110,147(2011), date of acceptance 2011.10.01,
Masayuki Tanaka, Alexis Finoguenov, Simon Lilly et al. (incl. John Silverman),
"X-ray Groups of Galaxies at 0.5<z<1 in zCOSMOS: Increased AGN Activities in High Redshift Groups",
PASJ 2012 April issue, date of acceptance 2011.09.21,
arXiv:1110.0979 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0183
Cosimo Bambi, Enrico Barausse,
"The final stages of accretion onto non-Kerr compact objects",
Phys. Rev. D 84,084034(2011), date of acceptance 2011.09.20,
arXiv:1108.4740 [gr-qc] IPMU11-0132
Neal Jackson, Hayden Rampadarath, Eran O. Ofek, Masamune Oguri, Min-Su Shin,
"New Lensed Quasars from the MUSCLES Survey",
MNRAS 419, 2014(2012), date of acceptance 2011.09.20,
arXiv:1109.4325 [astro-ph] IPMU11-0156
Motoi Endo, , Koichi Hamaguchi, , Sho Iwamoto, , Norimi Yokozaki,
"Higgs Mass and Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in Supersymmetric Models with Vector-Like Matters",
Phys. Rev. D 84, 075017 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.09.19,
arXiv:1108.3071 [hep-ph] IPMU11-0133,
S. Abe, K. Furuno, A. Gando, Y. Gando, K. Ichimura, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue, Y. Kibe, W. Kimura, Y. Kishimoto, M. Koga, Y. Minekawa, T. Mitsui, T. Morikawa, N. Nagai, K. Nakajima, K. Nakamura, M. Nakamura, K. Narita, I. Shimizu, Y. Shimizu, J. Shirai, F. Sueka,
"Measurement of the 8B Solar Neutrino Flux with KamLAND",
Phys. Rev. C 84, 035804 (2011), date of acceptance 2011.09.13,
arXiv:1106.0861 [nucl-ex] IPMU11-0103,
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